Vales new hero.

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Start intro

At the top of Building in Vale there stood a dark figure looking at the city with his black cape,black armor and golden horns.Next to him was Defender Torozord his trusted friend. This was the Magna Defender the warrior who fights for the defenseless and innocent. He fights where he is needed. Next it shows him fighting the Grimm with deathly efficiency and they seem not match for him. Then he shoots his blaster shots of green lasers at them which destroyed them. After that he defends the village from a bandit attack. Next it shows him fighting Adam in a sword fight on a burning landscape. Once both blades clash it them they shine.He then appears in his civilian attire with a little girl with panther eyes,ears and tail. As he looks up in the sky he recite the oath he has swore upon the day he became the Magna Defender.

" I swear upon my honor. That I will use my powers to help and protect those who can't fight for themselves. For it is my mission as a true warrior on the righteous path. For I will follow-through example of my predecessors who came before me, to uphold the values of selflessness, selfsacrifice,courage,honor and perseverance. To fight against the darkness and never retreat and never surrender. To not be guided by anyone of power and authority who would abuse this power and never let evil triumph. To never use my powers for selfish reasons like fame or fortune unlike these huntsman who disgrace the name of noble warriors.For this is who I am. I am Y/n L/n the Magna Defender."

Then it ends with Y/n as the Magna Defender in his heroic pose.

Intro ends.

1 year later in Vale

After a long year and during the journey Y/n L/n has been on the headlines well more like the Magna defender who made many appearances in many villages like stopping a Grimm horde by himself and eliminate their hives and defended them from either Bandits or White Fang. But during his way to Vale he meet with a young girl 6 years old Janet who was a panther faunus with black hair,tail and eyes. Who lost her parents when a Grimm killed them. Y/n knew the pain and decided to take her with him since it was the right thing to do. She was sad at the beginning but after 2 months she was calling him daddy and he loved her like his own daughter and was sure his parents would to love her as their own granddaughter and she knew who he was and it made her happy that he is a Hero. But was nervous of losing him to. Even took up his last name Janet L/n and they arrived in Vale and gotten a house and enjoy their time together. Then as the days came by he went out whether day or night and fight crime and injustice and helping those in need. After 5 more months he was soon being targeted by the council and police force for being a vigilante. Though there was some arguments about it but he did lower crime and stopped dust robberies and put away a large amount of criminals and White fang. But it was that one night where vale decided to take him more seriously.

Y/n's pov

Man what a crazy time here. I made a lot of impressions on people here. As Magna Defender I mean. Well at least Janet is at school now. She did have trouble with the bullying but thankfully it stopped. Still it doesn't stop me from worrying about her. I am now working at the dust shop called Dust Until Dusk. Which got renovated and the owner is a great guy and gave me a good job and I'm just glad that now I can make my own money and as I finish the last of taking it the stocks I look at the watch on my wrists and see that Janet is about to leave school. So I went up to Mr. Thomson and said

Y/n: Sir,is it alright I can leave early.

Mr. Thomson: To pick up Janet from school.

Y/n: Yes.

Mr. Thomson: Of course you can Y/n. Also take the rest of the day off.

Y/n: Are you sure that you don't need me here to help you sir.

Mr. Thomson: No I'll be fine Y/n. Just spend some time with your daughter.

Before I can say anything.Then the news came out and Lisa Lavender of Vale News came up and said.

"On todays news the warrior known as the Magna Defender has appeared once again and has stopped a get away vehicle and saved the life of a child here is the video showing you how it took place."

The video came up of a get away vehicle speeding and. Shooting at the cops and then they saw a child in the road as the Mother ran to get him. The car was going in fast then the Magna Defender jumped down between the kid and the car. Then took out his sword and cut the vehicle in half and when the robbers came out they saw him with his blaster out and they surrender. Then the police showed up and try to arrest him but he jumped away.

" This we seen was another accomplishment of this warrior or Vigilante they call him. Saving a young child from death with no hesitation and for no reward. He has also appeared to help others like helping the elderly cross the streets and helping animals out of tress and other situations. Also he has stooped a number of robberies and racial attacks. Many have come up and said that he is a Hero and has proven his title as the defender while others say that he is a criminal and a vigilante who has no right to be doing it. The Council and the police are after him. Now right here we have a visual on a group of people both human and faunus holding up signs of the Magna Defender picture. Now let's see their opinions."

Then show the same mother who's kid was almost run over with the father and son.

"We don't care what anyone says about him especially the council. He has saved my son and so many others. Magna Defender if you are hearing this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You will always have my support."

Then came the father

" She right Magna Defender. You have our family's support. For what you did and for so many others. We don't know how to repay you for saving my son. Know that we are eternal grateful."

Then next came at the shot of a male dog faunus.

"I agree with them. Magna Defender you have done so much for us and never asked for anything in return. That speaks volumes about you. You have motivated us to never give up and work together for a future that we want. United and strong. You have saved so many Faunus and you are our symbol of hope. You have untied us. For that we the faunus thank you."

Then it was a ordinary bystander.

"we pay our taxes to have the police and Huntsman protect us. But they are all waiting in their ass for the problem to come itself and then act. The Magna Defender does not wait he acts and stops them with minimal to no damage on property. He is a professional and does this all for free. We should be paying him for he risks his life out there and beyond not just for us but for the villages more than what these huntsman are doing."

"There you have it. It seems that this Magna Defender has gained a lot of support and the real question everyone is asking who is he under the helmet."

Third person

The news cuts off and then he turn to my boss and said.

Y/n: It seems Magna Defender has been gaining more support.

Mr. Thomson: Yes he is. I wish the world was more with people like him. There is no need to describe what a hero means. He defines it with his actions. Now get along before Janet starts to worry.

Y/n nodded and left and Mr. Thomson smiled at him then though.

Mr. Thomson: Poor kid losing his parents at a young age and being the last one in the L/n family a powerful and we'll respected family in all of remnant. For they don't value money,fame and power. They value the individual and the person who they are and they have define what real power is. They have made martial arts and fighting styles the likes of which Remnant has never seen before. Now all that is now his and the girl. Still it makes my heart glad that he took in that poor girl and once he told me her story I was shock and my respect for him rose. I can see they truly care for one another like father and daughter. Now then I need to get back to work.

In Beacon Academy

In the Lunch room there were four team sitting together. These were Team MASK who were Midori Hayashi,Aoi Mizu,Shiro Suzume and Kuro Tetsu.

The next team consists of Dione Fritillary, Lehua Kaleolani, Iris Blush, and Anatolia Vulpini who is a bit racist towards humans but seeing how the Magna defender fights for all equally and treats them all. She starts to wonder if they are all bad. Especially him after she and sent he video of how he defeated Adam and blake single-handedly. Also she has paid attention to his words that hold wisdom.

The rest consists of RWBY and JNRP. Lead by Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc. As they enjoyed their meals until they all heard the news and saw what the Magna Defender did and how their mouths drop when his sword cut through the car in half with no effort. Then show the opinions of the people. The last one hit them but they understood why. For Ruby she was a fangirl for the Magna Defender. She couldn't believe that there was a real life super hero here and wanted to see his weapon since they saw it's a laser weapon something no one has heard off.

Weiss: How is that possible?

Dione: I don't know only the Magna Defender can do it. He is a very powerful warrior.

Yang: Wait it was him who saved you guys?

Aoi: Yep it was badass how he did it. First with lasers shooting out of his weapon. Then charging in with his sword and doing these awesome moves we never seen. He even healed us.

Blake: Was that his semblance?

Shiro: No it wasn't it was something else then he left.

Aoi: yep and Have you guys seen how he best Adam.

Irish: Yes and what he said to him has affected a lot of people especially faunus.

Anatolia: He has and he could've killed him but no he spared him.

Pyrrha: Yes because he stated that it would be a easy escape for him.

Jaune: Yeah and is anyone else nervous how he did that with no problem.

Ren: We all are Jaune. The council has sent many veteran huntsman to track him down but with little success.

Ruby: Still it's pretty cool that we have a super hero here in Vale.


Yang: Weiss she is a bog super hero nerd. Remember she has his pictures on her wall.

Ruby: Hey. Well enough about that. How about all of us go to the park and relax and talk a bit.

Midori: Sounds like a good idea.

Irish: Agree.

With that the four team of huntsman left and started their way into the park.

(hope you like it and until next chapter)

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