The meeting and the search for answers.

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Intro begins. (a/n I want to see if you guys like this theme or want the original one)

At the top of Building in Vale there stood a dark figure looking at the city with his black cape,black armor and golden horns.Next to him was Defender Torozord his trusted friend. This was the Magna Defender the warrior who fights for the defenseless and innocent. He rides into battle in his astro cycle to fight where he is needed. Next it shows him fighting the Grimm with deathly efficiency and they seem not match for him. Then he shoots his blaster shots of green lasers at them which destroyed them. After that he defends the village from a bandit attack. Next it shows him fighting Adam in a sword fight on a burning landscape. Once both blades clash it them they shine.He then appears in his civilian attire with a little girl with panther eyes,ears and tail his adopted daughter Janet. As he looks up in the sky he recite the oath he has swore upon the day he became the Magna Defender.

" I swear upon my honor. That I will use my powers to help and protect those who can't fight for themselves. For it is my mission as a true warrior on the righteous path. For I will follow-through example of my predecessors who came before me, to uphold the values of selflessness, self-sacrifice,courage,honor and perseverance. To fight against the darkness and never retreat and never surrender. To not be guided by anyone of power and authority who would abuse this power and never let evil triumph. To never use my powers for selfish reasons like fame or fortune unlike these huntsman who disgrace the name of noble warriors.For this is who I am. I am Y/n L/n the Magna Defender."

Then it ends with Y/n as the Magna Defender in his heroic pose.

Intro ends.

At Vale school Y/n's pov

I drove to the school in the car I was able to buy and when I go there. I was in time to see them depart and saw Janet with her friends and I smiled softly and got out. Janet saw me and ran up to me and hugged me.

Y/n: How was your day at school Janet?

Janet: Alright dad. Me and my friends made this awesome house I wish you to seem

He smiled and responded with.

Y/n: Alright I will then. Who wants to go the park.

Janet: Me! Dad can I get a crepe when we get there.

Y/n: Yes you can get a crepe sweetie.

She smiled and hopped into the car and I smiled softly and though how lucky I am for having such a amazing daughter. I know we ain't related by blood but I still care and worry for her. She feels the same. I'll go to hell and back for her. She gives me a reason to fight for as the Magna Defender. To make this world a safer place for her. I shook out if not and followed and soon we were driving off to the park and relax and enjoy our time and probably get a but of training in.

Third person

As Vale park the four teams. JNRP, RWBY, MASK and DLIA were walking around and chatting with each other.

Ruby: So Kuro do you think the Magna Defender really has a energy weapon?

Kuro: Yes from what we seen it does not use dust or have a battery. He doesn't reload which is strange.

Weiss: But how that guy got hold of a energy gun. It was though as impossible to make.

Blake: Yes until he showed up and it seems he doesn't hit anyone directly and the explosion seems to knock out anyone around it either with aura or not. Just imagine what a direct hit would be.

They all shiver at the though. A direct hit with the Magna Blaster will mean certain death since its powerful enough to kill any Grimm regardless of how strong it is. Still they were thankful that he didn't use it like that on people and just shot near the to knock them out. As they continue Irish,Aoi,Shiro and Anatolia were talking and tripped and fell on one another. They wonder what they hit until they heard the sound of a little girl. They all look and saw a 7 year old Girl who was a panther faunus with black hair,panther ears and eyes also a black tail. She was down in the ground and said. As the four got up.

Janet: My crepe.

All 16 look at the little girl sweet treat in the ground and she started to get teary which made Aoi,Shiro,Irish and Anatolia feel bad for not looking where they were going.

Aoi: We are so sorry.

The little girl looked at them and with her big teary eyed and face made them fall for her cuteness but still it didn't make her feel better. Shiro walked up to her and said.

Shiro: It's alright little one. How about we get you a new crepe.

Janet dried her eyes and looked at them with a more Cheery tone.

Janet: Really.

Anatolia: Yes consider it our way of apologize for us not looking where we are looking.

They nodded and agree and Janet git up and hold shiro's hand as they go to the crepe cart. After buying her crepe and a few for them they introduce themselves and saw her happy face while they ate they notice the girl was alone so Midori was the last to introduce herself and asked.

Midori: Hello I'm Midori Hayashi and you are?

Janet: I'm Janet L/n nice to meet you all.

Weiss,Blake and Anatolia looked puzzled at her last name. Since it sounded so familiar and Ruby asked.

Ruby: Janet why are you here alone?

The girl tilt her gear and said.

Janet: I'm not alone my dad is here.

Weiss: So where is he and why did he left you alone?

Janet: Dad is training and he didn't leave me alone I kinda wonder off. But Papa always finds me. He is the best Papa in the world and also a great cook.

Nora: Is your dad a huntsman?

Janet: No Daddy always said that they have no honor and he considers himself a noble warrior.

They were all shock to hear that her father was training and is hot a huntsman and says that they have no honor. Though it all made sense when Ren spotted a mark on her neck that looked like a tattoo.

Ren: Janet why do you have that on your neck?

They all look and saw it and that was when Weiss said.

Weiss: Wait are you related to the L/n family?

Janet: Yes, though I was adopted by Dad when he found me.

They all wonder looked at her wide eyes and most heard of them except for Jaune and asked.

Jaune: Who are the L/n Family.

Weiss:You dunce how come you didn't heard of them. The L/n Family were once the most respected family in all of of remnant. They were master fighters and some say that they carry the blood of heroes from before in them. They have made their own martial arts and fighting styles the likes of which remnant has never seen before. There were also legends saying that they hold incredible powers and other secrets. Many have try to learn their ways but we're refused. They only way to know who was a member of the L/n family was the mark that was given to them like that one.

Pyrrha: That is true my dad wanted them to train me but they refused. Then said that those are for the family and for those they trust and believe to be truly noble.

Blake: Also they were huge supporters of equal rights for faunus. Since in their own words. "Every living being on this world deserves to be treated as an equal. No matter their race,gender,religion."

Jaune: You said once what does that mean.

Anatolia: Some say that the whole family was killed by the White Fang commander Adam Taurus. Since they made their last stand to help the Faunus and civilians escape from their prisons. Many people though that was the end of the family.

Janet: Yeah I wish I got to see my grandma and grandpa. But Dad said that they will always be with us.

Anatolia: So how did you get that Mark.

Janet: Oh I got it when I was asleep and woke up and notice it. I went to Dad and he said. That our ancestors and grandma and grandpa have accepted me into the family and gave me this.

Jaune: How's that possible?

Janet: I asked Dad that but he just laughed and said. That is the power of our family. To do the impossible in mysterious ways that we understand.

They all took in the info and wonder who was the the one who lived.

Lihua: Well we better get you back to your Dad before he starts to worry.

They all took her back to where she said her papa was training. When they arrived they saw what cause some of the girls to blush. There's was a male 17 years old has h/c hair in a black tank top and black and gold sweatpants in running shoes blindfolded and he is well but they can see. Dodging the trunk of wood that came by him. They were all shock how graceful he is and how swift he can dodge like he can see them before they reach him. Then he started to punch and kick the trunks in quick and powerful blows. The huntsman in training were having their mouths drop by the power of each hit breaking the trunk in half. The after that they all see him move his arms and legs around in a few positions that they don't recognize and soon the feel a gust of wind come up and the leaves start to pick up and make a circular motion around him and as he moved his arms forward it seems the wind blown that way and soon it dies out and he removes his blindfolded and they all see his f/c eyes. He smiles and says.

Y/n: Janet I see you brought company.

Janet: Yes I did dad.

All:*though* He is her dad!

Y/n: Yeah I'm her father I'm Y/n l/n.

As the introduction was over he tried to not fare at Blake and Weiss. For a good amount of reasons. Blake wmshe was with the White Fang and was Adam's second in command. For Weiss her family have done so many horrors. He then notices her little scratch mark on her hand and he ran up to her and says.

Y/n: Janet what happened to you. How did you get this are you alright.

Shiro: That was our fault. We are so sorry we didn't look where we are going.

Aoi: Yeah sorry.

Irish: Forgive us.

Anatolia: We made sure she was alright. *though* He really does care about her and his family ancestors accept her into their family despite her faunus heritage. They seem to really like a father and daughter relationship. He and Magna Defender have shown me that maybe that not all humans are bad.

Janet: I'm fine dad. They didn't mean to make me fall it was a accident.

Y/n: Alright I believe you. I accept your apology. Thank you for looking after her.

Janet: You weren't about to do to them what you did to the bad men.

Blake: Bad men?

Y/n: Yeah these ten guys decided it was funny to pick on her and make fun of her. So I interview the best way I did.

Jaune: What was that.

Y/n: Ask nicely to leave but they didn't. So I beat them to a pulp when one try to grab her ear.

Weiss: What!! Are you crazy?

Y/n: I don't care about you criticize me. All I want to keep my daughter safe and sound from any threat. I won't hesitate to use force if I have to.

Yang: Understandable. So let's change topic before ice queen melts.

Weiss: Hey!!

Ruby: How did you do all those cool moves. Like you were swish and swoosh. The pow and blah and made the wind follow you.

Y/n: *chuckles* That was the results if my training I gotten from my parents and our famlies legacy. To be honest I wouldn't have achieved it by not finish my inner peace.

Ren: Inner peace.

Y/n: Yeah they taught me that if I can find my inner peace then. There is no obstacle I can't break through since finding it has allowed me to surpass the limits of my body to a whole new level.

Weiss: Interesting so what you did back there.

Y/n: Was me at peace and using my senses and feel the environment around me.

One hour later

The L/n's were talking to their new friends and getting to know one another. After a hour they decided to leave since they have to return to beacon and he has to take Janet home to finish her homework. The Huntsman in training were talking about Y/n and how he shown himself as a good person and yang manage to sneak in a few photos of him and one with Janet and showed them. Four of them wonder what else they can learn about him and maybe they can if they see him again.As Y/n and Janet arrived home and Janet git to do her work Y/n was thinking about the connection between the attempted robberies that were foiled by him. It's been dust they were after. Then it hit him. If he wanted answers then he needs to find Roman Torchwick and her them. He knows that they is a huge dust delivery to arrive at the docks. He went out back and close the door and said to Janet he'll be back. He morphed into the Magna Defender and called for his astro bike.

A special motorcycle that he built himself to get around easier has two little homing missiles launchers of the sides and a big gun when he need to punch through a wall,gate it a heavy Grimm or mech. He got on and turned on the engines and rode off to the docks.

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