The docks and bomb

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Intro begin

At the top of Building in Vale there stood a dark figure looking at the city with his black cape,black armor and golden horns.Next to him was Defender Torozord his trusted friend. This was the Magna Defender the warrior who fights for the defenseless and innocent. He rides into battle in his astro cycle to fight where he is needed. Next it shows him fighting the Grimm with deathly efficiency and they seem not match for him. Then he shoots his blaster shots of green lasers at them which destroyed them. After that he defends the village from a bandit attack. Next it shows him fighting Adam in a sword fight on a burning landscape. Once both blades clash it them they shine.He then appears in his civilian attire with a little girl with panther eyes,ears and tail his adopted daughter Janet. As he looks up in the sky he recite the oath he has swore upon the day he became the Magna Defender.

" I swear upon my honor. That I will use my powers to help and protect those who can't fight for themselves. For it is my mission as a true warrior on the righteous path. For I will follow-through example of my predecessors who came before me, to uphold the values of selflessness, self-sacrifice,courage,honor and perseverance. To fight against the darkness and never retreat and never surrender. To not be guided by anyone of power and authority who would abuse this power and never let evil triumph. To never use my powers for selfish reasons like fame or fortune unlike these huntsman who disgrace the name of noble warriors.For this is who I am. I am Y/n L/n the Magna Defender."

Then it ends with Y/n as the Magna Defender in his heroic pose.

Intro ends.

At the docks third person

As Y/n was in the rooftop near the Docks where Dust is said to be transported to. He knows that the White fang are going to be there since he has been stopping all their operations and robberies ever since he has arrived at Vale. Though the council does not like his "Vigilantism". So they put a warrant for his arrest the cops and even veteran huntsman try to get him. To only fail for he is more than they let on. As he was looking he notice Blake with a monkey fanus.

Y/n: What the hell are they doing here.

Roman: We don't have time people keep moving.

Y/n's pov

Roman Torchwick a real son of a bitch to find. I did came across with him a few times but the creep always finds a way to get away but not this time.

Y/n: I will make sure you are not going away this time you bastard.

I get my Magna blaster out and pump it to be ready to fire. As I can see the both faunus attacking the WF and Balke with Roman. So I intervene and jumped down and soon Roman and the White fang all looked at me with fear in their eyes and one said.

WFgrunt:Shit it's the Magna Defender.

Third person.

As Y/n took out his blade and as it shines in the light if the moon he looked around and saw most of the White fang aiming their weapons at him. True he is their number one enemy. Still cause of his actions and words of wisdom that many faunus in Vale are not joining and rejecting the White fang and many recruits run away since what he said its true in one encounter.

"If you go on with this then you will become what they say you are a monster. A killer and ruin more lives than fixing them."

Then the fight began and Y/n ran and dodge their bullets as he hack and slash them but not killing them only knocked them out. As he effortlessly takes down a lot of them the Monkey faunus looks Awe.

Sun: Holy cow. I'm fighting with the Magna defender this is awesome.

Ruby: Hey!!

They all turn to see Ruby with a Orange hair girl.

Roman: Isn't it a little to late for you to be awake little red.

As he aims his cane Magna defender was faster and shoot a bolt of green energy and which it not only shoots the cane out of his hands but it is destroyed. Then he sees big girl land and Ruby runs at him.

Ruby: Ohmyoumyoure the magandefender I'm your biggest fan. Can I see your weapon and where you got it.

Then they saw three bullheads heading their way.

Y/n: What's your name?

Ruby: Ruby Rose.

Y/n: Alright Ruby. Can you lend me a hand?

Ruby smiled as she nods fast and she couldn't believe she is working with a real super hero.

Y/n:I want you to distract the bullheads while I disable their wings.

Ruby:You got it.

As she ran and the bullhead try to shot her. Y/n jump at a incredible high and cut off the of its wings and saw the other get torn in half by the orange hair girl. Then he saw Roman jump in the third and not wanting him to get away. He manages to get on the aircraft in time.

Roman: You are very resilient Defender.

Y/n: I will never stop until you are taken down Roman and all evil on this world.

Roman: You are really like those damn Huntsmen.

Y/n: You're wrong. Unlike them, I don't seek fame and fortune. I only seek to make this world a safer place for that is the responsibility of a true warrior. Now you're coming with me.

Roman laugh as he says.

Roman: I don't think so that time. Look behind you.

When he turn around he saw a some dust with a timed bomb counting down. When he look back he saw Roman and the Pilot ready to jump off.

Roman: I know you would never want these poor people to be harmed. Better get to work Defender. Until next time.

They both jump off as Y/n curse silently. He then look down and at the bomb.

Y/n:*though* Damn it slippery bastard got away again. Right now I need to get that thing out of harms way. It's time to call in a dear friend hope he and I can make it in time.

He then run back and ran at the window full speed and run through the window and Yelled.

Y/n: Torozord I need your help.

Then from all across Vale everyone heard the roar of a bull. Then what shock them next was a giant robotic bull going through the city and the reporters are now recording it. As Torozord got closer he saw Y/n calming down then the bullhead. As well Y/n said.

Y/n: Mega Defender Transform.

Then red beans came out of his eyes and soon Y/n became as tall as a building with Red armor. That shock many people who are recording it with their Scrolls. As he looked up and saw the bullhead ghee grabs it and then throws it into the water where soon a big explosion occurs and the people in vale saw what many could of been their last night if the Magna Defender didn't intervene with his Big Bull robot.

Y/n: *pets torozord* Thank you for you're help today my friend.

Torozord roars in a joyful time as now Magna defender is now being cheered by many people. Who are yelling.

Citizen: You're the man!Magna Defender!

Citizen2: You're the Best Magna Defender thank you?

Y/n couldn't help but wave at them and soon as the police arrived both he and Torozord  were gone. That made them wonder how they could do that. Once in the docks since Team RWBY were there they were told everything and saw the explosion. Then in the tall building Ruby saw the Magna defender with his cape out and looking at her and gave her a nod which she took well. As she smiled the rest of her team turn to see nothing there. Then for Penny.

Penny: Why did he save me and Ruby from the weapon. I would be still alright.

??: He did what he believes is the right thing. Now we need to go home your father is worried.

The window then closes and this was the night where from then on Magna Defender would be consider Vale's hero and hero to many villages. For some say he is nothing but a criminal. Others say he is a Hero and his actions speak for themselves and soon the majority would agree with them. For now the night is safe by the ever watchful eye of the Magna defender ready to fight the evil that plagues this kingdom and fight for the people as it needs to be.

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