Haunting Sins

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G'day to you lot! I have been trying to update this story and thank god I don't have others to update that would be hell. But now I shouldn't be rambling I should be making entertaining content!

3rd POV

You're currently walking back to the school landing pads. Satisfied with the good deed you've done for the people. Everything is well and good until someone comes up behind you and chloroforms you.

Time skip

You slowly wake up as you painfully open your eyes. When you do you see a couple of White Fang guys standing next to a door.

You're shackled to a chair and there's nothing you can do.

As you struggle against your chains in vain the door opens to reveal Roman Torchwick smoking a cigar.

You look at him furiously and if looks could kill, he'd be sent deeper than the deepest depths hell.

Roman: Well, well, well. If it ain't the mighty Houston!

Y/N: The hell are you talking about? You got the wrong guy. Houston's in prison...

Roman starts laughing as he gestures to the White Fang guys and they laugh too.

Roman: Oh that's where you're wrong. I have eyes and ears almost everywhere and believe me, I heard about your little show in downtown and how people say: "Houston saved everyone!".

Roman: I just had to track you down. I mean, with that suit and all, you honestly stick out like a sore thumb.

You say nothing as he scoffs and gestures to one of the White Fang. He comes up and punches you hard in the stomach. Leaving you a coughing mess.


The White Fang grunt continues to beat you only punching your body. You writhe in pain and let out low groans.

Y/N: That's enough! Okay, okay you got me... twice...

Roman: What do you mean twice?

He lifts your chin with his cane and stares straight into your eyes.

Y/N: I know you ratted on us to the ABI. You told them about the Vale job yeah? You fucking snitch!

(Wonder who else says yeah a lot...)

You struggle violently leaning towards him. This causes him to take a photo of you and ram his cane into your gut.

Roman: Speaking of the ABI. How in the hell did you get out of their clutches?

Y/N: I have plenty of friends. They helped.

He rammed his cane into your stomach again.

Roman: You're lying! I know you are! I'm no fool!

Y/N: Oh really? Sorry it seemed like it though.

He hits you in the gut again and you cough blood, almost staining his suit.

Roman: Hey watch the suit! So honestly, how did you get out?

You think of a lie. Then a idea pops into your head. It's a rumor that he's even real but it's worth a shot.

Y/N: Bain! Bain. He helped me with his contacts!

Everyone in the room was taken back.

Roman: Wait Bain? The criminal mastermind? The unseen organizer? That Bain?

You nod and said it was a one time thing.

Roman: Well if it was. Then remember this?

Roman pulls out the picture he took of you, leans into your ear and whispers.

Roman: You will help me. And if you don't, it won't be just me and the White Fang gunning for you. It'll be the entire ABI and every huntsman and huntress in Vale. Because I will release this photo to the press if you don't. Got it?

You painfully nod and Roman laughs.

Roman: You know the saying: "Your sins will haunt you."? I guess I'm your sin because I'll be haunting you.

Y/N: You must be a pretty annoying sin huh?

Another hit to the gut followed by another groan from you. You weakly say:

Y/N: That saying can go both ways Roman... you'll get the karma for screwing us over...

Roman and the grunts laugh as you watch the grunts intently.

Y/N: Why are the White Fang even involved? They hate humans...

Roman: Well we've had a little business agreement. Mutual goals and the sort.

Y/N: They must hate working for a filthy human like you.

Another wailing from Roman is followed knocking you unconscious from all the pain.

Roman: Serves you right little runt! Perry, take him back to Beacon. Put a note in his pocket saying that if he squeaks, the photo gets leaked. Okay?

Perry: Yeah I got it.

The grunt named Perry walks up to you unchaining you and throwing you onto his shoulder as he walks outside.

Time skip

You painfully awaken and find yourself on a landing pad at Beacon.

Y/N: Ahhhh shit. I need morphine...

You cough blood and a note falls out of your suit. Picking it up you read:

Note: If you talk, the photo gets leaked. Don't act dumb kid.

You scoff and say that's your line. You find your bought clothes on the landing pad and painfully walk back to the dorms, hoping your medic bag has morphine.

A/N: Hey guys sorry for the short chapter I had this in mind already but couldn't figure out when I should've done it. I realized that this is probably the best time for it since it will help the plot in the future.

Again sorry for the short chapter but now Roman has a photo of you and threatening to go to the press with it. As long as you do his bidding. Will you escape? find out next week! On Remnant's Payday!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(This will maybe become a recurring thing...)

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