Chapter 3: The Strength Of The Pharaoh

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(A/n: Play the music on top)

(A/n: In the previous chapter of Remnant's Pharaoh)

Y/n :" * looks surprised by the change in both his outfit and his size, but regains his composure and looks at the others *, * smirks * Well, I hope that this actually stops any further questions and doubts about the headmaster's proposal to me for joining the Academy. ", I said to them.

(A/n :And now the Continue)

Ruby's POV

After Y/n's meeting with the professors Ozpin and Goodwitch, we gave him a tour of the academy. Showing him where everything was so he wasn't going to get lost at his first day.

Me :" * looks at Y/n wiping an imaginary sweat drop off her forehead * Well, this is every place you need to know about Beacon, we hope you enjoy your staying here with us.", I said to him and I see that he turned to look at me smiling.

Y/n : " * smiles at Ruby * Thank you so much for showing me where everything is and indeed it's probably going to be an enjoy full time here at Beacon. ", he said to me and we heard a sound that made us jump in surprise, that sound's volume would only be compared to a bullhead getting ready to take off.

Y/n : " * looks at them, a cheesy smile adorns his face * Well, now that this is over, can we go to the cafeteria to get something to eat?", he asked us solving our question about what that sound was. That loud sound, was his stomach.

Ruby : " * hears that her stomach is starting to rumble softly * Well, you aren't wrong about that. "

(A/n: Small time skip to after they get something to eat)

Y/n's POV

After we got something to eat and luckily enough for me, they had f/f (A/n: f/f=favorite food), we decided to start a small talk between us, which was mostly me asking to them different kinds of questions, so I would get to know them a bit more. I mean, they are the team that has me as a fifth member for Ra's sake.

I was going to ask Ruby something, until I heard a feminine voice screaming and another more male voice answering whilst chuckling.

??? 1: "Ouch, stop it hurts!!!"

??? 2 : "* chuckles * See guys, I told you that they were real."

??? 3 : "What a freak!!!"

I look behind them and see a group of four people who were bullying a girl that wore glasses and had, bunny ears? This world, Remnant, gets more different than the Earth, by the time.

Yang : "Ugh, Cardin started bullying Velvet again.", she said eyeing him in both anger and disgust.

Blake : "Why can't the others understand that bullying the faunus is not OK for anyone!?", she said and she was right. Yet another time that I have to get others to stop doing bad things, I thought to myself sighing heavily through my nose, like a dragon who was blowing imaginary flames from his nostrils, before I stood up and started walking towards them.

Ruby : " * looks at Y/n who is menacingly walking towards the team CRDL * Y/n, what are you doing?", she asked me and I stop to turn my head, so I can look at her, even slightly above my shoulder, before answering her.

Me : " * his eyes turn into a blood red color * Nothing much, I am just going to show them their place by making them not to mess with the others and expect not to suffer the consequences.", I said to her as I then continued my way towards Cardin and his team.

(A/n: Stop the previous music and begin this one)

Let me give him a small scare shall I, I thought to myself once I was near him and I used the size shifting part of my powers to grow a few feet taller than him (A/n : Let's just say that Cardin is 6 feet tall and Y/n using his Semblance is at least 9 feet tall(he can get taller but he couldn't risk having the entire building to fall on him)). I then get my right hand and tap him gently on his shoulder.

Cardin : " * does not turn back to look at who is tapping on his shoulder * Can't you see that I am busy and also, if you don't stop trying to annoy me, you won't have a good time trying to get away", he said to me and I scoffed at him before answering him.

Me : "* chuckles darkly * That's funny and a little bit ironic, because I was going to tell the same thing to you. Someone that I saw being foolish enough to bully another student because she has an extra pair of ears ", once I said that to him, he turned around trying to punch me, but I stood there not fazed by it and looked straight into his eyes. My right now crimson red eyes were locked with his fearful and shocked dark brown ones.

Me : " * chuckles as he grabs Cardin's hand by the forearm tightly making Cardin winch in pain * Well, I decided to take the easy for you way around and speak calmly to you, trying to make you understand, but it seems to me that you have chosen for yourself the hard way. So I am going to say that once and make sure you are hearing me well * leaves Cardin's forearm from his grip and then grabs him by the neck, lifting him enough to be at eye level with him *, if I see you daring to try and hurt anyone else in this academy, I will see to it personally that you won't be able to see the light of the next day next time I see you. * choke slams Cardin to the ground * Now get your cowardly face out of here before I do something that I won't regret. ", I said to him and I went towards the bunny girl, Velvet was her name as Yang said I think, to check out if she wanted any help.

Me : " * kneels in order for him to be at about the same eye level as her * Hey, are you okay? * he touches her ear and sees that she is trembling afraid that he might bully or worse, hurt her * There's no need to worry about it I won't hurt you, I just wish to help you ", I said to her and a f/c aura started to appear around my hand, healing her.

Velvet :" * looks at Cardin who tried to punch Y/n in the face * Watch out?!!! ", she yelled at me and I looked behind me slowly standing up, stopping her healing process and before I knew it Cardin had just punched me on my face, straight at the bridge of my nose, with all the power he had. I expected it to hurt a lot, but I stood there unfazed and feeling no pain at all, as if my nose came in contact with a feather and not a fist.

(A/n : Just like this one, (the first part where Vegeta punches Broly and ignore the second part) but replace DBS Broly with Y/n and SSG Vegeta with Cardin)

Me : " * his eyes have a REALLY angered look in them, which sends intentionally a million shivers per second down team's CRDL spines * I gave you a chance to walk away without having any moment of suffering, but * chuckles darkly * it seems that in addition to to being a moron you are also a coward, trying to hit me without seeing you. ", I said to him before I reciprocated his punch by one of my own, holding back my strength, because I wouldn't wish to kill him and get expelled in my first day.

Yang's POV

After he said that to Cardin, he proceeded to deliver a FEROCIOUS right uppercut to Cardin's gut lifting him above the ground, as high as their new size difference is, before taking his hand away leaving Cardin to fall face first on the hard floor. Damn that might leave a mark on him, I thought to myself as I saw that Cardin was struggling to stand up, gasping for air in the process and he had a massive cracked dent in the front of his chest plate, before falling down on the hard ground knocked out by one blow.

Then I see that he gave a last look at the team CRDL, which had taken Cardin's knocked out body and they went to the infirmary to try and patch him up. I also see that Y/n chuckles at them and after he shrunk down to his normal size, he turned his attention to Velvet and thanks to the fact that everyone was silent from the simple fact that he defeated Cardin with a single punch and TANKED one of them, we could hear their conversation.

Y/n : " * looks at Velvet and kneels to be at about the same eye level as her (A/n : Because Y/n choke slammed Cardin on the ground, Velvet had fallen down after the shaking of the ground.) and has a small smile * I didn't meant to scare you. Do you understand it? ", he calmly asked her and she fearfully shakes her head in a 'no' motion.

Y/n :" * gently touches her ear * Well, you don't have any reason to be afraid of me, I only wish to help those who are in need of help. ", he said to her and his hand was clad into a f/c aura healing her ear in the process.

Y/n : " Did that help? *he sees that she's nodding and he smiles at her, whilst standing up * Well Velvet, if he dares to hurt you or bully you again, don't be afraid to come and tell me. Also, my name is Y/n by the way.", he said to her and he left the cafeteria and we saw that there were some murmurs and some of them came from the team JNPR.

Pyrrha :" W-what power. How is it even possible for someone to be THAT strong!! "

Ren :" What training did he even do to be able to manage that!? "

Jaune :" * chuckles nervously * Well, I hope that he is at our side, or else * gulps hard in fear * I don't want or wish to even know what would happen to me if I was at his bad side"

Nora : "* in shock after baring witness to how easily he had beaten down the team CRDL * Literally everything about him is like, why do I hear boss music!!! "

(A/n: Stop the music here and begin this one)

After everything that had happened in the cafeteria, we were thinking of leaving him to calm down, but we had Port's class, so we needed to get ready for the class, that unfortunately enough included him as well.

(A/n : The small time skip until they get to Port's class, is given to you by Exodia flexing, because why not)

Ruby's POV

RWBY : " * all except Y/n in unity * Sorry for the late entry, Professor Port", we said to him bowing slightly from respect to him. After professor Port saw that we had arrived into his class, he spoke to us.

Port : " Ah, team RWBY you came just in time * chuckles * and here I thought that you had forgotten about the lesson. I presume that the reason that you had for arriving late in the class is the boy who is with you. * looks at Y/n * What's your name my boy?"

Y/n :" My name is Y/n glad to meet you professor and I am team RWBY's newest fifth member. ",

Port :" I see, please take a seat. * he sees that all of them had found a place to sit * Well, let's begin. If someone wants to succeed in his own career as a huntsman, he or she needs to be innovative, but also needs to be strategic, brave and most of all confident to themselves. Confidence, strategic thinking and bravery are the ideals of our double role, both as a huntsman current or future and in order to protect everyone from the Grimm that they sow chaos to Remnant as back as history itself. Now the question is one and only, which everyone of you needs to think about it for themselves, is anyone of you able to embody those ideals? If you are, then please raise your hands up. ", he said to us and I see that Y/n raised his hand in the air.

Port :" * smiles * Excellent Mr. Y/n, why don't you prove it to us by stepping into the arena and facing the Grimm that resides within. "

Y/n's POV

Me :" * has a serious look in his eyes and and stands up * I accept your offer Professor", I said to him and I get into the arena.

Once I got inside the arena, I saw that the Grimm was in front of me and it was looking like a boar with black furr, white bone plates covering it's body and red eyes. What in the world is that, I said to myself and my eyes widened slightly.

Port : " * looks at Y/n and sees that he does not have any weapons * You don't have a weapon young lad?", he asked me and from his voice he seemed rather concerned.

Me : " * shrugs * Never had one and never needed to get one", I said truthfully.

Port : " * laughs * I see, then by all means, proceed and show us what you can do.", he said and his weapon turned into an axe and he chopped the chains that were holding the gate behind which the Grimm was. After it saw me it turned itself into a ball and tried to, well, roll me down.

I nimbly avoided it and I smirked to myself. Watch and learn, I said to myself smirking and the next time the Grimm came rolling towards me, I started to grow in size enough to be able to easily stop it and pin it down. I continued growing until I was literally a good 5 times its size and I saw that my right hand, which fingers were clenched to form a fist, were clad into a blue flame like aura. I punched the Grimm and it got disintegrated,then I looked behind me and see that all of the students and professor Port was looking at me shocked.

Port : " * his eyes were wide in shock after witnessing Y/n's power * E- excellent work Mr. Y/n. * regains his composure * It seems that we are in the presence of a truly strong huntsman-in-training."

Me : " * shrinks back to his normal size * You humble me with your words professor, but I have to ask. What kind of Grimm was that? "

Port :" Humble as usual I see, also to answer your question about the Grimm that you had faced, it was a Boarbatusk. The Boarbatusk is a kind of Grimm which is armored almost all over its body, leaving only his belly as a weak spot, but I see that you had found a good way around it. ", he said to me and I chuckled to his words.

After that, the school bell had rung and it was finally time to end, well, until the next day.

Pyrrha's POV

After the bell rang for end of the school period, we saw that team RWBY and Y/n who we learned is their newest member went outside of Beacon towards an abandoned place of the Emerald Forest as we heard from their conversation and we decided to follow them. When we got out we were taken aback by a shocking surprise, which was awaiting us. We saw that Y/n had sat down and closed his eyes, afterwards a bright f/c aura surrounded him and he grew to giant size, which made us to come to a quite possible and shocking conclusion. The reason why Beacon was shaking, as if an earthquake was happening a few hours ago and also the fact that everyone in Beacon felt like if they were being watched, it was all him. That automatically means that the one that team RWBY was sent to find, the boy who came through a portal to Remnant from another world, was Y/n himself.

Y/n : " Well, well, well *chuckles softly * It seems that we have company. Welcome, team JNPR it's nice to meet you again in person.", he said to us laying on his front having his head resting on his hands looking straight into our eyes.

Me : " How did you know that it was us? ", I asked him unsure of what his answer was going to be.

Y/n :" * rolls his eyes * Well, I heard your talking about me back in the cafeteria and believe me, I don't easily forget the voice of someone when I hear him. So, by all means, pray to tell me what did you want to find out about me.", he said to us a slight smirk appeared on his face.

(A/n : To be continued)

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the latest chapter of my story Remnant's Pharaoh called The Strength Of The Pharaoh, for those who don't know why did the story turned dark in the part of the cafeteria, well it is because the reader actually is Atem as I stated in the bio, but with a small twist, he shares similarities to the personalities of both season 0 Yami and Yugi. I mean that Y/n might be serious and polite when he meets someone for the first time (that's Atem's part of the personality), he might be gentle and a good friend towards those who are friendly to him (that's Yugi's personality), but if someone wishes to hurt others or those who he loves and cares about, well get ready because he's gonna be a really cold and evil person towards them (that's Season 0 Yami's personality). Also, I decided to give him as abilities the passive effects and the attacks of the three Monster Gods. Additionally, I wanted to thank you all for getting my story Remnant's Pharaoh to number 82 in the RWBY stories, you really have my thanks. Until we meet again in this or another story, I wish you happy reading my fellow Wattpaders and I hope you enjoy reading my story and have a great rest of your day. 😁

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