Chapter 4: Unbinded Truth

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(A/n : Play the music on top)

Pyrrha's POV

Me : " One think that we wanted to ask you is, are you the one that got here on Remnant from the mysterious portal. ", I asked him because I wanted to ensure it that it was him.

Y/n : " * nods 'yes' * Perceptive as always I see. * chuckles * Indeed I am the one who came through the portal, is that the only thing that you wanted to know about me? ", he said to us raising a questioning eyebrow awaiting for our answer.

Ren : " Also, we wanted to know, is everyone from where you came from able to do what you can? I meant the size shifting ", he asked him, because if everyone else from where he came was able to do that. If they came here that wouldn't be something good.

Y/n's POV

Once he told me that, Ren was his name if my memory is correct (A/n: Ruby told to Y/n the names of the members of team JNPR on their way to Emerald Forest) I sighed deeply, remembering what the others where yelling at me, before I firstly had appeared to this place.

Me : " To answer your question, no one else at the place where I came from is able to do that, only I can. Also, from where I am from there are no such things as Semblances. ", I said to them doing air quotes with my fingers for the word place.

Nora : " * looks at Y/n doing air quotes when he was saying the word place * Wait a minute, you did air quotes when you were saying that. *gasps in surprise * So does that mean that you are from another planet. Like an alien or something?", she said to me and I sighed, face-palming myself before answering her question.

Me : " For saying that I am from another planet it's actually true, but to say that I am an alien that's probably the weirdest thing that I have ever heard in my life and believe me, I heard a lot of things. * he sees that team RWBY and JNPR are looking at him * I am from a planet similar to Remnant, but at the same time so much different. The planet's name is Earth and there no things such as Semblances and faunus were existing. ", I said to them.

Blake :" A world where only humans exist, but faunus don't. * sighs as she fixed the position of her glasses * Now I have seen it all. ", she said to me.

Jaune :" But this does not solve the main question. If at Earth as you say, there are no Semblances, then how did it happen for you to have powers? ", he asked me and I saw that they were looking at me. Damn it Jaune, couldn't you just refrain from asking that?, I thought to myself before I answered.

Me :" Well, the truth is that the powers that I have is because of the fact that I was cursed permanently by someone really evil. When my powers were firstly activated many of the people who were friends with me, had abandoned me thinking that I would hurt them, because I was just bigger than them. * remembers what Priest Seto and Yugi had done for him * But to those who really saw me as a friend, they had helped me till the end. * looks at them and sees that they are looking at him with surprised eyes to what he said * That's all that I remember before I teleported here at Remnant, because the rest is known to you. * gives them a sad smile * Don't worry for me, although that curse is permanent, I have learned to control my powers to their fullest. ", I said to them hiding the part of the truth that I remember more things than what I said to them, like the fact that I was the Pharaoh and I see that they are nodding approvingly.

Ruby's POV

Me :" * looks into Y/n's eyes, her silver ones lock with their crimson counterparts * I didn't know that you were hiding something like that from us, but rest assured that no one of us will betray your secret, I can promise you that. * looks up and sees that the sky begins to darken * Well, look at the time, it seems that we might need to get back at our dorms and get some rest. ", I said to them and I heard a loud yawning noise behind me and I saw that Y/n was yawning heavily. Hearing some gasps, I looked back at my team and team JNPR that they had taken a fearful step backwards, except for my team that took more than one, because they had still some fear of being that close to him when he is yawning. All thanks to the tease that had happened to us by him today, a few hours after our first encounter with him at the very place that we are here right now.

Y/n : " * gets to a 'one-knee' kneeling position and places his hand palm up to the ground, right in front of them * Since I see that most of you are as tired as I am, I thought that this might be faster for us to get back to Beacon safely.", he said to us and seeing that no one of them was going to make a move and stood there eyeing his hand instead of stepping on, I took a deep breath and did the first move to get on his massive palm.

His palm was soft and rather squishy underneath my feet, so I need to get a hold of his massive fingers, so I could regain my balance when I finally get on. Once, I got on I decided to steady myself by sitting criss-cross in the middle of his open palm. I swear to Oum, I will never get off my mind how small I feel compared to him, I look like I am at almost a few inches shorter than the size of his thumb.

Me : " * looks at the rest of team RWBY and JNPR waving at them * Come on guys didn't you wanted a faster way to get back to Beacon. Well here it is."

Nora : " Come on guys, it's gonna be great, don't worry."

Jaune : " * gulps nervously making a step on Y/n's palm * I don't think that's going to be that funny ", he said to us as he hesitantly sat on Y/n's hand. Once we all had our places, I gave to him an 'ok' sign and I think that he got the message, because he was slowly standing up to his full size, before he had started walking towards Beacon.

Y/n :" * mumbles under his breath * This just looks weird"

Me : " * looks up at Y/n, her head is titled to the side in slight confusion * What do you mean?", I asked him.

Y/n : " I mean, the fact that I might never get used to be carrying eight people on my palm. It's actually a strange experience, but also a somewhat pleasant one. "

Me :" And I am never going to be able to get over the feeling of being so small compared to even your fingers, even if I am into my real size. * shrugs slightly * I guess it can't be helped, even in your normal size you can't help but not stop being dominant, but now it's in a whole different way than then. ", I said to him because even if he reassured me that he wouldn't hurt me, I won't stop being so much intimidated by him.

It's not every time that you see someone who is just slightly shorter than a 30 story building in height. ( A/n : I changed slightly the max size of Y/n in his giant form. Before it was only 100 feet tall, now it's about three times that to 300 feet tall (approx 90 meters))

Y/n : " * chuckles softly, whilst he used the pad of the index finger of his free hand to gently ruffle Ruby's hair * Aww, thank you so much for the compliment cutie", he said to me smirking. I gently squirmed feeling the pad of his finger gently rubbing my hair. Although it feels nice, I won't admit it to him. I felt my cheeks heat up as he called me cute yet again and I tried to hide it from everyone using my hands.

Me : " *murmurs shyly trying to hide her embarrassed blush * I am not cute", I said to them and I heard them laughing at me with first and best Y/n himself with his chuckle booming from above me, as loud as a bullhead that's ready to take off.

(A/n : The time skip until they get back to their dorm at Beacon is brought to you by Yang teasing Ruby about Y/n)

(A/n: Still in Ruby's POV)

After we got into our dorm, we were thinking about how were we supposed to sleep, now that we were five people right now, instead of four that we were previously.

Me : "Umm, guys how are we going to sleep right now?", I asked them.

Y/n : " I see that you already have your places to sleep at, so I might sleep on the floor if you don't mind.", he said to us looking for a place to sleep.

Me : " * shakes her head from the left to the right in a 'no' motion * Nope, that's not happening. * her cheeks turn a slightly pink color * You can sleep with me, that's if you want to. ", I said to him, because it would be unfair if he had to sleep on the floor while we were the ones sleeping on the beds. We are a team for Oum's sake.

Yang :" Aww, my little sister is making progress with her boyfriend. I am so proud of you Ruby", when she said that I saw that Y/n's face had a light shade of pink on it and as for my own, I am pretty sure that it has surely became redder than my cape.

Me : " * blushes HARD at what Yang said * Yang, stop embarrassing me all the time!!!"

Y/n : " If you really want to, we can sleep together if you wish.", he said to me and his cheeks still continued to have the slight blush on them.

(A/n : Time skip to the middle of the night, is given to you by Dio's Stand, The World)

(A/n: Play this music)

I was sleeping, but I heard some sounds during the night like sniffles. I looked behind me and saw that Y/n was sniffing whilst he was sleeping, crystal clear tears were coming from his eyes, reflecting the gentle glow of the moonlight that was shining at his face through the window, as his facial expression turned from serene and peaceful, to a more sad and sorrowful one. Then it finally hit me, he was having a nightmare.

(A/n: In Y/n's Nightmare)

Y/n's POV

I opened my eyes and I see that I am dressed into my Pharaoh uniform and I am still back at Egypt. I go towards the palace and see that in the front of it with his back turned to me, was none other than Priest Seto, my cousin. The new Pharaoh of Egypt.

Y/n : "* smiles as he sees the now known as Pharaoh Seto * Seto, it's good to see you again my old friend .", I said to him and see that he begun to fall. I run and held him in my hands and my eyes widen in shock seeing that he is bleeding and dying at my hands.

Y/n : " * his eyes fill with tears as he sees that Seto is inevitably dying in his hands * P-Pl-Please someone, c-call a medic, it's an emergency.", he said pleading that someone would hear him, but he sees that everyone passes ignoring him, almost as if they were not hearing him or seeing him in the first place.

??? :" Why do you actually care about him, it's probable that a monster like you killed him. ", he turned his head around and gasped in shock as he saw that the one who was saying that was Yugi himself.

Y/n : " No, it's not me. Yugi, you have to believe me!!!", he said at Yugi.

Yugi :" * looks at Y/n, a single tear got off his eye and it is running down his cheek * So that's what you do to those that are your friends, who truly care about you, you back stab them!? It seems that everyone was right about you, you really are a monster. I wish I never knew you and I never was your reincarnation!!! " , he said to me.

Y/n :" * sees that he starts to fade away from existence *, * shakes his head * No, it wasn't me, IT WASN'T ME!!!! ", I said to him and then I blacked out.

Ruby's POV

Me :" * whisper-yells to Y/n as she tries to shake him awake * Y/n wake up, it's a nightmare ", I whispered to him and I see that he jumped up into a sitting position, he was taking one shaky breath after another, his violet eyes were red and puffy from the tears.

Me :" * sees that Y/n stands up and puts on his jacket and shoes * Y/n where are you going?", I asked him.

Y/n : " * turns his head and looks at Ruby behind his shoulder * I am going out to take some air.", he whispered to me, before he left our dorm. Whatever his nightmare was, to see him like that, it really must have shocked him, I thought to myself before I got up from the bed and put on my uniform before going out to see him.

After I went outside of Beacon, I saw him in his giant size, sitting by the cliffside where the initiation had taken place. He was looking up into the night sky. I decided to get closer to him and and I tugged the sleeve of his jacket, the highest place of him that I could reach and I see that he didn't turned his head to look at me, but he only said something to me.

Y/n : " * he felt a small tug on the left sleeve of his jacket and sighed before he answered Ruby * Why did you choose to follow me and didn't stay back in the dorm?", he asked me.

Me : " Y/n I know that you have seen a nightmare and I have came here to help you understand that it was only a bad memory and not something else. ", I truthfully said to him and I let out a small yelp, seeing that he picked me up and placed me in his right palm, having me to be in the same eye level as he is.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin this one)

Y/n :" * Looks at Ruby * I have to ask you a question that I need you to truly answer me. Do you really think of me as a friend or as a monster?", he said to me.

Me : " * looks up to meet Y/n's gaze, her silver eyes locking with his tearful crimson ones * I would never think of you as a monster, because even in the few moments that I have known you, you have been for me, the gentlest person I have ever met. "

Y/n's POV

After I heard Ruby saying that, I searched in her eyes for some sort of distrust or lying, but I haven't found any, her answer was pure. Also, I see that she was shaking, not from fear, but from something else, so I decided to ask her about it.

Me :" * looks at Ruby, his eyes are full of concern * Are you cold?", I asked her and I see that she's nodding before saying to me.

Ruby : " I forgot to take my coat on, whilst I was getting out of the dorm. * sees that Y/n is moving his hand with her close to his chest cupping it protectively around her * Y/n, what are you doing? "

Me :" Shh, calm down. I am trying to warm you up * shrugs * we wouldn't want to have you freezing out here, would we? ", I asked her rhetorically and I don't know why, but I start to feel extremely overprotective over her.

Ruby :" * tries to hug Y/n to the best of her abilities, having grasped his vest with her minuscule (A/n: From Y/n's perspective) hands * Thank you, for everything Y/n", she said to me and I answered her.

Me : " * blushes slightly, but doesn't hide it and smiles looking down at her * No problem Ruby * chuckles to himself as he sees that Ruby yawned before she fell asleep in his hand, snuggling with it in her sleep as if it was a blanket * .", I said to her surprised at the tone of voice in which I said that. Whenever I am around her, I feel more stronger than I ever was and my need to protect her gets bigger. Could this be what Yang had said?

(A/n : Small flashback)

Yang :" Aww, does that mean that my sister is going to have a boyfriend?"

(A/n : End of the flashback)

Am I really in love with her?.

(A/n: Stop the music)

A/n: And cliffhanger. * chuckles looking at the readers * Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Son Raon and I present to you the latest chapter of my story Remnant's Pharaoh called Unbinded Truth. Also in this chapter we learned about the main ship of the story and that's Atem (a.k.a the reader) X Ruby. Until next time, happy reading my fellow Wattpaders, I hope you enjoy this new chapter of my story and as always if you have any questions unanswered, don't be afraid to ask me about them. I hope you have a nice day. 😁

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