Chapter 5: The Pharaoh's Tiny Rose

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(A/n: In the previous chapter of Remnant's Pharaoh)

Y/n : "Am I really in love with her?"

(A/n: And now the Continue)

(A/n: Play the music on top)

Yang's POV

After I woke up this morning, I saw to my surprise that Y/n and Ruby weren't into our dorm. I decided to go and find out where did they went. As I went outside of the Beacon Academy I saw that he was asleep with his Semblance (a.k.a the giant part of his powers) active, near the place where the initiation used to take place at.

He was laying on his back, with his right hand being on his torso and the other one is behind his head, like a pillow. I took a deep breath and decided to try and wake him up by poking him on his right cheek, key word "tried", because I am pretty sure he didn't feel a thing.

Thankfully he's not a heavy sleeper, I said to myself as I moved back away from his face, because I saw that his eyes were opening slightly.

Y/n : " * slightly opens his eyes * What do you want Yang, can't you see that I try to sleep?", he whispers to me into his morning voice yawning. Oh my God, his morning voice is so scary, I said to myself trying my best not to flinch by seeing him yawning.

Me :" I wanted to ask you if you saw where Ruby is? ", I said to him and I saw that he's standing up to a sitting position and puts his index finger in front of his mouth in a 'be quiet' motion.

I gave him a questioning look and saw that he slowly opened up the fingers of his right hand slightly and my eyes widen to my surprise as I saw that Ruby was sleeping snuggled close to his chest.

Me : " Why is she sleeping on you?", I asked him curiously.

Y/n : " * rubs the back of his head sheepishly * Well, she came to see me because I saw a nightmare from my past and she was feeling cold. So I figured out that if she snuggled close to me, she would feel better. ", he whispered to me.

Me : " * looks up to meet his gaze, her purple eyes lock with his now crimson counterparts * You really care about her, don't you? * she sees that he's nodding, his face blushed the same deep crimson as the color of his eyes * Wait a minute, you really love her THAT much. ", I said to him.

(A/n: Stop the previous music and begin this one)

Y/n :" * shrugs * It can't be helped, * sighs * whenever I am close to her, I feel stronger than ever before and my need to protect her grows even bigger, to the point of doing everything I can to see her happy and safe. Also, she's the one who treated me like a normal person despite being afraid of my size when she first met me. So, my answer is yes, I indeed love and care about her. ", he said to me looking down at Ruby, a soft, caring smile adorned his face.

Me :" Well, it seems like it is the same from her side as well, * she sees that it's Y/n's turn to give her a confused look * one of the things that she said to me after what happened to the cafeteria, is that every time she is close to you her heart beat becomes faster. I didn't understood it then, but now I know that she is probably having mutual feelings for you, Y/n. ", I truthfully said to him, because he needs to know about it.

Y/n's POV

So see indeed has feelings about me as well, I see, I thought to myself smiling.

Yang :" I will need to leave you so I can go and get ready for the day, just make sure to wake her up as well.", she said to me as she left.

Okay, now how am I supposed to try and wake her up. Think Atem, (A/n:Just a small reminder for those who don't really remember if the reader knows his true name) I thought to myself as a small smirk started to make its appearance on my face. I got my hand that she was laying in away from my chest and I saw that she was curling up to a ball position. Cute, I thought to myself and chuckled softly, before I started to tickle her without putting any pressure on her sides and she just busted into a giggling fit.

Ruby's POV

I was still sleeping on top of Y/n's chest, until I felt that he started to shift. Please don't crush me, I grimly thought to myself, but I felt that the commotion stopped and after a short amount of time I felt like I was getting away from him, then it hit me. He had just awoken fully from his sleep.

Then I heard his deep chuckles from above me and I tried not to wake up. Big mistake, because I started to feel something started to gently apply pressure on my sides, I tried my best not to laugh, but it seems like I easily gave up and started to laugh.

Me : " * speaks through her laughter * Alright,... I am awake... Please stop.", I said to him trying to push his massive fingers away from me and thanks to the fact that I wasn't doing anything compared to our size difference, making each one of his fingers to be bigger than I am, that made me acutely aware of how easy it is for him to do literally anything he wishes with me.

Y/n : " * still has a small smirk on his face * Well, well look who finally decided to wake up.", he said to me stopping tickling me, making me to pant and wheeze as my lungs were greedily trying to get enough air in them.

Me : " * rolls her eyes playfully at him * Good morning Y/n", I said to him panting.

Y/n : " * his smirk turned into a small smile * Good morning Ruby. Also, I wanted to ask you one thing?", he said to me slightly blushing.

Me : " * looks at him, confused by his slight blush on his face * What is it?", I asked him, sitting with my legs criss-cross in his open palm.

Y/n :" * he looks shyly into her eyes * Do you want to be my girlfriend?", he said to me. A small hint of hope was present in his every word.

Me :" * slightly blushes and looked at his crimson eyes *, * nods happily * I agree to be your girlfriend", I said to him and a small yelp left my mouth as I was in front of him, in eyes level with his eyes.

Y/n : " * his small smile turned into a boxy grin as he gently nuzzled her with his nose * Thank you so much", he said to me gently nuzzling me with his nose. Aww, he is so cute when he's happy, I said to myself giggling and hugging the tip of his nose. After that I saw that he brought me close to his face, especially his mouth whose corners of his lips were curled upwards into a small smirk.

Me : " * starts to slightly shake in fear by being so close to his mouth * Y-Y/n, w-what are y-you doing?", I said to him closing my eyes in fear as I saw that his lips were moving extremely close to me. Afterwards, surprise took over me as I saw that he placed his lips on me and gave me a kiss, I slowly leaned to his surprise and kissed his bottom lip (A/n: For those who have not seen a kiss in a G/T story, it goes like this. The tiny one (in this case Ruby) is kissing the bottom lip and the giant one (in this case Y/n (a.k.a Atem)) is kissing the tiny one making sure that his lips are closed so that he won't accidentally swallow the tiny one alive). After probably the deepest first kiss in history, we parted away and he chuckled to probably the look of my face, which was a blushing mess, whilst his had a slightly noticeable blush on it.

Y/n : " Alright, time to put you down. So you can go ahead and change, if you want to of course.", he said to me as he lowered his hand so I could easily jump off of his palm without having to worry about getting hurt. I looked behind me and I saw that he was shrinking back down to normal size (A/n: From Ruby's perspective).

Y/n's POV

Me :" Shall we go then and get something to eat my lady?", I asked her.

Ruby : " * nods smiling at Y/n * Sure thing, but only if we hold hands along the way", she said to me, her beautiful beaming smile just made her to look even more beautiful than before. I would give my entire kingdom just to look at her beautiful smile. Well, I technically gave it to my cousin Seto after making him the new Pharaoh, I thought to myself unsure of who I spoke to.

(A/n: The time skip to the cafeteria is brought to you by a chibi Y/n and a chibi Ruby blushing as they get teased by Yang)

(A/n : Still in Y/n's POV)

Yang : " Hey guys. * sees that Y/n and Ruby came into the cafeteria holding hands * So you finally decided to do it?", she asked me with hope glimmering into her purple eyes and I slightly nod as a response to her, making her squeal in excitement.

Me : " * chuckles softly * Of course I would do it. * looks at Ruby * After all she's my little rose. ", I said to them making Ruby to lightly blush in embarrassment.

Ruby : " We both know that even if I didn't want to be your girlfriend, I would still be your little rose.", she said to me embarrassed and I shrugged before answering to her (A/n : In my story Remnant's Pharaoh the reader (a.k.a Atem) is still taller than Ruby in his "base form") .

Me :" Well, you could put it that way. But now that I think about it, it wouldn't sound right. Also * looks at the rest of the team RWBY and the team JNPR *, what class do we have after? ", I asked them.

Blake : " We have combat class with Miss Goodwitch", she said to me and I nodded . Right, I just hope that no one will say something about either my power or my battle outfit that I have ready, I thought to myself, despite the fact that I am on a different planet than Earth, I am not sure about how much of its history is different from the one back on Earth.

Afterwards as we were going to get something to eat, I heard Nora saying something about me and Ruby behind our back.

Nora : " * sings in a low voice trying not to be heard by either Y/n or Ruby * Y/n and Ruby are sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.", she said to us in a singing and kind of teasing voice.

Me : " * looks at Nora * You know that I heard you right?", I said looking at her with a semi serious expression.

Nora :" * her eyes widen in surprise * How did you heard that!? ", she said to me slightly shocked.

Me : " * shrugs * Well Nora that's for me to know and for you to try and find out. ", I truthfully said to her having a small smirk on my face. It seems to me that by having this kind of powers they actually have enhanced not only my body, but my senses as well. How curious indeed, I thought to myself still having a smirk on my face whilst I was looking at my right hand whose fingers were clenched forming a loose fist.

(A/n : The time skip from when they eat, until they get to Goodwitch's class is brought to you by Y/n singing the Pharaoh's throne, by Little Kuriboh (Sorry but I had to do it 🤣🤣🤣))

(A/n: Still in Y/n's POV)

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin this one)

After we entered the class, Miss Goodwitch had picked up two volunteers in order to show us what we should do in a tournament style fight. The volunteers she chose were Jaune Arc and the main bully of the academy, Cardin Winchester. As they fought, key word "fought", why you may ask, that's because Jaune got his ass handed to him by Cardin.

Miss Goodwitch : " As everyone of you can see, Mr Arc's aura has reached the red mark. This means that the fight in a tournament style match. So, * looks at Cardin * Mr Winchester you are the victor of the previous match and it's your time to choose your opponent for your fight. "

Cardin :" * smirks as he pointed his mace to Y/n * I choose to fight against the new one ", he said to me having a smug look at his face.

Me :" I accept your challenge ", I said to him smirking as I stood up and walked towards the ring.

Miss Goodwitch : "* sees that Y/n has entered the ring with his casual clothes * Mr Y/n I hope that you will be fighting in your battle outfit and not your casual outfit. ", she said to me and a small smirk started to make its appearance on my face when she said that.

Me :" * chuckles * Just sit back and watch. "

Ruby's POV

After I heard him saying that, I saw that a small golden energy sphere was created in the open palm of his right hand. After he said that to Miss Goodwitch, he clenched his fingers crushing the orb of energy and created a bright light, when the light dissipated we saw that he was into the outfit that he was when we had met him for the first time. So the outfit that we had seen him in was his battle outfit, I thought to myself as I saw that his eye color was red and he was slightly more taller than before, signaling that he was beginning to use his Semblance.

(A/n : Just like that. Also the picture is NOT mine.)

Y/n : " * smirks * Shall we begin with the duel?", he said to him smirking with anticipation.

Miss Goodwitch : " Alright then, if you both are kind enough begin with raising your aura. * looks at the screen and sees that Y/n's aura is at 6000 points whilst Cardin's is at 2000 points (A/n: Since decided to give to Y/n's Semblance the effects of the Monster God cards as well and you can probably imagine whose effect is actually active(Just a simple help, the normal aura points in my story are 4000)) * Mr Winchester I think that I made myself clear when I said to you to activate your aura. ", she said to him, clearly not amused at all by him. As Y/n was clad into a bright f/c aura and Cardin was clad into his aura.

Cardin :" How is that possible, I have already made sure that I activated my aura to its max. Except, * looks at Y/n who is smirking * that's it. It's a part of his Semblance!!! ", he said to him as we all saw that Y/n was clapping his hands in a mocking towards Cardin manner.

(A/n : Just like this, but instead of Goku Black it's Y/n (a.k.a Atem) the one who's clapping)

Y/n :" Bravo, it seems that you are not as absent minded as I thought you were. * sees that Cardin is growling angrily and he has stopped clapping and has started chuckling * I give it to you that you might have found out the one part, but you have seen only the tip of the iceberg in terms of my Semblance. * stops chuckling and smirks * Now that you know that, do you think that you stand a chance against me. ", he said to Cardin acutely mocking him.

Cardin :" * growls * Let's see how much you will be able to smirk when I am going to wipe that smug look out of your face. ", he said to Y/n as he tried to attack him with his mace and Y/n just started to dodge his flurry of attacks at the last second before they made contact with him.

Y/n :" * sighs * Could you please stop trying to hit me and actually hit me? * sighs * It gets kinda boring. ", he said to him calmly.

Cardin : " * gets angrier * Then stop dodging and fight me you honor less scum. I believe that no one in your life or in your own team would really care about a monster just like yourself!!!"

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin this new one)

(A/n : Let's be clear none of you saw this one coming)

Uh oh, he shouldn't have said that, I thought to myself, because a really dark aura presence started to make its dreadful appearance around Y/n making his aura a black like the night sky color and changing his aura pressure to a more suffocating one. Wait a minute, he didn't had that kind of symbol on his forehead before, I thought to myself because on his forehead was an ominous light green symbol and the look at his eyes begun to become more dark and malicious.

(A/n: Just like this, but imagine that Atem (a.k.a the reader) is in his Pharaoh outfit)

Cardin : " * in fear and shock experiencing the full pressure of Y/n's now dark aura * W-wh-what are y-you!!!?", he said to him his voice cracked up under his overwhelming fear.

Yami (Darkness in Japanese) Y/n : " *  smirks menacingly whilst looking at Cardin with a glare that could make even Salem to flinch and faint in fear * You dared to call me a monster mortal? * chuckles in a tone colder and more villainous than any other villain that existed or exist * Then so be it, I will show you what a monster really is. ", he said to him in a threatening manner, his voice beginning to have a deep demonic echo behind it. What have you done to yourself  Y/n, I thought to myself, because its like he's right now a completely different person from the one I have previously fallen in love with.

(A/n : End the music here)

(A/n : To be continued)

A/n : And cliffhanger, hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the latest chapter of my story called Remnant's Pharaoh with the title The Pharaoh's Tiny Rose, a chapter of my story that has both a really cute G/t fluff moment between Y/n (a.k.a Atem) and Ruby, also an unexpected dark twist in the end of the chapter. So, until next time I hope you enjoy reading the latest chapter of my story and have a great rest of your day. Happy reading my fellow Wattpaders.

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