Chapter 6: A Dark Awakening

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(A/n: In the previous chapter of Remnant's Pharaoh)

Yami Y/n : You dare to call me a monster mortal? Then so be it. I will show you what a monster really is.

(A/n: And now the Continue)

(A/n: Play the music on top of the chapter)

Author's POV

(A/n: Cardin's aura points : 2000, Yami Y/n's (heavily suppressed) aura points : 12000)

After Y/n said that, he dashed towards Cardin in such speed that he seemed to turn invisible in both the human and faunus eye.

Yang : " S-So fast", she said completely astonished by his speed.

Ruby : "E-Even with m-my Semblance being activated I c-cou-couldn't see him m-moving!!!", she said to them.

Cardin : " W-wh-what is that!? W-What are you?!", he said towards Y/n scared for his life seeing the sheer malice and darkness in Y/n's Crimson eyes.

Yami Y/n :" * chuckles darkly towards Cardin's horrified face * You should have never tried to challenge me and question my honor in the first place. But as it seems, your honor is as big as your brain. Non. Existing.", he sneered towards him, his voice now has a slightly heard ominous echo behind it and saw that Cardin decided (as obviously) to become an even bigger moron by trying to attack him.

Yami Y/n :" * he does not even bother to dodge his attacks, as Cardin's mace was deflected by his aura EVERY single time * In the beginning I decided to be more merciful towards you and didn't even try to harm you, but it seems to me that you didn't even respected that enough to stop being a moron. Alas, as someone else said a mongrel never stops being one till the day it dies. So I decided to absolve you of your misery. ", he said to him and using his thumb and forefinger flicked him away.

(A/n: Just like that, but replace Yami Y/n with Beerus and Super Saiyan 3 Goku with Cardin)
( A/n : In the Fate Grand Zero universe)

(A/n : Yami Y/n's (heavily suppressed) aura points : 12000, Cardin's aura points : 1000)

A sertain blond haired, red eyed man who is clad in a golden armor with a dark red cape has sneezed. This man is none other than the King Of Heroes, Gilgamesh himself.

Gilgamesh :" * thinks to himself * It seems like someone has finally decided to steal my thoughts on mongrels after all.", he thought to himself.

( A/n : Stop the previous music and begin this one)

(A/n : Back in the Remnant's Pharaoh timeline)

Yami Y/n : " * chuckles darkly * Come on, can't you get up from a single flick. * sees that Cardin tries to stand up, but fails miserably falling again on his hands and knees *, * raises an eyebrow * What happened, did you found something that you wanted on the floor and don't want to stand up. ", he said to him.

Cardin :" * tries one more time to stand up and falls face first on the floor, because Y/n placed his right foot on his head * "

Yami Y/n :" There now, isn't that better kneeling before your superior? You know what, I tend to be a generous person, but if there's one thing that I don't like at all is the fact that there are mongrels like you with no sense of self respect or control. ", he said to him coldly, before Y/n pressed his foot harder against Cardin's head making him to fall face first on the hard floor of the arena.

(A/n : Just like this, but replace Vegeta with Cardin and Beerus with Yami Y/n.)

(A/n : Yami Y/n's (heavily suppressed) aura points : 12000, Cardin's aura points : 0)

Ruby's POV

After he said that, we witnessed that he literally CURB stomped Cardin's face to the ground, slightly shaking the arena in the process.

Me : " * looks at the other members of team RWBY * We have to try and stop him.", I said to them and I tried to stand up.

Weiss : " Are you out of your mind!!? If you get close to him there's no way what he might do to you.", she said to me scared.

Blake : " * winced slightly seeing how brutal can Y/n be if someone dares to think something bad about his friends * I actually have to say that I agree with Weiss on this one, he isn't the Y/n we have seen and know right now so there's no way that you're going close to him.

Yang : " Well, right now we can all say that Y/n stomped the competition.", she said to us and we groaned to her pun.

Me : " * looks at Yang * Really now, of all places you thought that this was the perfect time for you to make a pun.", I said to my sister clearly agitated towards her.

Me :" * sighs * I don't know about you, but I am not going to sit here and see that he might inevitably KILL Cardin in his fury. I will try to talk his wrath away, that's the best way that I have now. ", I truthfully said to them as I got away from the rest of my team and walked closer to Y/n, despite the protests of my teammates.

Me :" Y/n!!! * she sees that he looks at her and she tries her best not to flinch by the malicious intent that was in his eyes * Y/n, please stop this madness before you kill him.", I said to him.

Yami Y/n : " * growls lowly * This mongrel decided to not know his place by daring to insult my honor and me, by calling me a monster and my team, our team by daring to doubt your trust towards me. ", he said to me.

(A/n: Stop the previous music and begin this one)

Me :" I know that he insulted you, but sometimes we must not care for what others think of us and move forward, pushing through the pain and the difficulties that are presented in front of us, no matter how hard they might be. * looks straight into his crimson eyes, locking her slightly tearful silver ones with his * Many years ago, when my mother was still alive, she used to say to me that the one who tries to fight off the monsters that he faces, both physical and mental ones. He or she must see to themselves that they do not become one of them in the end. Is that how you want to really be remembered, as a monster? ", I asked him awaiting to hear his answers.

Yami Y/n :" What if the others don't want to see me as another person? What if in order to save someone in the future you don't need a hero, but a monster? (A/n : If I had a hat, I would have tipped it to those who understood the reference).", he said to me and unbeknownst to him, the symbol on his forehead started to slightly flicker. I know that he possibly wants to try and get out of its control but he might need another push to do so.

Me :" You know what they say, with great power comes great responsibility to it. * sees that even Y/n started to tear up and hugs him much to his surprise * I know that you might be doubting yourself about how everyone might see you because of your powers, but we can always try to get out of it together. ", I said to him and saw that he had hesitantly returned the hug and looked at me, his symbol on his forehead was no longer there and he had returned to his normal looks (A/n : She meant his normal size and eye color without the use of his powers. Also his clothes changed back to his casual clothes).

Y/n : " How can you be so forgiving? ... I-I nearly killed someone and possibly terrified the entire class.", he said to me overtly trying his best not to allow his voice to crumble beneath his emotions. (A/n : As for Cardin, he is still alive and well, but from Y/n's attacks his aura was broken).

Me :" * places her right hand on his cheek and smiled at him * I know how it feels to be afraid of failure Y/n and I can understand why did you thought that to yourself. But as I said before, you are not alone in your own fight against your fears, you have me and the others as well. ", I said to him and I kissed him on his lips, hearing clapping and whistles of approval from most of the students and some snickers from my team, because he's still a lot taller than me, so I needed to stand at the tip of my toes in order to reach his face. I then pulled myself away and saw that he smirked towards me.

Y/n : " * a small smirk made its appearance on his face * Yang was right for once, you're a really good kisser.", he complimented me, making me to blush madly, hiding my face on his chest.

Me : " You won't say anything to anyone else, will you?", I asked him hopefully, hearing that the combat class hour has finally came to an end.

Goodwitch :" * groans slightly using her thumb and forefinger to rub the bridge of her nose * Alright then, the lesson has finished. You may leave and enjoy your break.", she said to all of us sternly.

(A/n : The time skip until the teams RWBY, JNPR and the rest of the students have gone to the cafeteria is brought to you by Diavolo's stand, King Crimson and its sub-stand Epitaph)

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin this one)

(A/n : Still in Ruby's POV)

I was sitting by Y/n's side and we were talking about many different things, until we saw that the team JNPR had came.

Jaune : " * still in a bit of worry seeing Y/n's look on them, as if he was analyzing them * H-Hey guys, do you want us to sit down with you?", he asked us politely for permission and I gave him a small nod and a look that was saying 'you're good to go' and then they sat down with us.

Pyrrha :" Well, does anyone of you know what happened to Y/n in Goodwitch's class all of a sudden? ", she asked us.

Nora : " Yeah, it was as if someone else had taken control over him", she chimed in.

Y/n : " * sighs hearing their questions about him * I don't know about it myself either. All that I remember is that Cardin had insulted me and team RWBY and all I saw from there was dark.", he said to them calmly. ( A/n : The reason behind Y/n's explanation is that the Seal of Orichalcos had taken control over him and he only had started to take control near the end, when Ruby had started to speak to him (it could be easily understandable because The Seal of Orichalcos had started to flicker signifying that its control over the user (I meant Y/n (a.k.a Atem)) was starting to weaken down dramatically, so he has no recollection of what had happened previously )

Ren : " If you don't remember then we can show you that", he said to him and he showed to him his scroll where a photo of Y/n, clad into a dark aura, having that ever ominous symbol on his forehead was in perfect display.

As I looked towards Y/n I saw that his eyes widened both from shock and surprise to the point where it seemed like that they were going to pop out of their eye sockets in the next second. Additionally, his breath became shaky and his sun kissed face paled as if he had seen a ghost.

( A/n : In Y/n's flashback)

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin this one)

Y/n's POV

I had taken control over Yugi in the past, more importantly in my fight against Raphael. He was a strong duelist that had done everything he could to push me to my limit.

I knew that neither me nor Yugi were able to win against him, so I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.

Y/n : " * thinks to himself * There's no other way to win this fight. I have to use this card", I thought to myself and as I was ready to play that card, I was stopped.

Y/n : " * thinks to himself * That's strange, I can't move my right hand to play this damned card.", I thought to myself, until I looked to my right and saw that Yugi was holding my right hand in order to stop me from using it.

Yugi : " * still has a "death" grab on Y/n's hand * YAMI DON'T DO IT!! ", he pleaded me with tears in his eyes.

(A/n: In my version of the story, as it's known to you by the chapter of my story Remnant's Pharaoh called Chapter 1: First Encounter, the name Yami was given to you by Yugi)

Y/n :" Why do you stop me from using it Yugi, it's the only way that I have in order to beat him, so release me right now!!!", I said to him clearly agitated at his childish nature.

Yugi : " Yami that's not you who's talking, it's the card. It's power is slowly starting to corrupt your soul!!! ", he said to me, fear and despair evident in his purple eyes.

Y/n :" * growls * Ugh, GET OFF OF ME THIS INSTANT!!!", I said to him and pushed him away from my hand. The look in his eyes was something that I could never forget to myself. The feeling of betrayal by your best friend.

Y/n : " It's about time that I play The Seal Of Orichalcos!! * uses the card and activates it* What have I done * Y/n saw that Yugi's soul had been ripped off of their body. "

Yugi : " * his soul leaves their body * YAMI HELP ME!!!!", he yelled at me begging me to help him. I extended my hand to him, but it phased right through him.

Y/n :" YUGI!!! ", I said towards him.

Raphael :" * chuckles darkly towards Y/n's face seeing that the Seal Of Orichalcos has made its dreaded appearance on his forehead * So you literally will do anything in order for you to win. Now tell me "Pharaoh", what does it make you having this seal on your forehead, a hero or a villain? ", he asked me coldly and right now I have only one thing in my mind. To make this bastard suffer for tricking me.

(A/n : The time skip to after their duel has finished, is brought to you by Y/n (a.k.a Atem) getting his ass handed to him in his duel with Raphael)

Mokuba : " I can't believe that Yami lost.", he said to us in shock.

Y/n : " * drops to his knees and lets the tears that he was trying to hold back, to freely get out of his eyes *, * sniffles * I-It's my fault t-th-that he's l-lost and n-not with us. F-Forgive me, YUGI!!!! ", I yelled in anger towards my self looking to the sky and clouds above as if I was begging for a miracle to have him back.

My eyes were red and puffy by my tears as I was crying, mourning that I had lost one of the people that cared for me the most. The only person in my life that had ever talked to me as if we were equals. The first person who had ever treated me more like as a brother than as a friend. The person that in that very day of my life I had betrayed his heart backstabbing him, driven by the temptation to use THAT God-forsaken card and the foolish decisions and desires that I had for revenge. One of my first and only friends and his name is Yugi Mutou.

(A/n : Outside of Y/n's flashback)

Ruby's POV

After we had shown him that picture, I saw that a single tear had fallen from his right eye, before he had mumbled to himself, regaining his composure.

Y/n : " * mumbles to himself * By the Gods, that seal it can't be", he said completely shocked by the revelation.

So it's something that came from his world as it seems, I thought to myself and because this is the first time that I have seen him that shocked about something I decided to ask him.

Me : " * looks at Y/n * Y/n what's wrong?", I asked him.

Yang : " Yeah, it's like as if you had seen a ghost in front of you?", my sister chimed in.

Y/n : " * looks at them * This seal, since when it was on me?", he asked us pointing to the symbol on his forehead in Ren's picture.

Ruby :" It was on you since the time that Cardin had insulted both you and us. * sees that Y/n's eyes widened slightly * Y/n whatever is wrong with that symbol you can say that to us so that we can help you with your problem.", I truthfully said to him.

Y/n : " This symbol as you say is a forbidden seal, The Seal of Orichalcos and as you guessed correctly Ruby it has a connection to me, to my past to be more precise. ", he said to us truthfully and one question remained in our minds. What has happened to his past that had that seal to make him more shocked than ever before?

(A/n : To be continued)

A/n: Hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the latest chapter of my story Remnant's Pharaoh called A Dark Awakening, which features the aftermath of Y/n's fight (key word "fight") with the team CRDL and the revelation of the Seal Of Orichalcos to both him and the rest of the team RWBY and JNPR. Also, I have to thank you for adding my story Remnant's Pharaoh to your reading lists and considering to read it allowing it to ascend beyond the 1K reads barrier. It really means a lot to me and I have to say a thank you to all of you separately from the depths of my soul. Until we meet again, happy reading my fellow Wattpaders, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter and I wish to all of you a happy rest of your day.

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