Chapter 7: The Pharaoh's Past

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(A/n : In the previous chapter of Remnant's Pharaoh )

Y/n : " This symbol as you say is a forbidden seal, The Seal of Orichalcos and as you guessed correctly Ruby it has a connection to me, to my past to be more precise. ", he said to us truthfully and one question remained in our minds. What has happened to his past that had that seal to make him more shocked than ever before?

(A/n : And now the Continue)

(A/n : Play the music on top of the chapter)

Author's POV

After he said to them that a lot of questions started to run within their minds, like a swarm of bees when they had smelled the sweet nectar of the flowers from a nearby valley. Alas, they were not able to ask him about it, because they had in their academic curriculum the lesson of an extremely talkative professor that's non other than Professor Oobleck himself.

(A/n: ~ Le small King Crimson (a.k.a Time Skip for those who either haven't seen Jojo or they aren't that far) until they get to the middle of the lesson, is brought to you by Y/n (a.k.a Atem) comforting an extremely anxious-about-being-late-to-the-lesson Ruby (Dear God that's a lot of words within a time skip 😂). )

(A/n : Still in author's POV)

Once the lesson begun everyone had mixed feelings about it.

Yang : " * Groans mentally * So boring", she thought to herself as she tried her best to stay awake and don't fall asleep within the lesson.

Blake : " He talks so much that not only my mind, but even my instincts are saying to me to not listen to him", she thought to herself (A/n : Well guys when evsn Blake says that a professor's lesson is boring. This means that it's REALLY boring)

Weiss : " I could have heard my parents boasts about their wealth A THOUSAND more times than hearing him", she mentally groaned.

Ruby : " How can someone speak for so long!!!?", she thought to herself with a sigh, before looking at Y/n that his eyes unbeknownst to himself had flickered between red and violet for a split second in frustration.

Y/n : " How in the name of every God that was ever worshipped, is it even logically possible, for someone to be able to speak for so long, WITHOUT TAKING A SINGLE BREATH FOR OXYGEN!!!? And here I thought that the merchants back in Egypt were speaking for long, but only today, he just spoke even more than that!!! ", he thought to himself frustrated.

Professor Oobleck (P. O) :" Well that's all I needed to say to you about the faunus-human war. Now tell me, does anyone of you know about the legend of the last Pharaoh? ", he inquired in an inquisitive manner. ( A/n: For those who are possibly wondering I decided to do a small plot twist and make Oobleck's lesson something similar to a history class, just to be able to thicken the plot a little bit. )

Cardin :" Who cares about it, it's just a stupid bedtime story that some fools had made just to remain in history", he scoffed.

P. O : " * looks at Cardin and his goons and has a MASSIVE tick mark on his forehead * Mr Winchester, I don't think that I had ever allowed you to first and foremost, tell me how to do my lesson and secondly to use such a vulgar tone in my class of all. So if you want to do something like this again, then get your team and get out of my class in a detention for the rest of the hour. ", he said to him not at all amused by his cocky attitude.

Cardin :" * looks at his team as he stands up * Come on guys, I think that we've had enough of his attitude ", he said to them but to his surprise the rest of his team were not moving from their seats.

Russell /Dove /Lark : " You're only speaking about yourself. ", they said to him in unison.

Cardin :" What do you mean? ", he asked them.

Russell :" Isn't it simple, you were the one making us to bully the faunus students, because you wanted to be better at something.", he said to him.

Dove :" Sorry to break your bubble, but no bullying the faunus and the other students is one thing that we regret doing, whilst making fun of the professor's lessons and making all of us to constantly get punished by the reputation that you built for us, is something that we regret. ", he said to him sternly.

Lark :" To be honest everyone, even Y/n the newcomer is actually a better and more honored teammate than you would ever be in your life. So suck it up (A/n: not in any horny or homo way), stop being a dick to literally everyone else, chill out and stand up for your mistakes and delusions. ", he said to him. (A/n : Can I get a F in the chat for Cardin's crumbled pride that was ROASTED, by his entire team non the less 😂)

P. O :" * he along with the entire class stayed for a bit in shock to what was said by team CRDL * Well, it seems that I terribly misjudged the rest of you so Russell, Dove and Lark will still remain within the lesson and only Cardin will get the detention. * presses a button below his desk * Ozpin, it's me Oobleck and I send you a sertain someone. ", he said to him as he saw that Cardin got out of the class.

P. O :" * sighs * Now let's continue with our lesson, does anyone have the answer that inquired before, well, the sudden miscalculation ? * sees that Blake put her hand up * Ah, miss Belladonna by all means, continue. ", he said to her politely as he had taken his place on his seat near his office.

Blake :" * clears her throat with a small cough (A/n: NOT a Covid-19 one so don't worry about it😅) before talking * Long ago, back in the ancient times legends spoke about a powerful person that would come to the world and cleanse it from the evil. That person would be none other than the only descendant of the great Pharaoh Aknamkanon himself, the last Pharaoh of the ancient times, Atem. ", she said to him and unfortunately enough didn't see that unbeknownst to her Y/n's (A/n : * cough * a.k.a Atem * cough *) face just went from intrigued to shocked in a split second.

Y/n's POV

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin this one)

Oh my Gods, it's like I haven't gotten myself into one problem with the sudden appearance of the Orichalcos Seal, here comes yet the other one. But it seems like I just jinxed myself yet again!!! I thought to myself and I thank everyone that made me to take a seat in the far behind, because I am extremely positive that my face became as white as the snow itself from the shock.

Ruby : " * whispers * Y/n what happened, you look as if you had seen a ghost?", she asked me worried about me. (A/n : If you hadn't guessed Ruby and Y/n are sitting together, because no matter what is going to happen, the main ship is always sitting together. )

Me : " How cute, she things about me even when we are in a lesson.", I thought to myself because even in lessons Ruby can't stop being so cute before I said to her.

Me :" * whispers * Uh nothing, just a small reminder that it seems like Earth's and Remnant's history is quite similar in more ways than I have ever imagined", I said to her just before she put her hand on top of mine, her fingers were entwined with mine and looked at me.

Ruby : " * whispers * Y/n this is the second time I've seen you so worried about something. If it's something personal, you can tell me about it. * blushes slightly * I am your girlfriend after all.", she said to me trying to hide her small blush.

Me : " * rolls his eyes playfully at her *, * whispers * Fine then everything for my little cutie. * his face becomes slightly more serious * Also, if you want to know the truth about it, because this is our last hour in our curriculum meet me in our team's dorm later on and you will receive the answers thy seek. ", I said to her and chuckled slightly seeing that she pouted at my statement and finally the bell rung so we had to go to our dorm. I hope that they won't say anything for the truth about me, I thought to myself.

(A/n : The small time skip to when Y/n and the others arrived at their dorm is brought to your attention by Y/n teasing Ruby.)

Ruby's POV

After we had finally got into our dorm, I saw that Weiss just plopped on her bed sighing.

Weiss : " * sighs heavily * It's finally over for today.", she said to none.

Me : " * looks at Y/n * Now that we are all here, could you please tell to us what did you promised to tell me about back in Oobleck's class?",I asked him calmly not sure if he would actually tell us about what had happened and he was so shocked.

Yang : " Are you sure about that sis, I mean that if it's something personal, we shouldn't pry it even further.", my sister advised me and I looked behind me at Y/n expecting him to answer for that matter.

Y/n : " Don't worry about it Yang, it's actually not a big problem to say about it. ", he said to us giving us a small hesitant smile.

(A/n : Just like this, but replace Y/n's (a.k.a Atem's ) Pharaoh's outfit with his casual outfit and replace the background with team RWBY's dorm and you are good to go)

Afterwards, we saw that his amulet had begun to shine brightly yet again, so I decided to ask him about it.

Me : " Y/n why is your amulet shining like that yet again?", I asked him about it and to my and everyone else's surprise he begun to laugh before he said to us.

Y/n : " * stops laughing and points to his amulet * Well my dear Rose, that happens to it, because it's not an ordinary amulet. It's The Millennium Puzzle, a powerful magical artifact that holds the key to my past. * gets The Millennium Puzzle off of him * If you wish to learn more about my past don't be afraid to touch it. ", he said to us.

Yang :" Yeah, not happening", she said to him in disbelief.

Me : " Why are you so grumpy all of a sudden big sis?", I asked her calmly.

Yang : " Isn't it obvious? What if he's actually lying about it and something happens to us?", she asked us.

Y/n : " * rolls his eyes * Wow, I can't even believe that after everything that transpired in the short time that I have known you, you still don't believe me. I mean come on, even Ruby is more courageous about it than you are. ", he groaned.

Me : " * looks at Yang * Yang come on. Also he wears the same amulet all the time, so if someone knows better about its side effects or anything else it's Y/n out of every other person. ", I truthfully said to her.

Yang :" Fine then, but if something happens to me you're responsible for it Y/n do you heard me? ", she said to him.

Y/n :" * chuckles softly * Don't worry about it Yang, I heard all too well what you said about it and nothing is going to happen I can assure you of that. ", he said to her having a small yet reassuring smile as he saw that all of them had touched The Millennium Puzzle.

(A/n : The small time skip after they saw his memories before he came to Remnant (see the chapter 1 : First Encounter and specifically the part of Atem's fight versus Zork if you want to learn more about what he showed to them) is brought to you by ZA WARUDO )

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin this one)

Y/n's POV

After I saw that they had recovered from seeing my past I was thinking about it to myself, maybe it was a bad idea to show it to them? Will they accept the truth about myself and the real me now that they know it?, those were some of the questions that were buzzing within my head and heart as if they were a swarm of bees trying their best to annoy everything and everyone else who comes closer to where their hive is located.

Ruby : " To see that some has lost so many things within his life, because of some misunderstanding on something based off of some people's stereotypes. This is just not fair to anyone. * looks at Y/n * Now I understand why you didn't wanted to tell us or anyone else for that matter about it, this was the reason why you hated whenever someone was afraid of you that much only because they didn't knew what was it from your perspective. ", she said to me the tension and worry inside her words was as if it could speak for her and make you understand, that her hurt was aching trying to comfort someone like me, a person who has became a shadow of what his former self used to be.

Yang :" * looks at Y/n * I'm so sorry for doubting you thinking even back when we had first seen you that you were going to harm us and never thought that something might had happened to you to become like that. Please forgive me for not being able to understand what had happened to you previously. ", she apologized to me.

Weiss :" I used to think that by having probably one of the worst reputations with the faunus, all because of the fact that I am the heiress of my parent's dust company. I've never thought that someone would have to feel much worse than what I used to. Thank you for making me to understand that I was wrong about someone like you and judged someone like a book by its cover instead of its content. ", she said to me slightly tearing up.

Blake : " I never thought that it was possible or logical for someone like you Y/n to be the last Pharaoh, Atem himself for that matter or even the fact that you cared so much for your people's safety and well being that you gave willingly the throne to someone else, all because of some dumb stereotypes. This means that it's true what they say : " Alas, people judge others only for who they are and how they are looking, but not for what they are doing. Not knowing that they are sinning by thinking that they are the ones to judge others and calling them as monsters or demons.". It seems that all of us have done the same mistake. * boes slightly before him * Please forgive us for our ignorance.", she said to me.

Me : " * gives them a sad smile, a tear had fallen from his eyes running its way down his tanned face * So that means that you accept me for who I really am? ", I asked them hopefully, my voice started to sound cracked underneath the pressure of my emotions that were bottled up within me.

RWBY :" * speak in unison as they hug him * We accept you for who and what kind of person you really are Atem", they said to me making my heart to skip a few beats from the overpowering emotional joy that I am feeling and before I could even say anything the others ( A/n: He meant Yang, Weiss and Blake) broke the embrace and Ruby just kissed me passionately. After the kiss has ended we parted, a slight string of saliva had still connected us.

Me : " As much as I like when you are talking to me using my real name, it's a name that I used to have before and now I am known as Y/n. * looks at them * Thank you for everything that you have done for me, it really means a lot that you have accepted the truth about myself. It's true that you hadn't believed me from the first time you had seen me, * sees that they had started to frown * but to tell you the truth about it, everyone would have done the same thing if they were at your place, so don't worry about it. This belongs to the past and the only way to forgive is to forget about the things that someone did to you so don't beat yourself over it. Take example from me, I had given my forgiveness even to my people that had attacked and insulted me out of sheer fear, because you will always need to remember that forever with your minds : " Whenever a person is saying or thinking about something bad out of fear it's not themselves who's speaking, it's their fear that talks for themselves". * sees that they had lowered their heads in shame of being afraid of someone that was so so gentle to them and the only hard thing that he ever did to them is to tease them * As I said there's no need to be afraid of your fears, to be afraid isn't the same thing as being a coward in the field of a battle and your fear was only natural to seeing me at that size. ", I advised them.

Blake :" * fixes the position of her glasses using her fingers * You literally have ways to talk and advice about every topic don't you? ", she asked me rhetorically.

Y/n :" * chuckles softly * Well that actually comes from experience and believe me in my life I have a lot of them. ", I replied.

Ruby :" * yawns lightly * I don't know about what you say, but I am going to sleep ", she said to us.

Yang : " I still can't understand one thing * sees that Y/n is looking at her * If what happened to your past had happened in the ancient times, doesn't that mean that you are a bit too old for dating my sister? ", she asked me.

Me : " Well, I forgot to mention that I had been teleported and skipped over that in between time so don't worry about it Yang, I am not that old so that you would have to worry about your sister. ", I said to her swiping off of my forehead an imaginary sweat drop. (A/n: That's right FBI stay the f**k out of my book)

Author's POV

After Y/n said to Yang that he got himself under the quilt to sleep with Ruby. His face had a small smile on it firstly, because of the fact that Ruby had snuggled close to him for warmth and secondly because he was finally in a place where he was loved and accepted by his friends. To others that place would look like a normal dorm, but for the young Pharaoh Y/n, formerly known as Atem was more than that. It was more like a home.

(A/n : To be continued)

(A/n: Stop the music here)

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the latest chapter of my story called Remnant's Pharaoh with the title Chapter 7 : The Pharaoh's Past and I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing and working on it. I have also to inform you that my other story called Remnant's Giant is actually a small amount of reads away from its destination and if it hits the 4K reads I am going to show you what else I have planned. Until then, I wish you all happy reading my fellow Wattpaders and I hope you have a great rest of your day or night with your loved ones.

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