#4: [Teammates]

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Fluffy, white clouds floated in the light blue sky as the nice spring sun beamed down today. In a room coloured in cream and the carpet a brown, two white futons laid next to each other, one with a cyan cover, the other a dark rose pink. Yami was under the cyan cover as he had his eyes closed and was in shorts and a shirt, sleeping. Yumi was awake and looking through her wardrobe which was wooden and was on the left wall. The window which was on the wall the futons were, had red curtains drawn back and the windows open.
"What should I wear today?" She yawned and scratched the back of her head, hand running through her hair. Yumi grabbed a yellow tee and some blue jean shorts. "This'll do." She looked over at her nightstand, which had a clock and a glass of water. The clock displayed 9:30. Slowly blinking his eyes, Yami groaned slightly.
"It's morning already...?" He muttered, slowly sitting up.
"Yeah." Yumi said with a smile to her brother.
"I regret not sleeping earlier now." Yami rubbed his eyes.
"But we went to bed at the same time?" Yumi raised an eyebrow at him.
"It was my Remnant..." Yami groaned.
"Oh yeah, you got that Remnant Possession power." Yumi replied as she took off her current top. It revealed her body, which was quite fit, slim and somewhat curvy. She proceeded to slip on the yellow tee.
"Yeah, damned Remnant kept me up last night." Yami said with a bit of anger, his hands pulling at his hair.
"Ah well. At least you got some sleep." Yumi giggled as she took off her pants.
"Yeah, I guess." Yami stood up in a bit of a daze as Yumi put on her jean shorts.
"We got class at 10am, so we got thirty minutes to get ready and eat breakfast."
"Thirty? Damn it." Yami groaned as he walked over to Yumi where the closet was.

At around 9:50am, the twins left their dorm and headed down the hallways of the dorm house. That hallway was dimly lit, but the two entered another, more larger hallway, which had an open roof and mostly glass walls. The school where soldiers were being trained in was in the middle of multiple dorm houses, and each house had a larger hallway connecting it to the school, where you could travel by walking, biking, and other similar travel like that, or a bullet train that went around the houses to drop off students.
"You wanna walk or go the bullet train route?" Yumi asked her brother, brown tote bag slung on her shoulder.
"Bullet train, if we head to the school walking we'll be late and Kirishima will go ham on us." Yami said as he looked at his black digital watch. He was in a grey jacket, black vest visible under it. He wore pumps and blue jeans, and had a normal grey backpack.
"Alright, but let's get there quick, we only have five minutes till the next train!" Yumi shouted as she started to run.
"Alright, alright!" Yami exclaimed as he followed his sister. The two sped down the hallway, pushing past other soldiers, boots clacking against the grey stone floor.
"The last train is leaving in two minutes," A woman's voice said through a speaker.
"Damn it!" Yami groaned as he ran quickly.
"I knew we shoulda left earlier!" Yumi exclaimed as she ran at full speed.
"No point now, we're almost there!" He shouted, eyes closed as his arms swung back and forth.
"How much more time?!" Yumi asked him. Yami looked at his watch.
"One minute!" He exclaimed, as the two entered a building, floor a cream colour. The lights were on as soldiers walked around the place. A sign with dark green lettering reading, 'Train this way' lit up against a black background. Yami and Yumi sharply turned to the right, Yami flinching from him nearly slipping to the floor. His ankle stung from himself barely keeping himself from slipping , as he breathed in and out slowly as he continued to run. Yami and Yumi entered the train station, walls a dark grey and floor dark blue and grey. A sound of a train moving towards them could be heard from the dark tunnel which a light shone slightly. The tunnel had railroad tracks laid on the ground as Yami and Yumi waited at the back.
"Yumi, I think I sprained my ankle..." Yami said in pain as he rubbed his right ankle.
"Oh no... Hang on, let's get on the train first so we can see how bad it is...!" Yumi said. The sound got louder as a silver bullet train zoomed to in front of the soldiers, the noise dying down. The doors opened as the people who were on the platform entered, Yumi assisting her twin to the train. The train's inside was painted silver which the floor being purple, blue and white. There were green seats in rows of twos, a small grey table dividing each. Yami walked to a seat with a slight limp and sat down, angry at himself. Yumi sat down next to him, with a worried expression.
"You okay?" She asked him. The train made a sound and soon it started. Yami pulled his leg up and laid his foot on his chair, lifting the jeans and looking at his ankle.
"It's just a sprain... I think."
"We should bandage it, just incase right?" She asked.
"You don't bandage sprains... Damn it, I'm gonna be useless on the battlefield if I'm limping half the time." Yami exclaimed.
"It'll be okay! We got other teammates who can help cover for you." Yumi said.
"Actually, do you know who are our teammates?" He asked her. She shook her head no.

Meanwhile in a blue painted room with rows of desks and seats, Kou, in a red and cream tracksuit, sat on the table with a window next to it, and Kyou in her normal white dress was sitting in the chair which was with the table. Kanzaki was standing up, with his black vest and blue jeans on, leaning on the table behind Kyou, his silver necklace hanging around his neck, and Takayuki wearing a trench coat and grey trousers sat down on the table right to Kyou's, swinging his legs.
"Where's the other two? I wanna start talking to them!" Kou whined.
"Probably late." Kanzaki said.
"We have three people with K's as their first letter on our Platoon..." Kyou mumbled, her head on the table; light blue hair covering the table.
"K, K, K and T. How fun." Takayuki rolled his eyes. His face was stained with sarcasm. It was obvious he didn't like any of his new teammates.
"Nice for you Mr. Hotshot." Kanzaki replied. He eyed Takayuki.
"Same to you." Takayuki sighed as he ruffled his hair, glasses hanging on his nose.
"What's so bad about these guys Yuki?" Kou asked.
"We have the typical shy girl and her love interest, that's what. These guy's reasons for joining are lame." He growled. "Couple the fact Kanzaki needs a hair cut and that I don't like his personality. Way too cocky for my standards."
"At least I don't rub it to bad in your face you Low Class scum. People like you shouldn't deserve to be in the Squad."
"What did you just say?!" Takayuki exclaimed as his right arm shifted into pale blue ice, point sharpened. He thrusted it forward, sending the point towards Kanzaki's head.
"Pathetic," Kanzaki replied calmly, his face agitated however, the same with Takayuki. Kanzaki cocked his head back to dodge the ice from stabbing his head and lunged his mouth forward, teeth crushing the ice into bits.
"Unfortunate how your brittle ice is linked to your body pain wise. I'm sure if you were stronger you wouldn't have developed that pain."
Kyou sat up, looking at Kanzaki.
"That's pretty mean you know..." She whispered to him quietly.
"It's the truth."
"No it's not." Takayuki said as his arm started to transform back into a human's.
"Cut the fighting, we're teammates!" Kou exclaimed, eyes closed, arms crossed and face burning with an expression that screamed anger. She grabbed Takayuki's wrist. "Yuki, don't listen to Kanzaki, why does he matter so much?" She then grabbed Kanzaki's wrist. "And Kanzaki, stop bashing Yuki! It's not his fault his body was built that way!" Kanzaki pulled his wrist out of her hand.
"Kyou managed to get into Middle Group and she isn't that good at either practical or theory. It just proves that he didn't work hard." He pointed at Kyou, who was blushing. Kou let go of Takayuki.
"H-hey, you helped me though... They d-didn't have much help to be h-honest." Kyou said almost in audibly as she fiddled with her fingers.
"Thank you. At least your girlfriend knows what's up." Kyou turned a darker shade of pink when Takayuki said "girlfriend"; bangs covering her eyes.
"First off, she's not my girlfriend, she's my partner. Secondly, I don't care anymore, so drop it. Your girlfriend is right, we are teammates." Kanzaki gave a taunting smirk.
"We're not in a relationship as well." Kou grimaced.
"Sorry, sorry." Kanzaki said before he realised he wasn't the only one who said that. Lapsing over his voice was a female one, which continued,
"We're late! Me and my brother got outta bed late," Yumi smiled. Takayuki and Kou turned their heads to face Yami and Yumi.

Kanzaki whistled. "She's cute."
"You like her?" Kou laughed.
"No, just thought she's cute."
"She's your type?" Takayuki asked.
"No, she's not my type..." Kanzaki groaned.
"Did you guys get the memo about her twin?" Kyou asked the three, brushing her bangs out of her hair.
"Wait, her brother-" Kanzaki and Takayuki said simultaneously as Yami stood there, unimpressed, and arms crossed.
"Name's Yami, a.k.a the twin of the girl you just talked about." He rolled his eyes.
"Ahaha... Uh, my name's Takayuki Nora, call me Yuki for short." His palms were sweating and his face was slightly red. He held out his hand. Yami shook it lightly and Yumi just hugged him.
"Nice to meet you Yuki!" She exclaimed.
"Wait, Nora, as in the prestigious Slayer family Nora?!" Yami exclaimed.
"Yeah, the Low Class badass is none other than Nora Takayuki." Takayuki said with sarcasm dripping from his voice, hands clenched into fists. His head hung low.
"Woah, we have a Nora on our Platoon!! I look up to your father, Hayato Nora! He was said to eliminate the Remnant which destroyed cities known as the "Kaiser"!" Yami was in awe, voice sounding more high pitched and excited.
"Whatever... I'm Low Class and not Top Class... My family could care less about me." Takayuki said as he lifted his head looked away from Yami, pushing up his glasses.
"Kou Katsumi," Kou said through gritted teeth as she looked at Yumi. Yumi then let go of Takayuki and latched onto Kou.
"Nice to meet you as well Kou!!"
"Don't mind her, she likes hugging people and treating them like family." Yami shrugged, voice reverting back to his monotone.
"Kyou Kita," Kyou said as Yumi hugged her as well, or to the best of her ability as Kyou was sitting in a chair. Kyou gulped.
"Kanzaki Ayano." Yumi detached from Kyou and hugged Kanzaki.
"Nice to meet you both!" She exclaimed. Kanzaki patted her back.
"Hang on, if we're Low Class, and your Middle Class, then-" Kou started before Takayuki's eyes widened.
"Their the Top Class...!"
"Yami and Yumi... The Prodigy Twins, right?" Kanzaki asked, pieces of information in his brain fitting in.
"Yup!" Yami and Yumi exclaimed together.
"Wow, we have a Nora and the Prodigy Twins on our Platoon!" Kyou exclaimed, turning red. "I feel so embarrassed to even be here...!"
"Note that our Nora is a failure."
Takayuki gritted his teeth and ice blue eyes shot toward's Kanzaki's blood red.
"Platoon name?" Kou asked, looking at both Kanzaki and Takayuki with a glare. Yami decided to stand next to Kou, as Yumi let go of Kanzaki and sat on the table he was on.
"Three K's and three Y's. We should call ourselves the KYKYKY." Yami said with a straight face.
"Kai Kai Kai?" Kyou raised an eyebrow.
"K and Y."
"Horrible name." Kanzaki face-palmed at Yami.
"Platoon New something," Takayuki said in a more calm manner. He snapped his thumb and middle fingers together as his index pointed at everyone.
"Platoon New... KY." Yami said.
"Platoon New KY doesn't sound too bad." Kyou shrugged.
"KY is stupid," Kanzaki said, clearly agitated by Yami's stupid choices. "For a Top Class, you have bad name choice. How about Platoon Ultimate Slayers?"
"How generic," Takayuki retorted. "Anyone could've thought up with that."
"Platoon New Slayers!" Yumi exclaimed, smile bright and index finger shot in the air. Kou grabbed Takayuki by the wrist and kept a hold of him.
"Nice name!" Kyou nodded. "I say Platoon New Slayers!"
"Same here!" Kou exclaimed.
"Fine." Kanzaki and Takayuki said together, faces turning away from each other.
"New Slayers it is then." Yami nodded.
"Whoo! Me, Yami, Yuki, Kou, Kyou and Kanzaki will make a great team!!" Yumi cheered.
"We are... Platoon New Slayers?" Takayuki said as he looked up at the ceiling, ruffling his hair. "Damn."
"Cringe worthy but I'll take it." Kanzaki laughed at himself.

Lieutenant Kirishima walked over to them, looking quite scary, eyebrows furrowed.
"Maggots! Have you chosen a Platoon name like I asked?!" He exclaimed to them, Kou and Yami turning to him.
"Yeah, Platoon New Slayers!" Yumi cheered.
"What a generic name, you maggots!" Lieutenant Kirishima exclaimed.
"What now?" Yami asked him.
"Your first mission as New Slayers! Your Mission is to raid a Remnant Base in the Remnant Zone!"
"Hang on, there are bases?!" Kou exclaimed, her standing up, eyebrows raised and eyes widened.
"Yes there are bases maggots, haven't you listened to the theory lessons?!" Lieutenant Kirishima shouted at Kou.
"N-no sir...!" Kou whimpered, two hands on her head.
"Then start listening, maggot!"
"Alright, raid a base. Easy enough." Takayuki smiled.
"Here's the information sheets." Lieutenant Kirishima put down three sheets on the table. The six looked at the sheets, spreading them out. "Good luck soldiers!" He saluted and walked away.
"Alright, our first mission!" Yumi cheered.
"We're raiding a Remnant Base, that's no easy feat." Takayuki said, arms crossed as he pushed his glasses up with his index finger.
"Hey, we have a Nora on our team though!" Yami exclaimed.
"A Nora that's in the Low Class," Kanzaki muttered, which got him a kick in the shin by Kyou.
"Be mindful of others Kanzaki!" She had her arms crossed and eyes narrowed.
"Forget that, let's do this!" Kou said as she threw a finger up in the air, smiling.




I'm having too much fun writing the characters interacting lol! Kanzaki's and Takayuki's arguments are too fun to write XD

The only problem now is to make my characters more defined lol. Kanzaki and Yami are a bit too similar in my opinion.

Anyways... Uh, there's something I'd like to address, and that's the comments.

If you know me, I love talking. And when people like me see almost no comments...

It's so weird to me! I rarely see chapters without any comments and it feels soooo weird when I see nothing in the comments section. It's like a ghost town... XD

So to start a conversation with everyone, I'll ask a question!

Which character do you relate to the most?

Answer below. XD

Enjoy the extra!

Extra: Lieutenant Kirishima's Lunch

Kirishima: Nice work maggots! It's lunch time! *runs away from the group*

Kirishima: *goes into the janitor closet*

Kirishima: *takes out paper bag*

Kirishima: *looks at the bag as it reads, "Kiri! I love you ok? Eat well and kill some Remnants ^~^ Much love, Mom" *tearing up* Mommy, I love you too!

My comedy is amazing isn't it?

Did I get one laugh?

Just one?



Fox, out!

Word Count: 2700

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