#3: [Trial Run]

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In a long row of red chairs against a white wall, a medium height, slender male with neck length, dark blue curly hair sat in a chair; red eyes closed as his arms were crossed. His leather jacket was on his lap, and his black shirt was visible. He also wore dark blue jeans, with black converses. Sitting to his right was a young, slightly shorter than him, female with shining amber eyes and a cute smile, as long light blue hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulders. Against her pale skin was a slight pink blush, as her hands laid on her lap. The girl wore a cotton white dress with a woollen dark blue jacket with brown boots with a slight heel.
"Huh, Kanzaki fell asleep pretty fast." The girl mumbled to herself, as the other people sitting in the hallway were filling it with an incessant chatter. The boy, Kanzaki, started to snore as he tilted his head back. "He's soon gonna be next..." She looked down the queued seats, the two were now one away from the door which led to a medical centre.
"Next!" A male popped his head out, and called out loudly as a soldier stood up from his seat and walked towards the room and entered it. Soldiers shuffled up a seat as the girl frowned. She tugged at Kanzaki's sleeve. "Hey, wake up..." She said softly, shaking him. "Wake up...!" She said a bit louder. "Kanzakiiii...!!" She whined into his ear, lips centimetres away from Kanzaki's head. Nothing but a snort from him. "How annoying... Kanzaki Ayano, wake up!" She exclaimed into his ear, shaking Kanzaki harshly as he suddenly woke and flinched.
"Ow, ever heard of doing it less rough?" Kanazaki asked her, looking drowsy.
"It's not my fault that you didn't wake up faster." She huffed.
"Whatever you say Kyou." He looked at the empty space beside him and shuffled a seat.
"That's what I was trying to get you to do, move... Also, keep awake as we'll be up soon." The girl, Kyou, sighed.
"Next!" The same male popped his head out as another soldier walked in, as another walked out, ears elongated; like an elf.
"Right." Kanzaki said as he moved up a seat. He was now next to the door.
"This is so nerve racking..." Kyou sighed.
"We did well with our injection test, so this'll be fine." Kanzaki said.
"We're mostly average though...?" Kyou raised a brow as she stared at Kanzaki, who was looking off in the distance.
"What about it? We've proved we're good enough for the RSS, last stop after that is practicing with our powers." Kanzaki replied, turning his head and looking at her with his red eyes.
"..." Kyou gulped and turned a darker shade of pink. "R-right."
"Next!" The same man exclaimed. Kanzaki stood up as Kyou looked at him and waved her hand.
"G-good luck!" She exclaimed.

As Kanzaki entered, he looked around the room. It was the same medical centre he knew, walls white, posters up about health and beds with white sheets laid out neatly next to each other, with dark green curtains separating them. The injection was being done in the corner where table and chairs were.
"Hello, you are?" The man asked, black hair swept to the side and rounded glasses on the verge of falling.
"Kanzaki Ayano, Middle Class Soldier. Here for the Injection of course." Kanzaki replied.
"Alright. Be prepared for body changes and anything else, such as emotional changes, personality changes, etc. This is safe to do, but it will change you. If you experience any difficulties, come see me here." The man said as he opened a fridge.
"Thanks, uh..." Kanzaki drew a blank.
"Doctor Sui Nanami." He said as he took out a small syringe filled with a yellow liquid; similar to oil.
"Sui Nanami huh? Alright then." Kanzaki said. He showed his right arm.
"You know about this then?" Sui asked as he rubbed the joint of Kanzaki's arm-more specifically a blue vein.
"Yeah... I know from my friend, she had blood tests and they chose that bendy thingy-bit." Kanzaki said.
"Well, then." He started. "You'll feel a pinch then a feeling on the inside." Sui then slowly used the needle to pierce the skin of Kanzaki, as he pushed down on the syringe; the liquid rushing inside of his veins.
"...!" His eyes widened as voices rang throughout his head. The liquid was transforming Kanzaki, as he started to breathe slower, in a more calm manner.
"We're done there..." Sui removed the needle and pushed a piece of cotton over his injection wound; then taping it over.
"...woah..." Kanzaki gulped at his new found powers. "I feel stronger, faster... So much more hungry suddenly... A craving for... An iron like taste?"
"Maybe you've become a vampire!" Sui clapped his hands together and laughed. Shivers ran down Kanzaki's spine.
"I'd have to drink blood then...?"
"Well, most likely yeah." Sui smiled.
"Right." Kanzaki walked away and left the room with a somewhat confused face. "I know my power... I've basically turned into a vampire. I drink blood to activate my vampiric side. It's just the thought of drinking blood that's putting me off..."
"How was it?!" Kyou exclaimed, pulling Kanzaki back into reality.
"...Oh, it was fine." Kanzaki replied with a shaky voice, head down slightly.
"How'd you use your power?" She asked eagerly.
"I drink someone else's blood to become a vampire pretty much." Kanzaki replied. Kyou immediately tilted her head to reveal her neck.
"Since we are partners, you can a-always count on me for well... B-blood." She said with a closed eye smile. Something in Kanzaki clicked as he forced himself to restrain from suddenly biting into her neck.
"Hey, restrain yourself! You can't look at your partner like that and suddenly jump on them..." He thought, groaning. His head hung low and his brows furrowed with anger, eyes squinted as his fists were tight. He quickly eyed Kyou. "Even if that vein... That vein is filled with that delicious liquid..."
"Kanzaki?" Kyou asked as she tilted her head back into place.
"Next!" Sui exclaimed, head popping out of the door. The sudden noise was enough for Kanzaki to regain control of himself. He proceeded to quickly looked at Kyou, grabbing her wrist.
"Look, when I need my powers, are you sure it's okay that I can drink your blood?" Kanzaki asked her.
"Uh, y-yes, of c-course!" Kyou nodded flustered and a dark shade of red.
"Sorry," He let go. "Thanks and good luck..." He smiled at her. Kyou nodded in surprise.

"..." Kyou silently looked away from where she had the injection.
"Out there when you became beet red, boy, that was hilarious!" Sui commented as he taped over the cotton.
"S-So?" Kyou asked with annoyance.
"I don't know, I found it funny. Why'd you become red anyways?" He asked. Kyou stood up from her seat.
"Well, its surprising." Kyou mumbled. "I don't really let anyone touch me, so... And no, I don't mean it in that way; just in case you're a pervert."
"I think you're the pervert since you thought of that, but listen up, okay? Get used to it. Partners do that stuff all the time. Whether it'd be tackling someone to the ground to save them, or pulling them outta the way." Sui said.
"I know that, I've been his partner for two years know... It still kinda shocks me though." She sighed.
"If that's the case, think about it a little deeper- maybe it's just your emotions or how you react, I dunno." He said with eyes closed. Sui opened an eye to see Kyou had already left. "Ah man, she's gone? Well then..."

The following day after the injections were done, a class was set up in the Remnant Centre. The class was in the higher level, where it was a black floor and glass walls, allowing people to see down where the actual centre where Remnants and humans fought-it was also a gateway to locked Remnants.
"Okay maggots!" Lieutenant Kirishima exclaimed to the row of soldiers in white shirts, black shorts and all sorts of trainers, two of which were Kanzaki and Kyou. "We gotta get you trained to use your powers, okay?! So, each pair will fight three Remnants; one easy, one medium and one big boss! If ya die, you die! If ya get injured, you get injured! Now, we'll start with the weasel Kanzaki Ayano and his partner, Kyou Kita!"
"Wait, u-us already?!" Kyou squeaked as she stood up. Kanzaki stood up aswell.
"Yes maggots! Get down there immediately!" Lieutenant Kirishima exclaimed.
"Yes sir!" Kanzaki and Kyou replied, saluting. The two made their way down a set of stairs to the pure white centre. Looking forwards to the wall, a slick sound pushed apart the walls and from it emerged three Remnants. A small, furry grey goblin like Remnant, a sky born mosquito like Remnant. The final Remnant was a large, green, furry and hunched back mutation with purple spikes protruding it's body and dark red eyes.
"Piece a cake, kill the goblin, kill the bug, end the monster and we win, ding ding ding!" Kyou cheered.
"Problem here is lack of space and highs and lows on the terrain." Kyou said as she looked at the three Remnants with an calm glare. "Here." She tilted her head and revealed her neck to Kanzaki.
"Thanks." He stepped forwards and towards her; now standing behind Kyou. With his hands clutched on her shoulders, he opened his mouth to reveal pearl white fangs which used to be canines. He lowered his head as the teeth sank into Kyou's soft, pale flesh. A soft drinking sound was made as Kanzaki sucked blood out of Kyou, who was tightening her fists from the pain she felt from two sharp teeth striking her by the neck. The Remnants started to move towards the two, the Goblin like one scurrying across the floor, the mosquito buzzing around the air and the large green monster clunked forward with each step. "Thank you, again, Kyou." Kanzaki said as he took out his teeth that were jammed in her veins and wiped off the excess blood around his lips. Kyou softly rubbed her wound and set her sights on the Remnants. Kanzaki smiled and he lifted his arms into the air at shoulder height, and bat like wings were present. His eyes looked sharpened and now his pupil was red as he looked much stronger than before.
"I'll suck the blood out of you damned mosquito!" He exclaimed, flapping his arms and going sky borne, zooming towards the Remnant with great speed. Kyou on the other hand had her eyes blanked out to pure white, as her dark shadow was now in front of her. Her right hand was over the shadow, seeming to control it. She shaped the shadow into a sword and grasped it, touching the now hardened shadow. Kyou ran forward and swiftly swung her sword through the goblin, black blade covered in red blood as the Remnant was now split in half, and it's dark red insides spilling on the clean, white floor. She proceeded forwards, while Kanzaki was flying towards the mosquito and grabbed it's upper body, and kicked his legs around it; holding it tightly. He opened his mouth and bit down on the mosquito, fangs making a soft piercing sound as the mosquito screamed loudly, a high pitched squeal that grated on Kanzaki's ears. The Remnant's wings stopped flapping as the two started to fall to the ground, Kanzaki on the bottom. As he got his fill of blood, Kanzaki let go and flew back into the air as the Remnant dropped to the white floor, making a large splat sound as the red and pink insides of the Remnant was slowly leaking out.
"Okay Kyou, I'll take this guy from the top, you take him from the bottom!" Kanzaki commanded as Kyou simply nodded and stuck the sword into the ground, changing the shadow into the floor and it quick zipped under the Remnant. Kanzaki dropped down and sat on the giant behemoth, grinning.



Phew! Now that character introductions are done, we can get onto the main story!

I've also figured out a timetable for my editors. For even number chapters (so 2, 4, 6, etc) I'll have Vidjauser be my editor, and for odd number chapters like this one, (so 3, 5, 7, etc) I'll have _MaLfAy_ . Hope you guys are okay with it. *bows*

Thanks again to everyone who supported me, a lot of hard work has been put into this haha.

Now, enjoy the extra!

Extra: Kanzaki and Blood

Kanzaki: SUI! KYOU WAS JUST STABBED IN THE HEART!! *carrying a near death Kyou*

Sui: *gasp* I gotta do heart surgery?!

Kanzaki: HURRY!!

Sui: Alright, alright! Get her down on the bed stat! *grabs kit*

Kanzaki: *puts her down*

Sui: Look away, its about to get messy! *puts her on life support and starts to open her up*

Kanzaki: ...*looks at blood* Can I drink her blood? *licks his lip*

Sui: Oi, no drinking in the centre!

Kanzaki: Yes sir... T-T

Uh... no?

Agh, I can't do comedy. Sorry.

That's all, Fox out!

Word Count: 2336

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