chapter 44: reno already makes an enemy

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chapter 44: reno already makes an enemy


       "Do you think I'll get in trouble if I join your first period class?" Weisz asks as we're driving in my car to go to our new school. We thought it would be a lot easier to just carpool instead of wasting both of our cars' gas.

       That, and it gives me an opportunity to tease Weisz even more about my car.

       I furrow my eyebrows. "First off, yes, you probably would. And second, why would you want to come to my first period class? Please don't give me a cheesy answer like you'll miss me."

       "Yes, but that's not the reason," Weisz says. "It's because your first period is a music class." He gestures to my guitar sitting in the backseat. "You'll get to play that and I won't even get to watch. Not to mention everyone in your class gets to watch you play it. I'll be extremely jealous."

       "Oh, what a shame."

       "Yes, it is a shame."

       I just smile at Weisz before I pull my car into the parking lot of East Vista Secondary School. I find an empty parking space and pull into it before turning off my car. Weisz and I get out of the car, grabbing our bags and my guitar case.

       The two of us head into the school, first finding our lockers. Weisz's old one has already been taken when he was at Waterfalls, so he's going to have to get used to having a different locker. Unfortunately, our lockers aren't too closer to each other. I didn't expect them to be, anyway. 

       We don't have much time to find our lockers and for Weisz to show me where all my classes are, so he only shows me where my second class is. Once the first bell rings, he leads me to my music class. "So... You think you'll be okay remembering where your second class is?" Weisz asks.

       "Yes, Dad," I say.

       "Oh, so you have a daddy kink?"

       I stare at Weisz for a bit. "I know you're trying to get back at me for saying you have a leather jacket fantasy, but you know that's not going to work, right? I can easily prove you wrong, but you..." I tap his chest. "You blush at the mere mention of me in a leather jacket. In nothing but a leather jacker."

       Like I suspected, Weisz's face immediately begins redden. "I'm going to get you back one day."

       I tap his cheek. "Sure. You should go to class now."

       "Fine, fine." Weisz gives me a quick kiss. "I'll see you at lunch."

       Weisz walks off to go to his class, so I walk into the music room. Only a few students are already in here, playing their instrument of choice. I find a seat in the back since I like being away from everyone.

       I set my guitar's case beside me on the ground before I take out the guitar. Since everyone else is already playing their instrument as we wait for class to start, I start strumming away on my guitar to pass time.

       Unfortunately, I'm soon interrupted when someone stands beside me and says, "You're new to the school, aren't you?"

       I stop strumming and look up, seeing none other than my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. I try my best not to glare at her. Sure, I don't personally know her, but the fact that she never visited Weisz in the hospital and cheated on him while he was going through chemotherapy was enough for me to not be fond of her.

       "Uh huh," is all I say before I turn my focus back on my guitar.

       Marie doesn't seem to take the hint that I don't want to talk to her. Then again, she might just see me as a reclusive new student since she doesn't know I'm her ex's boyfriend. "I'm Marie. Where are you from?"

       "A town," I say, hoping my bored and short answers would be enough to get Marie to leave me alone.

       It's not.

       "Oh, cool," Marie says. "Which town?"

       So one worded answers won't work. Maybe me not answering verbally will, so I just shrug and continue paying attention to my guitar only.

       Marie still doesn't take the hint that I just don't want to talk to her. "Well, if you ever need a place to sit for lunch, you can always find me and my friends. I know how hard it must be starting at a new school in the middle of the year."

       Oh, trust me, it's a lot easier starting at this school than being in that hell hole of my old school.

       Marie finally sits down in her own chair, but it's unfortunately quite close to mine.

       When class starts, the teacher tells us to go around and introduce ourselves while also stating any instruments we can play. I'm the last student to go so when it's my turn, I say, "I'm Reno. I can play acoustic, electric, and bass guitar, as well as the piano and the flute."

       "Impressive," Marie says to me. I don't answer since honestly, it's not that impressive. It's just some instruments I took time learning how to play. There are a lot of people out there, people in this class even, who know how to play more than me.

       As much as I was excited to be in this music class, I now just want it to end so I don't have to be near Marie anymore. 

       The teacher talks about how the class is going to go this semester. Basically, everyone will be choosing a few songs to perform throughout the term to showcase what we learn, though she expects each of us to choose a song that's a bit more difficult than the last one we performed to showcase we're actually improving and learning something new.

       Class soon ends and as I pack up my guitar, Marie asks, "Need any help finding your next class?"

       "Nope," I say. "I know where it is. I had someone show me beforehand."

       "Oh, cool," Marie says. She stands up from her chair. "Well, my offer for lunch still stands. Just find me and my friends if you need a place to sit."

       Second period goes by quite quickly, though it definitely helps that Jane is also in the class so I have someone to talk to. When second period ends, it's time for lunch so she leads me to the cafeteria. We first buy some lunch there before finding the table where everyone else is.

       "Reno!" Amelia says as soon as she sees me and Jane. She gives me a hug. "Welcome to East Vista! I'm so glad you and Weisz are here. You can help me and Adam flip off Marie every time we see her."

       "Ugh, Marie," I say. "Speaking of, she was in my music class and would not leave me alone. She kept offering for me to sit with her and her friends at lunch."

       "Interesting..." Marcel says.

       I furrow my eyebrows. "Why is that interesting?"

       "Because normally, her and her friends are very exclusive," Marcel says. "They're very clique-ish and don't really let anyone sit with them. I say she was flirting with you. Sorry, Weisz."

       "Isn't she still with Dave?" Weisz asks.

       "She is," Jane says. "But they're currently in a fight, so she's probably trying to get back at him by flirting with whoever she sees. She did that last time they got into a fight. So just a heads up for you, Reno, Dave will probably try physically fighting you. He'll get very jealous and accuse you of trying to break them up."

       "Says the guy who willingly helped Marie cheat on me," Weisz mutters. "For sixth months."

       "Six... Six months?" I ask. "Weisz, I had no idea it was for that long. If it makes you feel better, I'll pretend she doesn't exist."

       "I have a better idea," Amelia says. "Kiss Weisz in front of her."

       "How is that a better idea?" I ask.

       "Because she has chosen you to flirt with in order to anger Dave," Amelia says. "It will be very satisfying, for us that is, for her to find out that the guy she is trying to flirt with is her ex's boyfriend."

       "Yeah, I'd rather just avoid her," I say. "I don't want to start anything." 

       "Really?" Adam asks. "No offence, but you seem like the person to start something."

       "Ouch," I say. "But that's fair. I sometimes do." But not when Weisz is involved. I don't want to make things worse for him. If he gives me the go-ahead, that will be a different story.


i like playing as my book characters in sims, so i've been playing as reno and weisz and they're so dramatic lmao. weisz was uncomfortable for sleeping in a cheap bed, and that made reno sad because he and weisz are very close, so reno went to cry under the blankets, then that weisz sad so he also went to cry under the blankets. they were both crying together.

love those dramatic boyfriends.

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