chapter 45: weisz is ready to start a war. hypothetically.

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chapter 45: weisz is ready to start a war. hypothetically.


       "Awe, look at this poster," Reno says as he stops in the hallway, looking at one of the posters on the wall. "A Valentine's Day dance soon? That's so lame. Who wants to celebrate a day of love and make everyone who's single feel incredibly lonely? Not me." Reno looks at me. "Wanna go together?"

       I furrow my eyebrows as I look at my boyfriend. "You just said it's lame, and now you're asking if I want to go with you?"

       "Because even though I think it's lame, I know that you would want to go," Reno says. "Besides, it will sort of make up for us not being able to go to the school dance back at Waterfalls. I mean, not really since this is a whole different school, but still. You like dances."

       "Yeah, but I don't want you to feel forced to go with me," I say.

       "Weisz." Reno holds onto both of my hands. "I wouldn't have asked to go if I wasn't okay with it. I only hated dances back at Waterfalls because I hated that school. This school isn't all that bad. I doubt there's anyone here that would spike a punch then try to blame me on it. So, yes, I'm okay with going. One hundred percent."

       I smile at Reno before giving him a quick kiss. "I'm excited then."

       Like always before first period, I walk Reno to the music class, even though he knows where it is. I just enjoy walking him to his class. It gives me an excuse to check him out a bit longer since he's so freaking hot.

       I won't be able to see him until lunch, anyway. Sure, it's just a few hours apart and it's not that big of a deal since we see each other all the time, but it makes up for the fact that the two classes we have together are after lunch.

       I'm just happy Marie isn't in any of my classes. Reno has to deal with her, but he's been trying his best to ignore her. 

       But still. I'd rather be at this school and possibly have to face my ex-girlfriend who cheated on me than be at Waterfalls where basically everyone was okay with treating me and Reno differently.

       After Reno walks into his music class, I head to my first period class, which goes by quickly enough. Next is second period, which I thankfully have with Amelia. Well, I don't know if I should say thankfully since she's quite a distraction. She's a smart person, but she doesn't like getting work down so she's constantly copying off whoever sits beside her. I'm one of the people sitting beside her in this class.

       When lunch rolls around, Amelia and I head to the cafeteria to meet up with everyone else. On the way there, we end up seeing a group of students watching something, though we can't see what it is from where we are.

       "Ooh, is a fight going on?" Amelia asks. "What do you say? Want to see who it is and bet on who's going to win?"

       "Not really," I say, though we do push our way through to see who it is.

       It's not a fight, but it's something that completely angers me. Dave has Reno pushed up against a locker, his arm pressed against Reno's chest to prevent him from moving. Even though Reno normally can fight back, he doesn't look like he can. He looks like he's panicking right now, but Dave isn't showing any sign of letting go. No one even looks like they're going to help. They're more entertained by the scene.

       I hurry over to them and push Dave away from Reno. Reno hunches over as he gasps for air, grasping at his shirt as he tries to breathe. I wrap my arm around his shoulder. "Are you okay?" I ask. Reno shakes his head, so I look at Dave. "What the hell were you doing to him?"

       "Oh, relax, he's just being dramatic," Dave says. "I barely touched him. He's the one who has been hitting on my girlfriend even though Marie has been ignoring his advances." Wow, she really did lie to Dave about it. I don't know what goes on in Marie's head.

       "Likely story," I say.

       Dave glares at me. "Are you insinuating that she's lying?"

       "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying," I say. 

       "You know what? This has nothing to do with you. Go be a white knight somewhere else and stay out of my relationship's business."

       "You were threatening my boyfriend for something he didn't even do," I say. "So, yeah, this does has something to do with me." There's no point in talking to Dave, so I focus on Reno instead. I should have just ignored Dave from the beginning since Reno is still struggling to breathe. "Come on, let's get you some fresh air."

       I lead Reno outside to get away from everyone. There's a bench nearby, so I help him sit on it before I crouch down in front of him, taking both of his hands in mine. I help him control his breathing, getting it back to a steady pace. 

       When he can breathe properly again, he still looks a bit upset, so I say, "You should think about the fact that you can easily make me blush but simply mentioning a leather jacket."

       Reno laughs slightly. "Yeah, you definitely have an obsession with them."

       "Oh, yeah, for sure," I say. There's a few tears staining Reno's cheeks, so I wipe them away. "Are you okay?'

       Reno takes a shaky breath and releases it. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, that just... It gave me a flashback to the assault. I just felt so helpless. I still can't believe Marie actually lied about that just to make Dave jealous or to get his attention or whatever."

       I sit down beside Reno, still holding onto his hands. "That's what she does. She lies to get her way, even if it means getting other people in trouble. Do you want to go out somewhere for lunch?"

       Reno hesitates before he nods. "Yeah. I still need a breather before going back in there. Any places nearby we can go?"

       "Oh, there's a lot." I stand up, pulling Reno up with me. "What are you in the mood for?"



       Reno smiles at me. "Sushi."

       "And I know just the place."


amelia "accidentally" shoved dave when weisz and reno walked away. love that queen.

next chapter is going to be so silly for marie. you'll probably laugh at her lol.

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