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"Where is she Stephen?", I asked as I entered my penthouse.
"She must be upstairs sir! In her room!"
I nodded and then went to her room.

She must be changing for her 'date', so I knocked.
"Come in!", I heard her and went in.

"So yo..........!", My words trailed off when I saw the fine specimen of woman standing before me. She was wearing a white coloured gown, simple and elegant, that trailed off at the back, while was of knee length in the front. It hung over her body carelessly, and effortlessly. With that she was wearing a pair of brown boots. Her curves were well accentuated in the dress. She was wearing a brown leather bracelet in her left hand, and a watch in the right. Her brown hair were trailing down to her waist, while those lips were painted red. But it covered her well.

"Eyes up here Eric!", I could see a hint of pride on her face.

"How am I looking Eric!?", I breathed in and out.

Delicious! - I wanted to answer but I didn't instead I said, "Horrible!"

She gasped visibly, "Don't be so crude Eric!"

"Why!?", I folded my hands, "You should wear a dress that can make him see your marks. It's not appropriate to hide them. He should know what he is signing up for! You wouldn't want him to leave after you become all serious about him."
She stared at me in disbelief.

"You don't know what you are saying Eric! I will tell him everything about myself."

I raised an eyebrow, "Even the things you have not told me yet! Like what caused those marks!"

She shook her head, "Eric just because you don't like me going on a date with someone, you will use my weaknesses to emotionally demoralise me!?"

"I am not demoralising you! I am just telling you that there is a real world, where your knights in shining armours would run away as soon as they see what baggage of hurt you hold! It will hurt you later Erica!!", I yelled the last part.

"Right now your words are hurting more!"

"I don't care as long as it can save you from those men! Leave him Erica! Let him wait. I can come on a date with you...we will go and do whatever you want!", If a 'date' can make her feel special, I would do it. But I can't allow her to spend a night with another man!

She stood silent for a while and then nodded.
I finally sighed in relief after a complete day! God! If I knew going on a date with me can convince her, I would have done that before.

She picked up her phone and typed on it. Probably telling that dude to stop dreaming!

She called him.
Why so generous Eric!?

"Yeah! Where are you?"
"I wanted to say that don't bother coming to the Ashton's!"
"Yeah! I would come on the address on my own. Yeah! No that's not a problem... I'll take a cab!"
"Oh Richardson don't worry...I will...!"
"Okay fine! See you soon!"

I was taken aback...and she walked past me.

Oh. The. Hell!

"Erica! Erica!", I ran after her.

"Erica!", I thankfully stopped her before she could reach the stairs.

"You are not going Erica!"

"And who do you think you are to order me!", She seethed.

"Your boss!"

She chuckled sarcastically, "And I am out of work right now!"

"Erica! We have official work to do!", I said desperately.

"I completed whatever was assigned to me!", She tried to walk past me but I came in her way on time.

"Don't go Erica!", I said exasperated, "Please!!!"

She looked at me for a while then stepped back.
I knew better this time than heaving a sigh of relief. She's a hard but to crack.

"What can you offer me in return Eric!?"

I sighed, "Whatever you ask! We can go on as many dates you want! Everything! I would not leave any stone unturned to make you feel special! Just don't go tonight!"

"You say whatever!?"

"Yeah whatever!", I nodded furiously.

"Uh...okay then...", She folded her hands, "Can you offer me a serious relationship with a legitimate title!? I swear I would never step out of your sight if you do. I would deny each and every man in this world...if it means to have a honourable relationship with you!"

I was speechless!
Well that would be an understatement.

Because all my senses became numb.

A relationship!? A serious relationship!? Commitment!? Love!? A title!?

All the fears in my heart crept up like never before! And at that very moment, our gaze broke.
I can't give her anything she asked for!
As if having their own brain, my legs moved out of her way on their own.

I hear her chuckle sarcastically, "That was expected!"
And with that she left!


"Wanna do this again anytime Erica!?"
"Sure Richard! If I knew it would be so much fun, I would have done it earlier...", I said licking on my ice-cream.
"David told me that you are a workaholic! And you need some time to chill!!"
I sighed, "I didn't realize before today, how much I needed this."

"So, where should I drop you!?"
"Ashton's!", I told him.
"Don't mind me asking Erica but do you stay with Eric!?"
"Ah_yea I do! It was in my work contract. For the sake of convenience..."
He chuckled, "I am not prying Erica, but you have been gloomy all night. Not the way, you are with him. He's someone special... isn't he!?"

"No!", I answered immediately, "He's no one special. And he will never be!"

"You can't say that Erica! The way he looks at you, that's full of love! That's why my father asked if both of you are in relationship..."

I am done with this bullshit! First David and now him.
"You may have mistaken his eyes Richard! Love is not his thing. He's incapable of loving!"

"He's not incapable Erica...!"
"Stop it Richard! I don't want to talk about him."
And thankfully he did.

"Till when are you in States!?", I changed the topic.
"I am leaving tomorrow early in the morning...Dad wants to reach there as soon as possible! He can't stay without mom at all..", He smiled as he said this.

"What about you!? You don't have anyone waiting back at home?"
He sighed and smiled sheepishly, "I do actually. But we both are not on good terms recently."

"Why what happened!?"
He shook his head, "From the last two years I have been travelling alot and working to finally take over this huge empire of my father. I was in a relationship with her for five years now! But just three months ago, she came and said she can't do it anymore!"

I gasped, "Did she find anyone else!?"
"No! Her main problem my ignorance towards her. This work thing never allowed me to make her my priority, and since I am flirt by nature, she was getting insecure back at home. She's still not with anyone."

"Why didn't you go and convince her!?", I asked as we got in the car.
"I tried but I couldn't give much time. Erica! My family business is five generations old. It's a old legacy which I have to treasure. I cannot give her much time, but probably she didn't want to wait for me."

I sighed, "That's where you're wrong Richard...you have been doing this for two years now. And she came just three months ago. And if you truly love her, you wouldn't need to separate yourself from work in order to talk to her! Go man! Save your girl before someone else flies away with her."

I saw his jaw tick at the mention of someone else. God! How much testosterone have you inserted in males for them to act as such possessive brutes!!

He dropped me off by the Ashton's, and I smilingly waved him a bye! He was genuinely very good. I see David would never send me with a jerk.

I got in and saw Stephan standing beside the reception.
"Hey Stephan!"

He gave me tight lipped smile, "So how was your date Erica!?"
I grinned, "Very good! I enjoyed."
I wanted to ask him where he is, but I didn't want him to get any wrong impressions.

Today, when I left in tears I called David to yell at him for assuming baseless things and giving me vague hopes. But as soon as I met Richardson, he cheered me up. I wouldn't hesitate to call a very friendly date...it was nothing of that sort...well, by the end of the night he admitted he has a woman back home.

I fetched the key card of the penthouse from my  clutch and unlocked it.
And as soon as I entered, the gloom that I left with surrounded me again.

I had this plan in my mind, and I executed it well, when I strolled towards my room ignoring anything and everything or more precisely anyone or everyone on my way.

Once in a while I felt two eyes tracing my path but I never stopped to acknowledge them. It's high time we stop this child play.


The next morning, I woke up early and came down to prepare breakfast.

What I witnessed completely shook my earth.

Eric was carelessly lying on the sofa, with his one leg dangling off the armrest, while other kept on the coffee table. He was holding a vine glass on one hand, while other was dangling from the couch.
He never drinks! Because according to him, it forces you to lose control!

When I went nearer, I could smell alcohol around, and when I finally checked the bottle, it was Vodka!

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