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"Stephan please come up with Henry!", I cried on the phone.
"Huh!? Erica!? What's wrong!!", As he asked me, all I could do was sob.
"Calm down I am coming!!"

Within no time, the door to the penthouse burst open and they entered, still in their night clothes.

I was sitting beside the sofa crying my eyes off. Their eyes immediately reached to me and then drifted to the one lying on the sofa.

Their eyes widened, and they ran forward to examine the situation. I could clearly comprehend the shock they felt by looking at their gaping mouths.

"Erica! Don't worry! He is just drunk. But because he doesn't drink often, his body must have not reacted well to it. He's unconscious!"

The two carried Eric up and with loads of difficulty shifted him in his bedroom.
I called a doctor immediately, and he came in no time.

"Don't worry Ms. Miller! Stephan was right. His body couldn't take much alcohol. I am writing few aspirins and drugs that would help him ease the hangover. He'll be fine even before you know it.", I nodded at him and thanked him.

He left and Stephan gave the medication to Henry, who went to a medical store.

"Erica! Are you alright!?"
I nodded absentmindedly.

"What happened Erica? If you want you can share with me."

I knew what happened. But since he doesn't feel anything for me, all I comprehend is that he's a sore loser!

"Stephan I will go manage things in the office! I will cook for all of you, and you both please stay with him and take care of him.", He nodded and I left the room.

Several things were running in my mind. But I refused to acknowledge a single one. Had I not ran after my silly intuitions while he was just being kind to me, we wouldn't be in this situation. It's not his mistake! It's mine!


It was 3 pm in the evening when I was sitting in my cabin working. The buzz outside the office suddenly died down and I looked up only to see through the glass, him entering in his cabin.

Why did he come!?
He should trust me enough to manage here!!

I called Stephan immediately, "Why he's here Stephan!?"
"Erica I couldn't stop him! You know how he can be!?"
"Is he alright Stephan?", I asked him.
He sighed, "Erica he will feel better if you go and ask him the same."

I hung up and went to the office coffee machine to make a strong coffee for him. Once done, I went towards his office and knocked.
No reply came and so I went in.

He was sitting on his chair, a file messily opened before him, and his head held in his hands not caring as it messed his hair up. And I knew my answer now.

I kept the coffee on the table in his line of vision.
"Coffee!", My voice came out as a mere whisper.

He didn't look up. Not at all, but took the cup in his hand. Taking it as a cue to leave, I left the cabin.

We didn't meet the rest of the day, as he was in his cabin all the time. No visitor was allowed.

In the car, the tension between us could be cut by a knife and as soon as we got in the penthouse, we took our separate ways.
My heart was bleeding right now.


It was dinner time.

"Stephan please go call Eric down!", I urged Stephan who was busy on his phone texting.
He nodded and went upstairs.
I was not even finished serving the four of us, when Stephan came with a frown.

"Erica! Sir said his food should be sent in his room from now on!", I couldn't find the strength to hide the fact about how much that hurt me. But I went through the dinner anyhow.
I was sure if Stephan and Henry didn't make any assumptions by know, today they will.

That's how it went between us. Living under the same roof acting as strangers.
I used to think that may be it's my mistake that I demanded something so big, and lost whatever friendship we had in the process.

I have never lost friends.
Well, I never had any!
In the school, I was so aloof that I used to walk out and walk in without giving anyone a single glance. All my free periods were spent studying in the library. Whenever some boy approached me, that used to scare me into nightmares.

Years of therapy from Jessica made me into the person I am today.
Resourceful, Substantial, Reliable from outside but still that hollow sixteen years old girl from the inside.

It was a brand new Saturday today.
But not a normal one, because I had an appointment with my Dermatologist today.

When we were still on good terms, Eric said he will accompany me because I can't stand going back to all that again. While I also knew that somewhere he was afraid the doctor would try to pursue me. Even after he declared me as a girlfriend there.

Just see the irony!
Before the world, he gives me all the titles I could have! I was always mentally prepared to even become his wife before a stranger. But when just two of us, he would never proceed further than 'good friends'.

I decide to let it go now.
We both are not possible!

I got ready and came down. I was about to call a cab, when Stephan came.
"Uh_ Erica! Sir is down with his car. He's waiting for you!"

My heart bubbled at the notice.
He remembered??
He would accompany me!!

I nodded at him and then came down to the garage, where he was standing beside his car talking to someone on phone.
As soon as his eyes met mine, I realized how long it has been since we properly looked at each other.

He hung up on the call, and then got in the car. I sighed heavily and followed him inside the car.


As soon as her fragrance surrounded me, all that I have been suppressing in me welled up. This is so wrong! How can I avoid her!? I don't want to ignore her...

But the reality is I can't face her! One thing she asked me, and I couldn't give. But at the same time the harsh reality that someone else would soon give her all she wants looms over me and I feel horrible!

Did he kiss her!? Did he touch her!? These questions are killing me from days. But I know I have no right to ask her so.

I started the car and we got on road.
When I gave her a glance, she was looking outside the window clearly not wanting to talk.
Thus, I stayed quiet too. Again not finding the guts to approach.

I sighed heavily and focused on driving.

We reached after what looked like an year.

"Eric Ashton and Erica Miller!", I asked the receptionist.
She smiled suggestively at me showing her fake assets, "Doctor has been waiting for you sir! Please this way!"
She attempted to walk...

"Uh uh...I am not a toddler. I know my way!", I glared at her and turned to Erica, "C'mon let's go!"

She looked up and nodded and we came to the cabin.
The jerk bastard was waiting for us.

"Wow! Mr. Ashton and Ms. Miller! Pleasure to see you both!"
I scowled at him, while she smiled vaguely.

She must me nervous about this.

We took our places before him.

"So Mr. Ashton, how is your girlfriend doing!? I won't ask her because you will slaughter me here if I do!", He said amused.

I smirked and muttered under my breath, "Smart bastard!"

Then composing myself, I faced him with a stoic expression, "Erica has been doing good! Her marks have certainly lost their colour. But it still burns. Initially she couldn't tolerate it, but now her body just got used to it. I would suggest you give her something gentle this time!"

He smiled, "Mr. Ashton! If she can tolerate such a possessive boyfriend like you, I am sure she's capable enough to tolerate a little burning sensation."

"Oh yes she is! But I can't tolerate when her face goes all red because of suppressing the pain!", Because I am her boyfriend. I wanted to add but stayed quiet.

"Ok I'll see what I can do.", He turned to Erica then, "Mr. Ashton's girlfriend! Please come so I could check it up!"
Unknowingly this man is adding salt on a wound. But fine! As far as he knows his position.

He left and she stood up!
She was trying to act all strong not asking me for help! Ego problem!

I rolled my eyes and stood up too.

We went in the examination room and she laid down on the bed.

When I held her hand, I could feel how much she was shivering. She told me once that she's afraid of men watching the marks! But at the same time, she used to come before me in a slip. Almost all her marks visible.
That too me was an achievement, as well as a moment of pride.

She was not crying hysterically but tears definitely escaped. I wiped them away, but ofcourse I can't take her pain away.
I know she revisits the time she got them. And it is painful to see as I can't help her in anyway.

The examination was done, and the doctor turned to me, "Mr. Ashton I would like to have a word with you."

I nodded and buttoning her shirt, I gave her a glass of water, "Calm down okay! I am coming in a minute."

I followed the doctor out of the room to his office.
He was serious this time.

"Mr. Ashton! Last time I thought that maybe she's afraid because it's her first time getting those examined but today even her body was shivering."

"I know!", I replied.

He sighed, "She needs therapy! She needs someone to know everything and give her hope. Wait Mr. Ashton you must be knowing everything!? Don't you!?"

I stumbled upon my words, "O_ofcourse I do!"

"Okay then! Please do something for her so she forgets whatever it is that scares her. I would give you my friend's number who can give her a therapy. But I would suggest a therapy at home. She's comfortable with you."

I nodded, "I would consider that."

When I brought Erica to him, he smiled widely, "Ms. Miller! You are recovering very good! You see those marks were stubborn! But you are more! Your boyfriend is with you...and I can see the bond between you two. You have a great future ahead! I am changing the prescription a little, and I guess those marks will vanish the next time you both come. Good going!"

She nodded with a real smile this time, and for the first time probably I wanted to appreciate this bastard doctor.


"Eat! What are you thinking?", I asked her, while we were having dinner in a restaurant outside the city.

She shook her head, "It is quite strange that when alone we act like strangers and when in front of someone people adore our 'bond'.", she chuckled sarcastically.

I gulped and sighed.
"You see Erica! We will have to talk one day...we cannot survive with this wall between us."

She looked up in my eyes, "There's nothing left to talk Eric. Nonetheless, thank you for being their with me."

"That 'thank you' sent a bitter taste in my mouth. I had to do this! There was no other alternative than me being here. I cannot simply kill whatever we share just because of a single argument!", I argued.

"Ok! I won't push it now. At least we are civil now."

"Yeah we are!", I grinned at her, and she smiled back.

Clearing my throat, I said what I wanted to from long, "Erica! All this time we have spent together...almost an year...do you trust me enough!?"

"I do..", she said without thinking.

"Do you trust me enough to confide in me!?", This grabbed her attention.

"Confide in you, as in what!?"

"Erica I understand you want a relationship with someone worthy!", Now that needed a lot of strength to say, "But you shiver when someone touches you! I see how you crumple into tears!"

She looked down sadly, "I can't help it Eric! I am scared!"

"Except when that someone touching you is me?", I blurted and she looked up with her eyes widened.

She couldn't say anything, so I continued, "Erica! I just want to help you...I confided in you about Evelyn. I want you to do the same. Although there's still a lot left to tell...we can always share a part of us with each other. It will help both of us!"

A tear fell down from her eyes, "Okay! I will try Eric! I will try my best!"

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