A Pirates Tale

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This Amazing Book was written by dikshaj02

First it's hard to Review a book of my circle of friends, but I'll try to be as honest as I can and if u don't agree pls tell me!! Also not an expert so don't listen to me much, ok?!

I love the summary!! It give me a hint of the story and u leave enough unanswered questions so it makes me curious!!
Only thing with me is the names, I can't pronounce them... seriously I'm really bad at it :)

Love the fact that you took time to introduce all the characters and the fact that you are happy to translate anything to your readers, I'm a sucker for A/N and you showed how cool you are on those :)

I really appreciate the fact you translate the dialogues, but was wondering why not have 2 versions of this book? If both languages are a big thing for you I think it would work better, because I'm able to understand it, but a judge pointed out once that she really couldn't read it, which I completely disagree, you can read it but maybe u could think in making two separate versions?

I don't know just an idea...because I know some readers who would be bothered by it.

I like the story and I'm only in chapter 2, from here the only thing I could suggest is give more suspense at the end of the chapter, so your readers will be eagerly waiting for an update.

Love the way chapter 3 finished was that edge that I was waiting for and u did it brilliantly :)

You have a great book, it's really really good, I love the plot and where the story is taking me, it's an original, and your ideas work really well, it's definitely an amazing story and now I think know why it never went as a winner book...

For me the story starts from chapter 4, is in this chapter that things change and take this story up in so many levels, and I think we miss that on the awards for example.

As for writing style and I'm not perfect, it's the both languages that I'm concerned that ppl like me who do not speak Hindi will actually stick to the story.
Also I noticed you have more than 1 dialogue per paragraph, and I think you should stick to one and separated the dialogues, because I'm missing the emotion when they speak...does this make sense to you?

It's like....ok an example:

"Why did you do that?" She said on a desperate yet low voice like she was suffocating...

A bit dramatic but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

I think you have it all, is just a bit tiny improvement, because you have it in you and it's really good :)

Lots of love

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