The Missing Piece of History

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Book name: The Missing Piece of History
Written by: Niranju98
Genre: Fantasy
Judged by: Jash_Parikh

Hey, let's start your review in a specific order...

Cover: You have one of the most beautiful covers I have ever seen. All though I must say, this does not look like a fantasy cover but a sweet romance cover. In case you have romance elements in the book then it is fine, otherwise as a judge, I might like you to add more relevance. As a reader, I loved it, and that is what matters most so good job. For this, you get 0.95/1.

Title: Interesting and thought provoking. Sounds to me like a modern book based on ancient relics or such. Full marks for creativity. For this you get 1/1.

Description: The start is ban, all though you used too many commas in the first sentence. Maybe you could break up the sentences into two. Some idea as to who are those strangers (as minimalistic as you can give) or at least why she follows the two strangers to a land whose name is even stranger than normal would be more insightful. In addition, when you have 9 friends, you don't usually write "...9 of her friends..." You could also use "Her group/band of (nine) friends..." I like that you call them something and have a proper title of Tremendous Ten. Your description is brief, to the point albeit with some minor points missing. Nevertheless, overall it is good. For this, you get 0.85/1.

Beginning and Plot: The best part about your writing is how descriptive you are with your surroundings. However, the one thing that could use a little more addition is the description of your MCs in the beginning. Having said that, what you have is great. The grammar and punctuation is spot on. The writing style is also very good. Using higher language vocabulary at times would look more impressive to the readers. Somewhere maybe you could make the longer sentences shorter with usage of good vocabulary. For example, the opening sentence of chapter 4: "There was a huge entrance gate in the front." Firstly, you could shorten it, as "There was a gigantic entrance door." Secondly, entrance door is obviously going to be at the front, right? The ones at the back are back doors. Therefore, you could shorten the word count and create more impact in your readers' minds. Anyways all these are very minor things that you can ignore if you find irrelevant. While your writin style is perfect, it could use a bit of professionalism. What you wrote looks like an amateur's work (which I know is true as this was your first book) But now that you have more experience maybe you could revisit and edit. The flow of the plot is perfect and needs no work as far as the reader in me is concerned. One tip is to make your chapter titles more creative and maybe, just maybe add some more sense of humour in the book. Having said all that I did, I would happily recommend this great read to any and every one. The amount of imagination you have put into this is worth applauding, and, while may would tell you otherwise, other than some scope for improvement, this book is best the way it is. For this, you get 1.9/2.
Earlier you said this is a joint book, so great work by you as well as your sister, kudos!

Your total score is: 4.7/5.

P.S. - Ignore any typos, if found ;)

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