Something's Wrong, Part Three: Should I Tell Them?

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Peter was currently questioning his life choices, and it was definitely not in a good way. 

Dick was sitting backward on a chair as he faced Peter and said, "Well, we all know how either side is getting out of this; either you tell us what's wrong or we give up and walk away..." 

Peter was sincerely hoping for the latter. 

"... before jumping on you all the time to get the answer." 

Never mind, both sounded equally unacceptable to him.

Damian scoffed, "He knows that we won't give up, Grayson. Hardheadedness is a trait of being a superhero." 

"You're not wrong there," Matt stated, yawning slightly despite the keen eye he had on Peter. "But he's equally, if not more, hardheaded than most." 

"Which is why we're going to be here all day," Tim deduced while sipping some coffee. "But it's not like anyone expected otherwise." 

"Point taken," Deadpool shrugged. 

"So, spill it," Dick said as he looked at Peter, brilliant azure orbs staring into his own eyes, speaking of worry, concern, and everything else that one would associate to the motive of doing this. 

Peter could only look away, choosing to stay quiet. If they knew what he had done... They would hate him for years to come. He HAD broken one of the unspoken rules of being a hero; not to hurt a villain too much, unless it was someone really really bad, and Otto... Otto hadn't been that at all.

He knew that Mr. Stark was bound to be disappointed in him too. He had been giving him unreadable glances throughout the entire meeting, and it alarmed him. He definitely knew about the incident, but why hadn't he confronted him yet? 

Did it mean that he was angry at him? That he was so angry that he didn't want to be associated with Peter anymore? 

That... was a terrifying thought, and it made his anxiety skyrocket. 

His breathing quickened, and he closed his eyes, trying to just BREATHE. But why couldn't he? Why couldn't he just calm down and not worry them?! Why was he being a burden!? 

"Peter! Deep breaths!" Matt knew a panic attack when he saw one, especially with all the subconscious mutters he had been saying, something about breaking rules (seriously, this kid needed a positive person in his life if his ruminating was that bad. Or therapy. Yeah, therapy was good too), so he got Dick to help him head over as he placed his hands on the other's shoulder, "Deep breaths." 

Peter's vision was watery now. He could feel the tears flowing down his face. The fear, the agony, the guilt... it was all colliding now and he hated it. 

However, through the blurry view, he could see and hear the soothing voice of a friend, and he relaxed as his breathing grew deeper and less panicked. 

He felt better now, but then he realized that he had said his thoughts aloud. 

Shoot, this is bad, they're definitely going to hate me now--

"Hey," Matt's voice was soft and snapped Peter out of the beginning of another attack. "We won't hate you because of what happened between the two of you. Mr. Stark showed us a video of what happened... Sorry for going behind your back, Peter... But he was really worried for you when you said you didn't want to get involved in anything major."

"I-It's not just that," Even he was surprised with his own words. "I-I... I don't even know what happened back there... It felt.. like my emotions were taking over..." 

"The suit is something you're not used to right?" Dick asked. 

Peter nodded quietly. 

"It's your first time working with a Symbiote right?" he asked again. 

Again, a nod. 

"Then why are you blaming yourself for that?" Dick stated matter-of-factly.

Peter blinked. 

"Practice is what you need, not self-hatred. You just need to train more," Dick stated.

"But... I nearly killed my friend!"  

"In your defense, because you don't seem to be doing that at all, he chose the path of villainy. Even if he's your friend, you shouldn't excuse his actions," Tim spoke up.


"Plus, does he even consider you a friend, Parker?" Damian asked. 


"I... don't know," he managed. "I never asked." 

"Then once you have everything figured out, ask him," Conner placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Until then, we'll help you train with Venom. We'll train and train and figure everything else out together. So don't feel down anymore, kay? A lot of people care for you Peter, and we're only a small amount of them." 

Peter's eyes watered hearing that. These guys... They... 

They were really the best.

He was really an idiot, wasn't he? 

Of course, they wouldn't judge. 

With that in mind, he wiped the tears away as he lightly swatted Conner's hand before saying, "I-I'm not going to cry!"

The others shared a smile, even prickly Damian, and Deadpool said, "Ya better hold onto that promise kiddo! You're going to have a hard time with us as mentors!"  

Peter nodded, determination burning in his heart. 

That day... 

He realised that together, anything could be conquered. 

Together, he and Venom and all his friends were going to figure things out. That was for sure!

XenoSaiyan Maybe a bit too rushed, but I did my best! Here's the final part of your request. 

By the way, the scene where Peter goes I'm not going to cry is inspired by a scene from Pokemon Journeys episode 78: The Sakuragi Institute is Under Attack?! 

It's just so heartwarming--

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