Betrayal can Lead to Outrage, Part One: A Forced Bond

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It was looking for a partner.

It was looking for someone with who it could feed off and become stronger. 

And right now, it had eyes for one person alone...

Leon Carter.

"You're mine... " It whispered.

It wasn't going to stop until it got a partner.

It was watching, waiting for the right time to strike. 

Outrage was impatient, though, and it was losing its patience...

Then, it saw the perfect chance. 

"We are meant to be one," it said, a malicious smile forming before it jumped onto his back, absorbing the pigments of his suit as it slowly incorporated itself onto him. From his clothes to his skin to his entire being, to his mind. 

"Hey, you okay?" White Tiger asked him, concern for her boyfriend clear after seeing him stiffen slightly. 

"I'm fine," Camo Spider replied. "Now come on, we have stuff to do. We do have a date after this, don't we?" 

Hearing that, White Tiger, or rather Ava Ayala, blushed under her mask. Gosh, Leon was so genuine it wasn't even funny at times. This was why she fell in love with him in the first place, though, thus she wasn't fully surprised.

The two then headed down, blissfully unaware of the new threat looming nearby.


Ava began noticing something off about Leon after that day, and so did the rest of his friends. He sometimes blew a small issue out of proportion, and his fighting style got more violent. There was even a time when Spiderman and the others had to pull Camo Spider away from a terrified villain, who was begging for mercy. 

Unfortunately, Leon was having none of that, "You don't deserve it! You hurt people without a care and you expect us to spare you!?" 

"Calm down, Camo!" White Tiger pulled him back, only for him to punch her back, sending her back a meter or so as the villain was frozen in fear. He didn't want to die! 

Finally, Nova, Iron Fist and Spiderman managed to restrain him long enough for Power Man to knock him out cold, causing him to collapse to the ground as the team shared a glance. 

"This is definitely not Camo," Nova scowled under his mask. "Should we bring him to Fury?"

"Sounds like a sensible plan," Spiderman sighed while walking over to White Tiger, extending his hand out to her. "You okay?"

"Y-Yeah," she took it, and was pulled up. "What... just happened?" 

"I hope that SHIELD will be able to provide an answer because I don't know," he truthfully answered.

Ava could only grasp her gloved hands, anxiety filling her stomach. 

Oh Leon... what happened to you? she thought to herself. 

Noticing the anxiety, Peter Parker placed his hand on her shoulder, trying to soothe the worry her eyes held, "Hey, he'll be fine. It's Camo. He'll make it." 

"I hope so..." she said. "But thanks, Spiderman." 

"Hey, he's my friend, and I worry, but it won't help anyone," he answered. "Your worry isn't unfounded, though, since, you know..." 

He's your boyfriend, the words went unspoken, and she was grateful for that. 

The four eventually hauled him to Nick's office, where he was scanned by the scientists as the teenagers changed into their casual clothing and waited outside the lab. Ava was grasping her hands tightly, and Peter was leaning against the wall, a frown on his face. Sam Alexander/Nova scowled, but he couldn't deny the worry gnawing on him as well. Luke Cage kept his eyes closed while leaning on the wall with Peter, and Iron Fist, also known as Danny Rand, was meditating to keep his thoughts at bay. He trusted Leon would get through it, but the lingering doubts did not help his case. 

After a long hour of waiting, Nick Fury finally stepped out of the lab, a grim line present on his face.

The group looked up and Peter rushed forward, "What happened to Leon!?"

"You won't like what you hear," the SHIELD leader said slowly. 

The teens shared a glance, a pit beginning to form in their stomachs. 

"What... is it?" Sam asked hesitantly. 

The pit deepened after hearing what he had to say. 

"A Symbiote... has forcefully clung onto him like a parasite. The cohesion isn't all that bad, but it has apparently been around for a week now." 

"A-A week?!" Danny paled. Hard. 

"We never noticed..." Luke mumbled, eyes shadowed.

Ava covered her mouth, tears falling down her cheeks. How had she not noticed?...

"However, we are working on extracting it at the moment. I would understand if you refuse, but ... would you like to watch the extraction process?" Fury asked. 

They shared another glance. Could they stomach this? Could they stomach seeing their friend suffer through that kind of pain....?  

No, they would have to. Their work was getting harder, and they had to rise up to the occasion, no matter how painful it was. 

Peter took a step forward and said, "Alright, can we see?" 

Something seemed to flash in his eyes (was that... pride?), but it was soon replaced with a curt nod as he turned around, walking away. 

They quickly followed him inside, and found themselves separated from a completely white room, where their friend, or lover, in Ava's case, was strapped down to a bed, still in his suit. His mask was off, thankfully, so he could breathe. 

Not that it mattered as he let out bloodcurdling scream after bloodcurdling scream, trying, to no avail, to cover his ears. 

"L-Leon!" Ava rushed to the window, and pushed her tanned cheeks as close as she could to the glass. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM!?" 

"The Symbiote can be repelled by loud frequencies of sound," Fury answered. "So we are trying to make the Symbiote leave him through blasting music into his ears." 

"Stop! You're hurting him!" she demanded.

"Unless you want him to hurt people like what he's been doing, you won't demand such a thing," he coldly glared at her as he said that. 

She scowled, but stayed quiet; she didn't like seeing her boyfriend in so much pain...

Thankfully, after what she thought were the longest 3 minutes of her life, he stopped thrashing as a dark goop extorted itself from his body, moving away with a banshee screech. 

"Catch it!" Nick commanded to the scientists standing by. 

"Yes sir!" they complied, and rushed to contain the blob trying to get away while some others hurriedly unstrapped Leon from the table. 

Ava sunk to the ground, relief flooding her heart, and Peter did the same, a bright smile on his face, "Of course he made it.... That's Leon alright...." 

Sam, Luke, and Danny shared relieved yet concerned glances. They were happy, of course, and it was cause for celebration, but there was one more question left in their minds; 

What should be done about the Symbiote?...

OcarinaDude13 Your first chapter is finally out! I hope you enjoy it!

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