Hermione Granger x Male Reader

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Requested by @Animelover89456 

Hermione meeting the male reader at their first year and afterward she always had a crush. She was so focused on the male reader that they accidentally bump into each other and confessed. 


I'll do you one better, I'll add a timeline throughout the entire Harry Potter series from Philosopher's Stone to Goblet of Fire. And if you don't mind, I'd like to make the reader blind.


Philosopher's Stone

At first glance, Y/N L/N seems like a normal wizarding kid, has his own wand, studies at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, has a loving family. He has it all, but unfortunately he cannot relish the actual sight of it all. That's right, he is blind, and it is due to a rare genetic disease in his family that causes permanent blindness as soon as they are conceived.

You'd think that he'd find it rather difficult to live in the world of magic, but he actually does well. Although he does need to take compulsory brail lessons at a young age and also buy brail exclusive books that are his subject requirements, which are more expensive than the regular inked printed counterparts, but other than that, he is doing just find at Hogwarts.

Speaking of, many of the students there are well acquainted with the blind boy, some of them even take initiative to befriend him like the duo of Fred and George Weasley, prankster twins of Gryffindor, and Cedric Diggory, prefect of Hufflepuff and one of Y/N's first friends in the school. Some other friends include the staff such as Professor Sprout, the Hufflepuff Head of House and Herbology teacher, Professor Flitwick, Head of Ravenclaw and Charms teacher, Professor McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor, which is Y/N's house, and Transfiguration teacher, and even Professor Snape, Head of Slytherin and Potions teacher.

But the kindest friend of Y/N's is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts. Whenever the blind boy has free time on his hands, he is either reading from his brail books, or talking with his friends or the staff. This leads to the curiosity of one Hermione Jean Granger, a bright young witch and a Muggleborn too. She turns out to be in a few classes Y/N is in, and she can see that his blindness doesn't affect him in any sort of way and just carries on learning about the world of magic. Usually she'd stare at him from where he usually sits, which is at the Gryffindor table nearest to the Great Hall's doors for easier access, and this is what she is currently doing as of the moment.

"Hermione, why are you staring at Y/N over there?" Harry Potter, the famous Boy Who Lived, asks his friend, who snaps off her thoughts and turns to look at the speckled Gryffindor.

"U-Uh, I don't know what you're talking about Harry." She denies the question, which starts to garner the attention of the Gryffindors that are seated at the table with them such as Ron Weasley, younger brother to the twins, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, the Weasley twins, and a few others.

"Well, lucky for you..." Fred starts to say before his twin finishes the sentence for him.

"...he doesn't discriminate." George finishes. "He may be a pureblood like Ron and us..."

"...but he doesn't care if you're a Muggleborn or not."

"He really is a great guy, Hermione. He even got Malfoy to back off when some Slytherins were making fun of me." Neville points out, remembering when Y/N happened to walk in on Malfoy and Neville before he proceeds to hit the Slytherin where the sun-doesn't-shine with his walking stick before "apologizing" and warning him to stay away from Neville.

"I didn't say I liked him!" Hermione exaggerates, but deep down she is truly interested in the blind boy.

"But you didn't deny it either." Harry fires back before the bell rings for their next class to start soon, and everyone at the table gets up and leaves. Hermione does the same thing, only for her to accidentally bump into the person the Gryffindors were talking about just a few seconds ago.

"Oh gosh, I am so sorry about that!" Hermione apologizes panically before she helps him gather his things that he had dropped.

"Oh, no harm done Hermione." He shrugs off whilst shocking the brunette due to him knowing her own name.

"How did you know it was me?" She asks him curiously.

"They say that when one of your five senses are gone, the others become enhanced to make up for the loss of a sense, and luckily I knew it was you because you tend to be the one to participate the most in classes we've been in." Y/N responds, making the girl blush a faint pink. "Anyways, we have the next class together, care to walk with me there?"

Hermione smiles widely at his request before responding, "I'd love to." That is but the start of a beautiful story between the Brightest Witch of her Age and the Boy Who Cannot See and their importance towards defeating the Dark Lord.

Chamber of Secrets

In their second year, there was a widespread of fear due to the attack on Muggleborns because of the Chamber of Secrets. Y/N is scared, sure, but not for himself, he is scared for Hermione. Mainly because she is a Muggleborn and can be targeted by the monster at any time, and this came true when he finds out that Hermione had been petrified like a few others. The blind boy was nothing but a crying mess a few days after realizing this, and sometimes when a pureblood fanatic would says the word "Mudblood", Y/N would lash out with his walking stick and whack those responsible on the butt or on the head.

He did get reprimanded by his head of house, but it is understandable when one who is close to you is in a horrible condition such as this.

Later on, Harry and Ron ask for Y/N's help once they realize that the monster inside the Chamber of Secrets is a Basilisk. The blind boy didn't know if it was because he can't see the creature's eyes, meaning he can't die from it's stare, or because he is proficient in spellcasting. Either way, he accepted their request to help for Hermione's sake. They also learn that Gilderoy Lockhart is nothing but a fraud, which causes Y/N to smack his cane into the DADA teacher's "family jewels" before dragging him towards Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, the place where said ghost was the last victim of the Basilisk.

They enter through the bathroom sink and tread their way through the cave, only for Gilderoy to try and Obliviate the three students. Luckily, the teacher was using Ron's broken wand, causing the spell to backfire and some of the cave to collapse, separating Y/N and Harry from Ron and Gilderoy. So, the first two decide to venture on into the cave before they come across the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, where the do battle with Tom Riddle's younger self, and the Basilisk.

They do manage to defeat both, but in doing so, Y/N nearly died due to the Basilisk's potent venom. Luckily, Fawkes the Phoenix heals him just in time and so Harry and Y/N have saved Ginny, Ron and the twin's younger sister and exit the Chamber without any trouble.

During the feast in celebration for the death of the Basilisk, the Draught that was used to cure the petrification has finally been administered to the patients, and Hermione rushes into the Great Hall with joy, hugging Y/N the very second she reaches her friends. The blind boy hugs her tightly, happy that his one of his closest friends is back to normal.

"Thank Merlin you're safe...I don't know what I'd do without such a great friend like you." Y/N says to her, though for Hermione, her heart stings ever so slightly from that statement alone, but she smiles nevertheless.

"I was thinking the exact same thing..."

Prisoner of Azkaban

Third year comes around, and the news of Sirius Black has yet again caused some fear inside the school, but it is also the year where the Golden Trio and Y/N can visit the famous Hogsmeade village. Throughout their school year, Hermione and Y/N have gotten even closer than they ever did before, even going on some "dates" to Hogsmeade, even so far as giving special gifts for each other, much to the amusement of their friends. However, on one faithful day, when the execution of the Hippogriff named Buckbeak is happening, the quartet come across the Grim, a large black dog that signals the death of an individual. It had dragged Ron inside the Whomping Willow tree, which actually leads to the Shrieking Shack.

The remaining three hurry to save their friend, with Harry and Hermione making sure that Y/N is out of harm's way seeing as he cannot see the Willow's swinging branches. They luckily manage to enter the tree and sneakily enter the Shrieking Shack, only to realize that the Grim is none other than Sirius Black himself. Harry and the Azkaban escapee have a small tussle, only for Remus Lupin, a friend of Sirius, and said person to explain to them the truth of the night Sirius had been arrested. Turns out that Peter Pettigrew, the secret keeper for Harry's parents actually sold them out to Voldemort and turned into a rat that day after cutting his finger off in the process.

Even more surprising is that Scabbers IS Peter Pettigrew this whole time, and they manage to extract the truth from the cowardly snitch. In an act of mercy, Harry asks Sirius and Remus to spare Peter so that they can take him back to the castle to await trial. So, all of them, including Professor Snape, who had followed them into the Shack and is knocked unconscious by Harry, exit from the Whomping Willow side, only to realize that it is a full moon and that Remus forgot to take his wolfsbane potion, causing the DADA teacher for the year to turn into his werewolf form.

Sirius quickly transforms into his Animagus form and battles it out with his friend, but he is quickly defeated by the bipedal canine. Remus proceeds to snarl at the quartet and Snape, only for Y/N to take out his wand and cast Depulso which pushes the werewolf back a considerable feet. This buys them all enough time as a howl is heard in the distance which causes Remus to head in the direction of the sound. Harry rushes towards where Sirius went while Snape escorts the other three back to the Hospital wing of the castle.

An hour later, they get news that Sirius has been caught and is about to be administered the Dementor's Kiss and is being held at the top of the Dark Tower, so Dumbledore tasks Hermione and Harry to help save two innocent lives before the headmaster leaves the infirmary. A few seconds afterwards, Harry and Hermione come back in, much to the confusion of Ron, more so for Y/N due to his blindness. However, Hermione fills him in with some discretion, allowing the blind boy to understand better. All in all for their third year, it is another step towards the inevitable.

Goblet of Fire

Fourth Year comes around, and with it comes the Tri-Wizard Tournament, though none of the quartet seem to know about it at all. But before that, the Quidditch World Cup had been a disaster, as Death Eaters and pureblood supremacists storm the venue and harass Muggles before the Dark Mark is casted into the sky by an unknown assailant that only Harry vaguely saw. So, their fourth year is bound to be a bit more disastrous.

With the Tri-Wizard Tournament, Hogwarts is hosting said event for the two schools that are also competing for the glory, those being Beauxbatons in France, and Durmstrang somewhere in Northern Europe. The champions are quickly selected, with Fleur Delacour as the champion for Beauxbatons, Viktor Krum for Durmstrang, and Cedric Diggory for Hogwarts. However, another slip of paper comes out from the Goblet of Fire that is supposed to choose it's champions, and on that slip of paper, two names come from it.

"Harry Potter, and Y/N L/N." Dumbledore announces, and the latter's skin becomes deathly pale, mainly due to the fact that the trials in the tournament are not only arduous but also extremely dangerous, even risking a high chance of death. Many of the Hogwarts students start to badmouth them, Harry mostly, but Y/N did get some harsh words from some people, and unfortunately they are forced to participate until the end.

Hermione was horrified at this point, mainly due the fact that two of her closest friends are about to partake in a deadly tournament, while Ron, with jealous boiling in him, abandons his friends to themselves. Harry is distraught by this, mainly because he never set in front of the Goblet in the first place. So, Hermione, Harry, and Y/N do all that they can to make it out of the tournament alive.

The first challenge is to face a dragon and collect a golden egg they are guarding, all of the champions who could see had managed to make it out fine, but Y/N is the most scared, you can guess why. Y/N faced a Hebridean Black during this challenge, and thanks to his advanced knowledge in spells, he has used the Disillusionment Charm to it's best effect while also distracting the dragon with his patronus, which happens to be a St. Bernard as it scampers around the beast before listening closely to Hermione's voice as she guides him towards the Golden egg. Task successful.

Before the second task comes the Yule Ball, and all of the champions are required to have a date for the dance, and although Harry and Y/N are champions, that doesn't mean that the girls of any school, be it Durmstrang, Beauxbaton, or even Hogwarts. Mainly for two reasons, one is for Harry and that is because he is the "Boy Who Lived" and people keep thinking that he cheated to get into the tournament. As for Y/N, well, they seem to think that because he's blind, he can't dance proficiently, but they'd be quite wrong come Yule Ball.

Going back to finding a date for the ball, Y/N has thought of one specific person that he could never keep off his mind since Third Year, and that was Hermione. He knew that Hermione would be the perfect date to the Yule Ball that it almost seemed like all other choices paled in comparison towards her, and so he asked her, but the answer that he had received was not what he had expected, for she had told him that one Viktor Krum had already asked her to the Ball, and she said yes. Y/N, being a semi-master of concealing emotions, and "semi-master" being a loose term, he nods at her words, a fake smile plaguing his face before he speed walks out and away from the library.

As soon as he makes his way back to the common room, he didn't hesitate to bawl his heart out, his labored breaths to muffle the wailing of a saddened boy heard throughout the room, even causing Ron and Harry to comfort their friend with some hot cocoa and some pastries. But that still leaves the question of who will be Y/N's date to the Yule Ball, well it turns out that a peculiar girl by the name of Luna Lovegood, one of Y/N's many interesting friends has offered to be his date. Upon hearing this, his heart could at least ease for just one night to forget the worries, but that seemed to be a challenge because on the day of the Yule Ball, while the champions and their dates await their entrance to dance first, one of the Patil sisters, he didn't know which one, commented on something happening behind him.

"W-Who are you talking about?" Y/N asks as he turns in the general direction of the Patil twin that commented.

"Hermione looks beautiful..." She says to him, and as soon as those words escape her mouth, his heart drops down into his stomach like a heavy barbell as he turns to Harry and asks him to describe what Hermione was wearing, and he did, leaving no details out of her description. Her hair tied in a form of a top bun, and her robes were periwinkle in color, though Y/N doesn't know what colors looked like, Harry went on as he described how the dress looked on Hermione, the blind boy's eyes widening softly when he goes on about it.

But he firmly shakes his head and takes a deep breath before holding out an arm for Luna, who gently loops her arms around his as they soon enter the Great Hall to a thunderous applause as the dance commences, where all the champions and their respective dates dance in the center. Cedric and Cho, Fleur and Roger Davies of Ravenclaw, Viktor and Hermione, Harry and Parvati Patil, and Y/N and Luna, and out of all of the pairs present, surprisingly Y/N and Luna danced the most elegantly. Turns out that being from a family of Purebloods, rich ones at that, they tend to instill some skills in you that may not be used as often when young and learning.

Soon after, the ball turns into a party as The Weird Sisters, a very popular wizarding band plays all of their greatest hits to liven up the night. But soon after, Dumbledore, with an inquisitive and amused look on his face, announces to the students that someone shall be singing for the remainder of the dances. And he looked to none other than Y/N L/N, who seems to be quite surprised by this, as do all of his friends, but who was he to refuse such an offer. He hesitantly walks up on stage with McGonagall's help before he stands in front of the mike and without even telling the band of the song number, they start to play a peculiar piece by Gavin DeGraw called "Not Over You", catching the blind boy off guard.


Even so, he decides to give this all he has, and as soon as the first chorus finishes, and the beat from the drummer kicks in, he begins to bounce and dance on stage with some of the staff looking quite worried at his carefree moves while his vocals touch the hearts of everyone in the room, including a peculiar bookworm, who immediately rushes out of the hall and desperately needs some space and air to gather her thoughts and decisions leading up to this point.

Come the Second Task of the Tournament, all of the Champions have cracked the code of the Golden Egg, with it being that the contestants must seek what they have lost that is most precious to them, but diving down to the bottom of the Black Lake and retrieving it. However, due to Y/N's impaired vision, he had requested that he forfeit this round. Only when the contestants are told that the precious thing are the people that they are close with, such as Fleur and her sister Gabrielle, Cedric and Cho, and even Harry with Ron, Y/N couldn't back down now, knowing that both Hermione and Luna are both down there.

Long story short, he had casted the Bubble Head charm on himself and began to dive in without direction, but someone has managed to grab onto his arm and help guide him to where they are being held, and it was Harry. They tried to take more than one hostage, but the merfolk that live in the lake have strictly protested to such a thing, leading to quite a mishap that ends with having to battle some of the merfolk to save Gabrielle since Fleur had forfeited due to the Grindylows because of their natural hostility towards Veela.

Thankfully, all the hostages are safe and sound, with Hermione immediately rushing towards Y/N and engulfing him in a tight but warm hug that makes the both of them feel fuzzy in their stomachs before they release from one another.

With the Third Task, being a maze run to the middle where the cup is set to be their prize, it turned out fine, but inside the maze, it was anything but. As upon the two younger Hogwarts realizing this, Viktor Krum had been cursed by the Imperius Curse, leading to a tense duel that ends with Cedric coming to the rescue and knocking the Dursmstrang champion out with a Stupefy. From there, the three Hogwarts champions rush to the end and soon grab onto it together, but instead of being ported to the start of the maze, they are brought to a cemetery, where upon arriving, both Cedric and Y/N are hit with Killing Curses...

And with a deadly duel between the revived Voldemort and Harry Potter, he manages to take Cedric and Y/N's bodies back to Hogwarts with the help of the spirits of his mother and father. Upon arrival, everyone couldn't help but look on with joy that quickly turned to shock and horror as two of their own have fallen to one of the Deadliest Curses ever. Hermione being the one that is most broken amongst everyone as she rushes over to the corpse of her greatest supporter, her best friend, and even the love that she wished she had if he wasn't taken away from her in such a way...

"I-I-I'm so sorry, Y/N...p-please don't l-leave me...I love you..." Hermione's words, cracked from the utter heartbreak and soft as a whisper as she kneels over her crush's body, her head buried in his unmoving chest as even Y/N's family comes and grieves over the loss of one of their most treasured people in the world. Y/N L/N, the Boy Who Could Not See, died because of Voldemort...

A/N: Hey there, everyone. I just wanted to come on here and finish this little one shot. And to the one that requested this, I really hope you like it. What you commented wasn't really specific, so I decided to spice it up for you, and I do hope you enjoyed it as much as I have written it. Anyways, I'll see you guys in the next one. BYE!

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