Jaune Arc x Best Friend!Male Reader

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This Oneshot has been requested by Moon-3, and I hope you enjoy this because I have not written a RWBY fanfic in A WHILE, so bear with me on that.

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"Y/N, I don't understand how you are able to score one of the most beautiful girls in our year! I mean, I've been trying so hard to impress Weiss, but all it's ended up doing is making her ignore me even more than ever now..." A dejected blonde-haired boy says as he walks alongside another boy, a little taller than he is and with long H/C to match while his hands are clasped behind his back while listening to his friend talk on and on about impressing certain heiress of the Schnee Dust Company. And considering that she is born of a wealthy family, she must have high standards, it is not hard to see at all that Jaune is just not Weiss's type at all.

"Jaune, impressing Weiss is not the main key to winning her heart. Though there are those women that swoon over such high achievements, but this is Weiss Schnee we are discussing about here. The Heiress of a Company that makes Dust, which fuels the weapons of most of the students here and helps us take down Grimm. And besides, she is more focused on her studies than she is with finding someone to date, after all, she has a reputation to keep and not one that is easy." Y/N explains to his close friend, as they continue to walk through the halls of the school during their free period, all while their other classmates wave and smile at them as they pass by them.

Although those smiles were mostly for Y/N, rather than Jaune, mostly due to the fact that his prowess in Beacon has been sub par over the last couple of days. Combat Class, not doing so well, History, even worse, not to mention Grimm Physiology Studies as well. Y/N on the other hand, excelled at what he does, and all of the classes he is under, he passes with flying colors, all with a simple sword like Jaune has.

"I know, I know...but I just can't help but feel a little...jealous about it, y'know?" Jaune asks sadly as they soon stop in front of the cafeteria doors with Y/N looking towards his close friend before he grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him a little.

"Jealousy is a natural emotion to feel, Jaune, but too much of it can make us do drastic and irrational things. Trust me, I know, but I can tell you this, jealousy can be overcome with time and through the practice of focusing on yourself, your studies, your training, everything. If you continue spiraling down jealousy, how will you be able to succeed as a Hunter?" Y/N asks back to Jaune, who seems to be a little calmer and lifted with his spirits before he looks up to his friend and nods, hearing the exact words that he had needed to hear.

"Thanks, bud. I knew I can always count on you when it came to these things." Jaune says as he places a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"It's my pleasure, Jaune, now let's get some food in our systems, Combat Class is next and Ms. Goodwitch is having us run mock combats later." Soon the two of them do just that, walking over to their teams, Jaune with JNPR, and Y/N with his own team VNTA (Vanta, like Vanta Black).

(Time Skip)

"Welcome back to another Combat Class, students, today is another Mock Combat day, and as per usual, we will be having the 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3, and 4 vs 4 types today. And as always, we'll be doing it through the random teammate picker, and as the class goes on, the first people to be chosen will slowly gain more random teammates before it shall culminate into the 4 vs 4 phase. Now, it's time to see who our first combatants shall be." Glynda Goodwitch says as she presses some buttons on her pad as a sort-of roulette wheel with all the faces of the students is seen spinning with two sides dividing both teams as the first people to be chosen are Ruby Rose, and Jaune Arc. Seeing this, the two of them get ready, and shortly after, combat commences, obviously Ruby being more agile than Jaune and uses that to her advantage with her Semblance to dart around the battle field and confuse the blonde-haired knight, but from what he has been tutored out of class by Y/N, he is taught to stay on the defensive and tire Ruby out.

Ruby's strategy is to overwhelm with speed and quick strikes before such time she will burn out, which is when Jaune should rush in, shield up high to block her sniper shots. And soon that opportunity presents itself as he is seen charging forward, shield up and sword pointed at Ruby as he lets out a battle cry with the team leader of RWBY firing off her shots to slow Jaune down before he goes on the offensive. But while that's going on, the roulette wheel has already begun to spin for the next two people to help out either of the combatants in the arena.

"You're actually getting really good at this, Jaune! Y/N trained you really well, huh?" Ruby says with almost a proud look on her face, seeing the progress that has been made from when she saw him during their first day in Beacon until now as she dodges his sword hits and counter attacks with her scythe, only to be blocked firmly by his shield.

"Yeah, thanks Ruby. I owe a lot to him, he's my best friend after all." He says to Ruby with a smile on his face before he shoves her away and goes for a strike that looks like it's about to hit, only to be stopped by another sword, a familiar sword.

"Y/N!?" Both Ruby and Jaune say as the person in question looks up towards Jaune and smirks at his close friend, not of malice but of excitement for he has never sparred with his close friend like this before and he hopes to gage his capabilities in this mock combat.

"Ready, Jaune? I won't go easy on you." Y/N says as they break the clash between them with Jaune stumbling a bit and Y/N back flipping into the air and pointing his sword at his best friend. It takes the blond-haired knight to calm himself before he is soon joined by a surprising teammate, none other than Weiss Schnee herself, rapier pointed towards Ruby and Y/N, who are know squaring up and ready to attack.

"I'm ready, Y/N. I'll use everything you've taught me." Jaune says as he readies himself, firmly planting his feet to the ground before he decides to use his Semblance that he recently unlocked with his friend's help as it soon looks like Weiss and himself are now glowing brightly due to their auras being charged up beyond normal capabilities, and this puts a wide smile on Y/N's face.

"That's what I like to see, Jaune! HERE WE COME!" Y/N shouts out as Ruby and himself charge towards them with Jaune clashing against his close friend and Weiss clashing against her own team leader. Soon, the four of them start to become evenly matched, with Weiss's Glyphs controlling much of the battlefield and causing Y/N and Ruby to have to think outside the box to get passed while Jaune continues to use what he's learned to hold his own against either of their opponents as he blocks a string of attacks from Y/N, downward slash, horizontal right, diagonal upward left and another downward slash that sends Jaune slide backwards, only for Weiss to stop it with a Black Glyph before the four of them soon stand on opposite sides of the arena, back outside of the blender.

"You've improved, Jaune. But it seems that we are in a stalemate with these two, we have to hold out a little more for our third teammate to join us and hopefully give us an edge in this battle." Weiss says to the blonde that has tried so hard to impress her with a lot of things, but seeing him improve, it has impressed her, slightly. She points her rapier towards the two on the far end of the arena, with Ruby morphing her sniper back to a scythe as Y/N twirls his sword around in anticipation and patience.

"Hopefully I can be of assistance then, you two." A familiar voice to the both of them is heard behind Weiss and Jaune, and they turn around to find Lie Ren with his weapons, Stormflowers, already locked-and-loaded.

"Ren! Well, any help counts, but who is on their team-" Jaune asks while he turns his head towards Ruby's team, only to see that their third teammate is none other than Blake Belladonna, who also turns out to be Y/N's girlfriend. She and Y/N are really close, even before Beacon had become their second home away from home. "Well, at least it's not Yang..." He says dejectedly before he shakes his head to get rid of the negative thoughts and readies himself once again.

"Well, any plans, Jaune? They've got quite a fast team composition." Ren asks his team leader, awaiting orders and ready to take the fight to them once more.

"Let me think...uh, seeing as they rely on speed, I think we need to stick together and just keep on defending, the longer we hold out, the better our chances of them tiring out so we can go in and counterattack." Jaune plans out on the fly as Ren, and surprisingly Weiss, nod at his words and immediately press their backs together just as Y/N, Blake, and Ruby. Soon, all six of them can't seem to have any clear advantage, Jaune's strategies were solid, having to act like a turtle and defend from all angles while their opponents would slowly decline in momentum, and this does the trick, except when Y/N grabs onto the ribbon of Gambol Shroud and slings Blake towards the group, causing Jaune and his team to get ready, however, Blake comes to a full stop and with Y/N still holding onto the other end of her weapon, she uses the force of being slung to send her boyfriend high up above as his Aura flares up a little then dies down while he runs his pointer and middle finger along the flat of his sword.

His Semblance, Wither and Crumble, by exchanging his Aura's vitality, he is then able to use that to power up his attacks and deal much more damage, but seeing as this causes his Aura to deplete rapidly upon multiple rapid uses, he has to use this Semblance sparingly as he lets out a loud battle cry and slams his sword to the ground in between Jaune's team, causing a shockwave to be unleashed as a cloud of light brown dust surrounds the area where Y/N has struck, and as the smoke tries to settle itself, the clashing of metal can be heard, sparks appearing in fractions of a second before disappearing, only to flicker once more in un-rhythmic patterns before Y/N gets pushed back, using his own sword as a stopper as he stabs it into the ground and groups up with his teammates.

"Dang, and I thought you were gonna bite the dust, get it?" Another familiar voice is heard as she makes a horrendous pun as it is none other than Yang Xiao Long on Jaune's side as she punches her palm, her aura and Semblance flaring up and ready to go as Y/N chuckles at the pun, standing up slowly before twirling his sword.

"Hilarious, Yang. But I've got to be honest, I'll still one up against you." Y/N reminds her, causing the blonde to roll her eyes in response just as the final teammate from Ruby's team arrives, and is none other than Nora, Jaune's very own pancake addicted powerhouse. And soon, the teams have been made, and the true fight has begun, both teams stood on opposite sides of the arena, and with a downward slash from Y/N, Ruby's team charges forward with Jaune doing so shortly afterwards.

(Time Skip)

"I'm pretty sure that we won that, Y/N." Jaune says with a smug look to his friend, who simply rolls his eyes as he relaxes in the infirmary with everyone that was a part of the mock combat with team RWBY staying at Y/N's right side of the bed and JNPR staying opposite to RWBY.

"But I seem to recall that not only was I the surviving member of the bout, but I also dealt the final blow to Yang, thus ending in our victory." Y/N says back before he winces a little from the cracked rib that the blonde brawler gave him when he had overused his Semblance for one final attack.

"Glynda declared it a draw, guys, let's keep it at that then. Besides, I think we can all agree that Jaune has significantly improved these last weeks thanks to Y/N." Pyrrha points out to everyone, agreeing with her words before the two best friends look to each other and smile, bumping fists with a chuckle as they spend the rest of the day relaxing in the infirmary.

A/N: To the one that requested this oneshot, I do hope that it is to your liking. As for everyone else, I also hope you enjoy reading this oneshot because somehow this has gotten me back into RWBY, and tbh, I don't even know what's going on anymore. I might have to rewatch everything from Season 1 again, lmao. Anyways, thank you all so much for the support. I'll see you all soon, BYE!

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