Habit - Walker x Reader

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This was requested by @KhaoticKris and it was oddly fun to write! I didn't expect to be able to give it much flare, but I actually surprised myself with this. I've only ever written for Danny and Wes, so writing a bit of a soft side for a villain was kinda cool for something different. And I know for a fact that villain x readers for a cartoon like this (with multiple villains and not many appearances per villain), it's hard or impossible to find any with unpopular characters. Anyhow, let's do this! I hope you enjoy it Kris!

Character: Walker

Relationship: Frenemies

Gender: Female

Oneshot Type: Fluffy/Cute


A good thief fears nothing and no one.

Which is understandable, if you're a good thief, which you're the best, it's nearly impossible to catch you, and if you ever were, you'd be gone in a matter of minutes.

This is all a big, elaborate game that went just a little too far. But, you've got nothing to lose, so nothing is stopping you from continuing.

At first, you stole petty things to get a reaction out of people, just liking to stir up trouble wherever you went. Once, you took the Box Ghost's ring box collection, all filled with even smaller boxes like Matryoshka dolls, and he flipped. Well, he flipped as much as the Box Ghost can react.

"You have unboxed my fury! Beware!"

You shot him with ectoplasm in the chest and he was out of your hair.

Then, you caught the eye of Walker. You didn't know much about Walker at the time, but you soon came to know of and about him very well. When your eyes met, you were taken by this ghost you've never met before. The Ghost Zone is a vast and spacious world but surely you crossed paths at least once? But no.

You came to the realization that there was a reason for it. Walker doesn't meet you personally unless it's important to him to arrest you for his stupid, made up laws.

Soon enough, you quickly became a wanted criminal, and you began to steal things for attention and not for laughs. One day you were the tenth most wanted, but then you took Walker's hat off his head and quickly shot up to second most wanted, right under the halfa boy.

It was to the point you were going out of your own way to straight up mock him or tease him, either to his face or leaving a note after you made your great escape each time he got close.

Now, you're not to prideful to admit he HAS caught and arrested you a couple times, you had a weakness for gold and jewels, but a lot of it is heavy enough to weigh anyone down. By the time Walker would leave and reenter the room to read off your crimes, you had pulled your famous disappearing acts and were nowhere in sight.

The moron never checked the room completely, if he ever had he would've known you picked the handcuff locks open and stayed invisible near the walls until the coast was clear.

There's never been a single time he could catch you and keep you in a cell.

Until today, that is.

See, today was...special.

Today was the anniversary of your death. Ten years flies right by, doesn't it?

Feeling nostalgic of your past as an adolescent, now that your age has doubled, you decided to pay tribute to your last day alive and what got you killed.

A jewel.

A damn big one, valuable too, or else you wouldn't have risked your life to get it as a living child. You had achieved in getting it, but that beady eyed, suit wearing, stick in the mud, prison warden in training confiscated it when you were murdered by an adult thief, you had become a ghost and fled to the Ghost Zone, and that's when it happened. He was much smaller back then, younger too, everything in the Ghost Zone ages except things in Clockwork's island, where things exist outside of time. You heard from another ghost that he had smuggled a child into the Ghost Zone, and was raising the kid as his own, but rumors are rumors, can't trust anything unless you see it yourself.

Once you had made your attempt to break INTO Walker's prison, everything happened so fast. You entered his office silently, alarms blared and the whole place was lit up in bright flashing red lights. The door was busted down from the outside. Gloved hands were on your shoulders, you were thrashing around like a fish out of water, trying to get away. Walker's goons, who were the ones that came in, forced you to sit down in the all too familiar chair with chains for prisoner's.

He was smart this time, he used ectoplasmic powered cuffs, no way to phase through or go invisible with these on. As you heard the door creak open, steps coming towards your form, your shoulders slumped, head looking down at your shoes.

You wished you could take one off and throw the thing at his eye.

A book was pulled off his metal desk, and you heard it open.

He was going to list off all of your wrong doings now, quite a fantastic way to pour salt into an open wound.

You refused to listen.

You refused to hear someone you were attracted to, not that you'd admit it, openly acknowledge that you're a horrible, horrible excuse for a person and ghost, both when you were alive, and dead, then proceeding to judge and jail you for your actions.

Who were you kidding when you called yourself a respectable human being?

Something he was about to say made you perk up, and lift your head from its bowed state.

"And finally, your worst, and most heinous crime..."

What was it now? Murder? Did you kill someone somehow on accident? Did you-

"Stealing my heart."


"What?" You snap out of your thoughts and say loudly, in both shock and disbelief.

A man of the Ghost Zone's supposed law was...taken by you?

Without another word after, he simply nodded and closed his book in one quick movement with a loud boom. Suddenly, your handcuffs well to your feet and you were free, just like that.

Stumbling to your feet in surprise, you quickly began to float upward, prepared to flee, but Walker's hand launched out and gripped your wrist with a surprising amount of gentleness to prevent you from doing so. He pulled you back down until your feet were on the ground once again.

"But, you have a chance to redeem yourself for your crimes."

You slid your hand out of his grip, and crossed your arms over your chest. This didn't sound very appealing.

"Perhaps, a type of parole."

"Parole? What kind?"

His eyes shifted to the side, his fedora was lowered perfectly so you couldn't read his expression well. "You see, (Y/N), there's a reason I've been so determined to catch you."

You smiled, you knew where this was going, judging by how his cheeks were changing color from their blinding white to a dim green. Before you knew what you were doing, or allowing him to finish, you scooped his hat right off his head and placed it atop your own.

"I think I know what you're saying, and the feeling is mutual. After all, I stopped stealing for myself a long time ago...it was for your reactions and attention after a while."

He stared at you, the same stoic expression you've always seen him with, but his eyes spoke adoring emotions that no living thing could fathom.

"And whatever your terms are for the 'parole', I agree."

"Even to being mine?"

"Mhmmm." Your voice purrs, barely loud enough to hear, beginning to float off the floor.

"In that case, will you give me my hat back?" He asked while holding out his hand expectantly.

Your back straightens, your legs stiffening as if the ground was a hard substance. Smiling with an amount of smugness that could make someone drop dead, "Nope. What can I say? Old habits die hard."

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