Prom - Danny Fenton x Reader

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Requested by @Constallationgirl! Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday! This oneshot has been done for a little while now but since Wattpad has been giving me trouble recently, nothing has been posting correctly. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this one!

Character: Danny Fenton 

Oneshot type: Cute, Fluffy

Gender: Female

Relationship: Best Friends


When Daniel Fenton made the decision that he was going to ask one of his best friends to prom, as a real date, he was immediately faced with the terrifying realization that he would have to actually ask you. He couldn't just show up and expect you both to be walking onto the gym's 'dance floor', like you had gotten his mental memo.

Heck, when he first met you through Jazz in the school library, he had a difficult time keeping his pants tangible.

You had met Danny because Jazz had been tutoring you in history, you had kept falling asleep during your teacher's lessons from her calm voice, and ended up missing the information you needed to know.

When you saw Danny run into the library, he looked panicked, which was unexpected.

What was even more unexpected was when he ducked and hid underneath your table, hugging your calves tightly.

And what was most unexpected over all, was when you heard two loud adult voices hollering about ghosts and stomping down the hall coming towards the library, and Jazz hiding under the table along with her brother. So, there you sat behind your textbook, confused with a pair of teenagers hiding below you with two probably insane parents patrolling the halls, one of said teenagers hugging your legs as tightly as a child would with a teddy bear. When the booming voices ceased, they came out, Jazz quickly explaining that her parents were a bit overbearing. You felt that there was more to it than that, but ignored the oddness of the situation and politely introduced yourself to Jazz's younger brother. Danny, being the sweet thing he is, invited you to sit with him and his friends at lunch the next day.

After that, you were in the group permanently, it was like you'd been there since the beginning.

You had clicked with the three of them like a missing puzzle piece, some of the things you were into helped along with that, a few examples being video games, books, poetry and astronomy.

They had contemplated for about four months on whether or not to tell you Danny's secret, but after being friends with them for that long and them ditching you so often, you began to feel that they didn't actually like you. That was where the trio drew the line and spilled the beans.

But is different than then. Danny started developing feelings for you, and they were stronger than he thought.

Sure, when he first saw you in the library, he thought you were pretty. And over time, the tingling in his stomach became less prominent as he grew more comfortable with you. He wished so badly he just kept seeing you as only a friend, but it's just not the case anymore.

The feeling he got when he realized you matched wits and were so compatible, it was beyond the younger Fenton sibling ever experienced before.

With Paulina, he only liked her for her looks.

With Valerie, he thought things would get more serious but they didn't click as well as he originally thought they would in retrospect. She was nice, pretty, smart, and good with weaponry but they never fit completely.

You were different. He was himself around you, even more so than with Sam and Tuck. He could nerd out about astronomy and you wouldn't be bored or annoyed.

You always helped him with his homework when he was ghost fighting the entire day and needed someone to help him, or going to the space museum three towns over when he had a bad day and needed a pickmeup.

Of course he would end up catching feelings for you, it was unavoidable. And now, thanks to you, he's at a crossroads.

Tell you he likes you, ask you to prom and have the giant possibility of both getting turned down and ruining your friendship, or bite his tongue and never take action on his own feelings when there's even the tiniest glimmer of a chance that you like him back.

Oh, what's a boy to do?

Go to his best friends? No, they're horrible liars, if you asked what was up with them acting excited, you'd get suspicious. Tucker being happy is normal, but Sam? You'd either think they're up to something or Paulina got hit by a truck.

Go to his sister? Um, no. How is that even an option?

Consult his parents? That's worse than the sister choice.

The internet? Yeah, what a way to be original.

Instead, he sat in his room and thought about you. What would you like as a promposal? Astronomy, poetry, video games, and books. Those were the prime options.

Poetry would be too lame. Can you imagine how that'd go?

Roses are red, violets are purple, not blue. Please like me back, I'm scared of you...r answer.

Nope, rhyming disaster.

Then there's astronomy, but he couldn't exactly ask the stars to write his crummy poem in the sky.

Video games would just be dumb. What would he do? Dress up as Pac Man?

Lastly, books. He knew literature was a big thing for you, one of the reasons you were an honor student at school, you were incredibly smart.

Sure, he had ghost powers but you were on another level of brain power. And the fact you could understand any of the mumbo jumbo that comes out of Jazz's brain is a superpower in itself.

And then, the idea hit him like a dictionary to the face.

It was two weeks until prom when you heard a couple knocks on glass from your window in the dead of night. When you opened it, Danny was floating there and explained he wanted to show you something cool. You obliged and he took your hand, flying the two of you to Casper High.

He turned you both intangible and asked you to close your eyes while he guided you.

"Danny, I hate to burst your bubble but there's nothing cool about high school, regardless of what adults say."

You heard him laugh as his hands move your invisible steps by holding onto your shoulders. You felt the tingle of intangibility, passing through something solid and thick. You felt the urge to take a peek, but fought it off. It wouldn't do any good even if you did, Danny had his hands covering your vision anyway.

"Keep them closed for just one more second."

The strange warm-cold feeling of Danny's gloves left your face and you figured her floated off to check on whatever he was doing. You noticed after he let go, there was gentle lights in front of your eyelids rather than complete darkness.

"One! I'm opening them now!" You yelled, though you had no intention to.

"Don't! Not yet!"

You laughed a little bit to yourself before rocking back and forth on your heels patiently. "Okay, you can open them now."

When you did, your jaw dropped. It was beautiful.

You were in Casper High's library, it was lit up by dim fairy lights strewn around a table in the center of it. Books were stacked on the table in a giant "PROM?"

At first, you thought it was a joke and you smiled out of amusement and out of a bit of pain in your heart. But, you saw Danny's face.

His cheeks were green and his limbs were fidgeting in the air, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand in his typical Danny Fenton nature, the boy was the sheer look of nervousness. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper, and held it out to you.

Your shaking hand took it from him carefully, as if the note was porcelain and you would break it if you happened to hold it too tightly.

You unfolded it, and inside there was a cursive handwritten message in the white sheet. Your eyes only scanned through it, reading random sections, the ramblings of a love sick teen.

When you looked back up, Danny placed a clipped, dethroned red rose on your ear.

"Yes." You answered breathlessly.

Danny's eyebrows raised and his face began to light up, "What? Really? You'll go with me?"

To respond to his question, you pulled him to the ground, held his cheeks in your palms and kissed him sweetly. He smiled and kissed back, inexperienced lips trying to figure out a smooth rhythm. When you pulled away, Danny wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled his nose into your shoulder.

"Thanks for being my friend, (Y/N). I'm lucky to have you."

"I'm lucky to have you, too, Danny."

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