Basketball Buddies - Wes Weston x Reader

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This was just something I did when I was bored based off the oneshot request example I used in the beginning of this book you go I guess.

Character: Wes Weston

Relationship: Team mates, platonic

Gender: Female

Oneshot Type: Casual


The Casper High Ravens had won the biggest game of the year, thanks to you and Wesley.

With Wesley's amazing teamwork skills and your coordination and reflexes, you never lost a single game this season.

When you had shot the winning basket, the crowds in the stands erupted with cheers and applause. The Ravens screamed and yelled, you had been picked up by the team and carried out to the locker rooms while they chanted your name.

The coach came into the locker rooms before anyone had the time to change out of their uniforms,

"Great game everyone! Lunch is on me, let's go kids!" Everyone cheered once again, a bunch of guys high fived each other while Wesley offered you a fist bump. You don't know Wesley very well, you only knew that he was awesome at basketball, was a bit of a basket case that was obsessed with proving Danny Fenton is the ghost boy, and that his dad Walter Weston worked for Vlad Masters.

You fist bumped him and patted him on the back as you both left the locker room with your other teammates.

You all piled into the team van, still as giddy as ever, and the coach drove to the Nasty Burger when you all got back out of the van and went inside.

Coach took everyone's orders down on a notepad and you all sat a big table in the corner of the establishment that could seat up to twenty people.

"I can't believe we won!"

"We always win!"

"Ha, yeah, thanks to Weston and (L/N)!"

You smiled happily and Wesley beamed with pride, you could already tell he would be bragging about this to his dad later, which he should because he earned it.

You saw Dash seethe in jealousy as he glared at you both, his sporty talents were lacking in basketball.

Just as the coach was coming back with the food, a giant ghost dog crashed through the restaurant with the ghost kid trying to restrain him.

"Cut it out, Cujo!" He yelled as people screamed, panicking and running away.

Your team was fleeing for the doors but after the exit was blocked by the dog and it growled furiously, everyone was stuck inside.

Running for a closet door off in the back of the Nasty Burger behind the counter, you sighed in relief when the door was closed and locked from the inside.

"Hey, Three."

You jumped and swiftly turned around, seeing Wes sitting on the floor, looking up at you with a blank expression.


"Your jersey number."

"Oh, right...hi."

He crossed his arms and looked to the side as you sat down next to him.

"You're Wesley, right?"

"I go by Wes."


This is awkward.

An uncomfortable silence fell in the closet except for muffled screams coming from outside the saftey of the closet.

"So, good game today."


"You play really well, Wes."

"You too."

You cross your arms.

"Aren't you going to finish that with 'for a girl'?"

Wes looked over at you confused, "Why would I say that?"

You shrug and fix your gaze to the door, feeling like his green eyes were burning into your skin. "Everyone seems to say that since I got on the team."

"All because you're the only girl on an all-boys team?"

"Yep." You popped the p, shrugging.

"That's stupid."

You give in to the urge and turn to face him. "As stupid as the people in this town that don't see Fenton is the ghost kid."

At that, Wes let out a giant screech. "You know?!"

"It's so obvious, how can I not? Even their hairstyles are the same!" You throw your arms in the air and Wes smiles wide. "Everyone thinks I'm either crazy or lying, but I've SEEN him transform right in front of me!"

"What?! You're kidding!"

"I'm serious! It's lead me to believe his DNA has been mutated in some way or he's possessed! I have charts and presentations, too!"

"Can I see?!"

"Yeah, sure! They're at my house, wanna come over? We can play video games or watch a movie after I show you my evidence...I mean, if you want to."

You smiled warmly, putting a hand on his shoulder, "I'd love to."

After that, you both chatted away about your theories and such on the matter.

Until, Danny Phantom's head popped in through the door.

"You guys okay- whoa, um, sorry! I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

"SHUT UP, FENTON!" Wes yelled, red in the face.

Only then did you realize that the ghost attack was over, and had been over for at least twenty minutes.

"And I love you too, random citizen!" Danny Phantom/Fenton said in a deep heroic voice as his head phased back out of the door.

"I hate him so much..."

"Talk about it on the way to your place?"

Wes smiled and stood up, extending his arm and pulling you up with him.


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