Damsel in Distress - Danny Phantom x Reader

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Requested by @Constallationgirl! Loving your requests, I hope you like this one!

And to you readers out there, if you're liking this book so far and want more DP content in your life, I have been writing a full series Danny Fenton/Phantom x Reader book called, "Neutral". If you're into this book, you should check it out next if you're up to it!


Character: Danny Phantom

Relationship: Friends

Gender: Female, she/her

Oneshot Type: Casual/Fluffy


A damsel in distress. That's not particularly what you would consider yourself as.

You're more like an accident-prone danger magnet, as you've been deemed by your knight in shining...jumpsuit, really. Now that was more accurate in your opinion, because it's less of a seeking danger out just to be rescued, it's more of a constantly in the wrong place at the wrong time type of thing.

Hanging out at the zoo with that kid you babysit? Nah, how about getting captured by Skulker to become a living exhibit?

Chilling out in your friend's room and listening to some music? No way, pal, time to get mind controlled by an undead, flaming haired, pop star.

Plan on microwaving yourself a late-night snack? How about having all your electronics in your home come to life to form a ghost's electronic super suit instead?

Going to get pizza? Nope, should've gotten delivery because the Box Ghost thought it would be fun to possess your large pepperoni.

Who was that hero that was mentioned earlier? That would be Amity Park's friendly neighborhood ghost teen, Inviso-Bill.

You later found out his name was Danny Phantom, but whatever, it was still fun to tease him about the awful nickname every now and again.

After being in so many accidents so many times, he decided to personally make a stop at your house during his nightly patrols to check on you. Sometimes you weren't home, which would cause him to search around everywhere for you seconds later, sometimes you were asleep, others you were with a friend and chatting away to your heart's content.

However, you never knew of his visits until you were coming back from the bathroom and mistook him as an intruder, and proceeded to hit him in the head with a hair straightener until you managed to turn the lights on.

At first you were furious, concerned on how many times he had been there and how much he saw, more importantly, WHY he was even there. After he explained himself, it had sounded legit and you forgave him.

After a while, you both had become friends, as he began to visit during times he knew you'd be awake to avoid scaring you (and getting hit in the face again).

But sometimes, you will wake up from falling asleep somewhere in the house and find a blanket covering your shoulders.

You can be coming home from a stressful day and takeout food will be on your kitchen counter.

And on a few occasions, you'd bring over your neighbor's son that you babysit from time to time and there's a bunch of stuffed toys propped up in poses or you'll find packages of unused paper and crayons waiting for you both when you return with him.

The kid, Tyler, is about six years old so when he comes over and finds new things to do or play with, his face lights up with joy and excitement.

It was a bit creepy at first because his timing was always so good it had to be planned, but you find it sweet and thoughtful now.

In addition to being friends, both of you have come to some sort of silent agreement to where you both sit on the roof and star gaze when the nights are clear.

But as of now, you were walking in the halls with your friends in the A-Listers clique. Ah, yes, you were part the popular crowd. Your parents both travel the world and get paid to write about it, they've been anywhere you can name. As of now, they're in Asia climbing Mount Everest...for their third time.

Sometimes you don't hear from them for weeks to months, it worries you but you've gotten used to having the house to yourself. It gets lonely sometimes, which is why you started babysitting Tyler in the first place. Anyhow, since you had money and a lot of it from your parents, the A-Listers were attached to your hip like a bug on fly paper and no matter what you did, you couldn't shake them off. You could make them mad, sure, but they'd still come back within a day from the scent of those sweet, sweet hundred dollar bills in your pocket.

You didn't consider any of the popular kids very good friends, the kind that would stand by you no matter what, but it was somewhere to sit at lunchtime and people to talk to, plus they were nice once you got to know them. That is, at least, IF you're one of them.

But this means that other kids, the people "below" you in social ranking, were too intimidated by your social status to approach you, whether it be for friendship, a relationship, or anything else. So, they were all left fantasizing from afar.

One of those kids was Danny Fenton. Don't get me wrong, you like Danny, he's a nice kid, but anytime you try to talk to him or anyone else "below" you, the other popular kids pull you away quickly. But he was happily content with just getting a, "Hi, Danny." as you were passing by him with your friends.

This happened today, just like every other day.

"Hi, Danny!" You said over your shoulder as you passed him, and his two friends Sam and Tucker. You saw him wave back and gave you a goofy, dazed grin when Paulina hooked her arm around yours and smiled sweetly, "Hey (Y/N), want to come over to my party this Saturday? My papa and mama are going out of town for the weekend!"

You smiled back and shrugged, "I don't see why not."

Unknown to you, Danny was still waving and smiling, watching you walk away.


Sam rolled her eyes, "Ugh, Danny, when are you going to give it up? She doesn't even know you're alive."

Tucker closed his locker, "No Sam, (Y/N) knows that Danny is alive, just not us."

Danny shook his head and broke out of his daze, but the smile didn't leave his face. "Aw, come on, guys. She knows you both, you've come up in our conversations before and she called you by name."

"Oh joy, Paulina number two has graced me with the knowledge of my presence." Sam glared in your direction bitterly, "I'm honored."

Tucker shrugged, "She's nicer than Paulina, and cooler. At least she's not a snob."

Danny picked up his backpack and smiled, "Are you kidding? She's cooler than all the popular kids combined. I know her really well, she's my friend."

Sam groaned, "Danny, she doesn't even really know YOU. She knows Danny Phantom, not Fenton. She's friends with him, not you."

Hesitating on a reply, Danny nodded in understandment instead.

Tucker gained a sly smile, "But that'll change if tonight goes to plan, right Danny?"

He nodded eagerly as the three of them walked to the exit of the school.

"What plan?" Sam raised an eyebrow curiously.

Tucker elbowed her arm lightly, "You'll know tomorrow."

Later that night, you were laying on your couch with your phone in front of you.

You anxiously waited for your parents to call you, last time you had spoken, they said they'd call you today. That was a month ago.

Deciding it would be a good idea to watch some TV to sooth your nerves, you switched on a nice comedy. Gentle humor is good for the heart.

"What are we watchin'?"

A stroke, however, is not good for the heart.

A short, shrill shriek slipped past your lips when you reached for a pillow and flailed it around blindly at the source of the noise.

"Ow! Ow! Trouble, it's just me! Ow! Stop!"

Around the second hit, you knew it was your friend, Danny Phantom, but you were so mad that he scared you that you didn't stop.

"How many times have I told you not to just pop in like that?!"

"Can you stop-"

"And you know I hate that nickname!"


"You can't keep just waltzing in here like you own the place!"

At this point, to avoid your pillow swings, he just turned himself invisible and took the pillow out of your hold.

"Jeez, what's got you so jumpy? I thought you were used to me coming in here by now."

You sighed in defeat, and took your phone into your hand. "My parents said they're calling today."

He went quiet and took a seat next to you, he knew how lonely and stressed you get without them being with you. He couldn't speak from experience but he could sympathize, if his parents were gone and he'd only hear from them once every few months, he'd miss them too. Maybe not the, "I'll rip you apart molecule by molecule!" part, but the parts concerning with him as Danny Fenton.


"Yeah...I'm just really wigging out over here."

If he asked you out now, he knew he'd be an insensitive jerk. So, instead of finally revealing his feelings, "The sky is clear tonight, do you want to star gaze until they call?"

A small smile creeped up on your face as you nodded a little.

"Can we?"

"Of course, that's why I offered."

You flipped your cellphone shut and stuffed it into your front pocket while he held his hand out to you. You took it and just like that, you were intangible and floated up through the floors of your home and onto your roof.

Your skin tingled until you were turned back solid while you both took a seat on the roof, legs swinging over the side.

The sky was a deep, deep blue, it looked almost black as the little sparkling dots littered the darkness, the half moon lighting up where it sat in the sky.

"I see...Libra, right there." You pointed.

"There's Virgo, too."

"Ursa Minor!"

"And Ursa Major!" He chimed in. You smiled, you always feel at ease when you're with Phantom.

"Hey, Inviso-Biiiiiill," You grinned like the Cheshire Cat while you dragged out the name as far as you could before he let out a loud groan of agony.

"I hate that so much."

"That's payback for calling me Trouble earlier."

"Fair enough. And yes, your question is?"

You sighed and looked to the moon, a gentle breeze blowing your locks around.

"Do you think they're okay?"

He took your left hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm sure they are."

Silence drifted in the cool night air for a moment before he had his own question.


Before he could ask, your cellphone let out your parents' unfamiliar ringtone. Your hand released his and shot into your pocket, flipped it open while your thumb immediately answered the call. You hadn't expected them to call you at all.


"Hi honey!"

"Hey Mom! How's Asia?"

"(Y/N), it's as beautiful as when we left."

You heard your dad's voice in the background.

"Oh, of course, not nearly as beautiful as that town in Germany, for sure."

You smiled and felt tears begin to fill your eyes, they were okay. Thank gosh they were okay.

"Honey, your dad wants to talk with you so I'm going to put him on."

Shuffling on the other end of the line.

"Pumpkin! How have you been doing?"

"I'm okay." Now that you know that they're safe.

"Good! How's school been? No boys have been hounding my little girl, have they?"

You let out a light, forced laugh, "It's fine and no, dad, they haven't been."

"I'm glad to hear that, otherwise we'd have to fly back to the US just so I could get my shotgun and run them out the yard."

You glanced over at Phantom sitting next to you, he gave you thumbs up and a gentle smile,

"Ha, no need for that dad, I've got it covered."

Crackling on the other line.

"Pum...kin...bad...signal...we'll call...nex...mont-"

And the line went dead.

A relieved sigh came out of your throat while you leaned on Danny's shoulder for support.

"They're okay. They're safe. They're...happy." That word tasted like vinegar in your mouth. The fact that they were blissfully happy without you there.

You felt him release a deep breath, and you sat back up on your own.

"See? I told you."

"Yeah...you did...say, what was your question?"

"Huh? Oh, it's not important, really."

You poked him playfully.

"Tell me."

"No (Y/N)."

Another poke.

"Teeeeeell me."


You huffed, standing up abruptly, making his green eyes follow your movements cautiously. You were on a roof, after all.


"Oh no."

"Inviso-Bill, Inviso-Bill, Inviso-Bill, Inviso-Bill."

"If I tell you, will you swear to me that you will never use that nickname again?"

"If I agree to that, will you swear to me never to use the nickname Trouble, again?"

"(Y/N), this isn't a negotiation."


"Fine! I won't call you Trouble anymore and I'll ask my question, just please stop saying it."

You could tell that even if he was a little annoyed, he still found this amusing based on the smile resting on his features.


He took inhaled a deep breath and exhaled after holding it in for a second.

"I was going to ask you, if maybe...y-you'd um...you know...go on a date with me...sometime?"

"Sure." You shrugged.

"And if you say no, I totally understand because- wait, did you just say yes?"

"Yeah. I mean I've had a crush on you for a while but, the only thing is that it's kinda going to be hard to go on a date with you without being hunted, attacked, kidnapped, and murdered. In that specific order."

He chuckled a little, out of both humor and nervousness from what he was going to do.

"Y-Yeah...so that's why I was going to show you this."

Then, there was a flash of bright white light. It was so bright in fact, that you had to cover your eyes with your hand so they wouldn't be blinded by it. Honestly, you were afraid to open them at the possibility the light remained.

But then, you felt a hand gently take your wrist and carefully push it down to your side. The touch from the hand was skin, not like the gloved hand you were used to from your friend.

When you saw the face of Danny Fenton in front of yours, where you had expected Danny Phantom's to be-

Wait a second.

Danny Phantom. Danny Fenton.

You're an idiot and so is everyone else in Amity Park, in the country, in the entire world. HOW had you missed the similarities?! They've been staring you in the face the entire time and you didn't even realize-

"(Y/N)? You okay?"

You jumped, suddenly remembering that he was still there. "Y-Yes!"

"You're freaked out, aren't you?"

"No! No, not at all, I'm just wrapping my mind around my own stupidity..."


"N-Not about liking you! Just, how I didn't notice sooner!" Oh god, (Y/N) stop stuttering, you never stutter. The last time you stuttered was when you peed your pants in kindergarten and tried to say that another student peed your pants with you still in them.

"Oh...yeah, I guess it is a little...obvious. Wow, now that I think about that, I probably should've just let them stick with Inviso-Bill."

You were silent, still processing that Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom were one and the same.

"Why did you just show me your identity?" You asked, looked up at him into his blue eyes. It was so strange to see ice blue instead of glowing green.

His gaze shifted back to the moon, you could tell by his shoulders that he was tense.

"I just...I want you to like me for myself and my ghost half, I mean, I'm both. I want you to like both."

He looked back at you, sadness in his eyes.

"I get why anyone would like the Phantom half of me, he's brave and heroic. But me as Fenton...I'm just a loser."

You stood up from your spot and made your way over to him, taking a hold of his chin in between your fingers, "Hey, you're not a loser."

"I am, he's not."

"You're both the same person, what Phantom is, is what Fenton is. You are brave and heroic, Danny. And I like you for who you are, both halves."

A small smile replaced the frown that he was wearing.


"Really truly." You grinned and leaned forward, moving his bangs out of the way and pressing a kiss to his forehead. Slowly and carefully, leaning in to kiss him for real. When you did, you felt his entire body jolt and it took a second for him to react. But when he had, his lips were moving against yours rythmically, his fingers were in your hair and you could practically feel your face on fire. When you pulled back, you saw Danny's cheeks turning a deep blazing shade of red.


"...Hm?" He still hadn't recovered from the kiss.

"I said, when? As in when do you want to have the date?"

"Oh! U-Um...now?"

"Well then, Ghost Boy, I think you should get us down from the roof before everything closes."

"Right, right! Duh." He took hold of your hand, both of you turning invisible and sinking through the floors once more until you hit the living room carpeting.

As you both made your way to the door, he had stopped walking and his hand pulled you to a halt. You looked over your shoulder and saw him with a hesitant expression.

"Are you sure you're okay with it?"

Your free hand reached for the handle and opened the door.

"Danny, you're two halves of a whole. I like both halves. I like you."

And that was all he had to hear, a conformation of the truth, before you both left the house to find a good spot for a late-night date.

Danny Fenton walked into Casper High the next morning with his head held high, self-esteem boosted and the prettiest girl in Amity Park holding his hand.

He was in absolute ecstasy; life couldn't be better. He saw his classmates' jealous stares, the A-Listers' furious glares, Tucker's overjoyed expression and Sam's sour face.

You two had stopped by Danny's locker to chat with his friends, formally introducing you to his best friends.

"Hi, I'm Tucker. Tucker Foley. That's T.F as in Too Fine."


"Hey, I'm (Y/N)."

You saw Danny from the corner of your eye motion for them to continue.

Sam sighed, "You're an animal rights activist, right?"


"...I guess you're okay then."

"More importantly, do you like technology?"

"Ha, who doesn't?"

You smiled and happily chatted with them until the bell rang, the rest of the popular kids glaring daggers in your direction but you honestly didn't care. So what if you were probably kicked out of the A-Listers? You have real friends now.

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