Deal - Danny Fenton x Reader

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Requested by @Constallationgirl! I hope you like it!

Character: Danny Fenton

Relationship: Best friends

Gender: Girl, she/her

Oneshot type: Casual


When you sat in Mr. Lancer's History class on Thursday afternoon, you had no idea what would be happening later in the middle of the period. You had been taking notes, Dash and Kwan were throwing paper air planes at Danny again, Danny ignoring them as best to his ability, Paulina was reapplying makeup for the third time in twenty minutes, Star was filing her nails, and everyone else was paying attention. You sent him a small smile and a bit of a wave, and his face lit up with joy, mimicking your actions back to you before you turned back to your notes.

Danny is your best friend, you're both on the same social radar. Losers.

You had been deemed a loser once the A-Listers, aka, the "popular" kids, found out you don't wear designer brands, don't bully people for fun, and whatever else they deemed uncool. But they don't go out of their way to bully you like they do with Danny. Anyhow, Danny and you met on my first day here. You were late for class and was trying to navigate around the halls, mumbling to word Science class over and over when you heard a voice say,

"The science lab is down the next hall, third door to your left."

There wasn't anyone around, until you turned to the lockers and saw a pale pinkie poking through the vents, pointing at the science lab's direction. How had the popular kids shoved an entire person in one of those things? No clue. But you had helped him out of it and he walked you there himself, he then invited you to sit with him at lunch and after that, you've been hanging out all day every day since then. His friends, Sam and Tucker have been a little cold towards you though, you don't think they like you very much.

You were humming a little tune when your pencil broke. Any other kid would have gotten up to sharpen it, but instead you took the lazy route today, coaxing more graphite out the tip with a subtle wave of your findex finger and continued writing.

You have element powers, if it's not obvious. You were in an accident three and a half weeks ago, a weird monster that looked like a vampire in a long cape, had attacked you out of nowhere when you were walking home. There was a zap, a stinging sensation, and you passed out. When you had woken up, you felt...different, but couldn't place your finger on what so you continued your walk home. On the way back home, a car nearly hit you as you were crossing the street. You would have died, but somehow, the concrete beneath you had created a shield when you threw your arms up, bracing yourself for impact.

After that, your family decided it wasn't safe to live in Wisconsin anymore, so you all moved to Amity Park a week after the accident.

You haven't had these powers for long, but you're slowly getting control over them.

When you went to turn the page in your history book, the edge had burst into flames.


Correction, you're getting control over them VERY slowly.

You started panicking, hoping no one would notice when you started blowing the flame on the text book away. Luckily, just as Mr. Lancer looked over at you and was about to question what you were doing, there was a loud crash outside. Everyone looked out the windows to see, except Danny. He rose from his seat and slid out the door unnoticed by everyone, except you. You had slipped out of your chair as well, trailing a good distance behind him quietly.

The heck was he doing?

When suddenly he stopped in the middle of the hall, threw his arms in the air and yelled, "I'M GOING GHOST!"

What the actual fu-

Seriously, what is he doing?!

A white ring formed around his midsection, splitting into two rings as one traveled up his body and the other traveled down. His clothes changed into a black and white jumpsuit, and his hair changed from black to white.

He jumped into the air and spun around into my direction.

His eyes, now green, widened in surprise.

You shook your head in disbelief when something smashed through the wall into the rows of lockers.

A ghost.

A robot ghost.

With green flaming hair.


He floated in the air and his legs, not even joking, turned into a ghostly tail.

"Your time has come whelp! Today is the day I will have your pelt on my wall!"

Danny's expression turned serious when he looked at the ghost and softened back into worry and nervousness when he glanced in your direction.

"Danny! You have some splainin' to do!"

"I-I'll explain later, okay? Just get to safety, I don't want you getting hurt!"

You huffed in frustration, hurt? You could handle this creep, little to no power experience aside. Running down the hall, you stop at the corner and hid behind it. When you heard the two of them fighting, and sounds of ectoplasm blasting, you knew you had to help somehow.

There's moisture in the air, and moisture is water, right?

Focusing hard, you force as much water as out of the air as you could and splashed the robot ghost with it. He was still yelling at Danny about capturing him, but had stopped when you splashed him and began looking around for the source.

Acting quickly, you mustered up a powerful icy chill in the air and sent it to the ghost's direction. He didn't have time to react before he was frozen in the spot he was standing, Danny took this as the opportunity to stick his hand in his locker and suck up the ghost in a...thermos?

Aren't those for soup and hot drinks?

Dude, how-

"Okay, stay calm Fenton, it's not a big deal. It's just like when Paulina found out you were Phantom...except, Kitty was Paulina and you accidentally dated a ghost for a week."

Seriously, Paulina was possessed and he didn't notice? That girl is as intelligent as a rock; how would he not notice a difference in personality? Well, maybe that Kitty girl was just as stupid as Paulina is...what's this feeling? That red-hot boil in your blood?...

No. You aren't...jealous.

Oh god, puberty is bad enough, (Y/N), you don't even know him that well. And he probably doesn't even like you, he likes Paulina, everyone does.

"I couldn't get lucky enough to date a pretty girl that wasn't overshadowed."

You're pretty.

You don't have a ghost controlling your body.

Holy crap, you meet all his standards.

You peeked around the corner when you saw a bright flash of light, he had turned back into his regular self and was walking towards where you supposedly hadn't run off.

"Oh! (Y/N)! I-I didn't...see you there. Wait, didn't I tell you to get to safety?"

You cross your arms instead of responding, an expecting look on your face. Danny sighed in defeat and took you by the hand, leading you toward the back exit of the school. You felt your heart flutter a little at the contact.

When you reached outside, the school lot was empty, except for some people walking down the sidewalk unaware of what happened at the school.

You both sat on the grass and Danny placed his thermos next to him, not yet letting go of your hand.

"Please don't tell anyone else my secret or what I'm about to tell you."

"I won't, I promise."

His face looked a little red when he began to talk.

"My parents are scientists and they specialize in ghosts, about six months ago they made a portal that would open up the ghost zone at will. It didn't work at first but I got inside it one day and accidentally turned it on."

You winced at his words and he started rubbing circles on your hand with his thumb, hesitating on continuing.

"My DNA was mutated with ghost DNA, and when I woke up I had snow white hair and glowing green eyes. After a while, I started to be able to walk through walls, disappear and fly."

His breath hitched in his throat and you could tell this was a touchy subject.

"I gained more powers since then...I decided to use them for good, since now that the ghost portal is active, ghosts can get through to our world and they've been attacking it...all this time I've been hiding it from everyone, including my family. The only people that know are Sam and Tucker."

Oooh, so that's why they didn't like you, you were getting too close to Danny than they needed you and were scared about revealing his powers.

You nod, encouraging him to go on. "But when you got here, there was something different about you. You don't fit in with anyone...n-not in a bad way! Y-You just are the most unique person I've ever met and you don't fit in with anyone in the school because you're just s-so-"

You smiled a little, "Thank you, Danny."

He looked over at you with flushed cheeks and smiled back a little, but his smile fell quickly and he released your hand from his grip.

"I saw you use your powers."

Your heart pounded painfully in your chest and you could feel your knees beginning to shake. You had been careless and reckless, hadn't you? You've been abusing your powers with what little control you had in public, you moron! Of course someone saw!

"When you were at the broken water fountain in one of the halls last Friday, you used your powers to make it work again..."

You're so screwed. This is it. You're going to have to move again, change your name or something, live life on the down low.

"I'm not going to tell anyone."

You looked up, your sparkling (E/C) eyes meeting Danny's sky blues. He squeezed your hand reassuringly while his pink lips curled in a gentle smile.

"But I want one thing in return for my silence,"

Oh, come on.

You stared at him skeptically, "And what is that?"

His gentle smile turned playful, his eyes catching the light of the sun, making them look even bluer.

"You going on a date with me to the movies tonight."

You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks and the tips of your ears. Was he serious?

After watching him carefully for a moment, you didn't see any signs that he was kidding. Hmph.

Two can play at this game, Fenton.

Your hand slipped out of his hold and you leaned over, getting closer and closer to his face with each millisecond. He began to lean back before his eyebrows shot up in surprise when he felt a quick peck on his lips. And just as fast as it happened, you had gotten up and began speed walking back across the grass and heading to the door to go back to class.

His hand flew up to touch his lips and watched as you opened the door, smiled and called over your shoulder,

"You coming, Danny?"

He smiled and nodded, getting up and dashing over to your side as you both walked to your lockers.

"Only on one condition will I go on a date with you."


You winked and poked his cheek with your finger, "I'm picking the flick."

He chuckled and nodded.


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