Request here! + How to Request

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This is not JUST for Danny Fenton/Phantom, this is for all the characters in the show, humans, ghosts, background characters, whatever floats your boat dude. Wes Weston is included because he is my son, fight me.

Here are the rules!

1 . Be specific! A good description of what you want makes it easier to write and better to read.

2. Don't complain if it's not what you wanted because you weren't specific, no one likes a complainer.

3. It doesn't have to be a romantic one shot, it can be best friends, enemies, siblings, anything basically.


5. Please don't just scream "i waNNA (insert character name here) ONESHOT PLZ". I'll tell you why, because then I'm just going to be like, "Uh...okay..." And I won't know what the fluff you mean. "What do you want the relationship to be? What's the context? The plot? The general idea? What type of oneshot? Angsty, fluffy, sad, casual?....No? Nothing at all? No info for me? Um...okaaay..."

6. You CAN request more than one character for a single onshot but P L E E  E E E E E A S E for my sanity's sake, just freakin tell me how you want it done.


8. Post it in the comments!

Now here's how you request.

Character: (last name included pleeease, because fenton and phantom are two giant differences)

(Optional) AU:



Gender: (what gender you want the reader to be, male, female, genderfluid or nonbinary)

Oneshot Type: (type of oneshot this will be, action, angsty, fluffy, sad, casual, lazy, romantic, friendly, happy, the list continues from there, you don't have to pick one of these if your ideal type isn't on this list, just be sure to specify in your request)

And here's a finished one as an example for you guys,

Character: Wes Weston

Idea/Plot: Going to the Nasty Burger after winning a game, a ghost attacks and the reader hides in a closet with Wes, they chat for a while and find out they have a lot in common, becoming good friends and forgetting to leave the closet from being so caught up in their conversation.

Relationship: Team mates, platonic

Gender: Female

Oneshot Type: Casual

See? Not so hard. I mean you can even go,

Character: Wes Weston

Idea/Plot: Going to the Nasty Burger after winning a game, a ghost attacks. You can decide from there.

Relationship: Team mates, platonic

Gender: Female

Oneshot Type: Casual

And it STILL helps like yES THANK YOU, yOU ARE AN ANGEL.

Lastly, if you want to make it really crazy or fun, you can make up a sentence and give me a character from the show, then I make a oneshot that contains that sentence in a way I can see it happening. Something as simple as, "Want some pancakes?" to "oH MY GOD YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED!" then BAM. I work my magic and you get your random oneshot thing...y.

That request sheet would look like this,

Character: (last name included pleeease because fenton and phantom are two giant differences)

Sentence: "(insert sentence here)"

(Optional) Relationship:

Gender: (what gender you want the reader to be, male, female, genderfluid or nonbinary)

(Optional) AU:

Anyhow, you get the idea. Now, REQUEST MY PALS! REQUEST!

Send them in the comment section below!

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