Part 1

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The Oberoi men walked few feet away from wailing ladies of the Oberoi house.

"Thank god Ansh is safe. Rudra said with a relief grin. "No problem anymore.

"I am not sure about that. Said Shivaay with a thoughtful face

"Why do you say that? asked Omkara looking at his brother

"Because the caller said that he has kidnapped an Oberoi son...

"But... prompted Omkara

"But everyone is safe here, under this roof. Shakti completed the predicament.

Just few minutes after the members of the family indulged in their daily activities the phone of Oberoi mansion bought uncomfortable news. "An Oberoi son is under our custody. If you want him safe then follow our instructions. Will call back soon. The call was brief and to the point. Jhanvi Oberoi who answered the call fell down with a hysterical shriek. Midst chokes and hiccups she narrated the message to Dadi, Pinky, Annika and their chief security in charge, Venkat.

Shakti and Tej, who were away on a business trip to Pune were immediately called back. Omkara who was busy in his work space was summoned with frenzy. Rudra, who was shopping with Bhavya for their impending wedding rushed back home worried. Shivaay was contacted by Annika with a plea, "Shivaay, Ansh has gone to school.

Shivaay knew his priorities and right away hurried to collect his four year old from school. The ladies of the house sighed with relief only when their eyes blissfully caught the sight of all Oberoi men in a single frame.

"Maybe it is just a bluff call. Rudra said the most possible hypothesis

"I don't think so. Shivaay said and turned to his bade papa for his view. Owning to years of business expertise he was sure Tej Singh Oberoi understood the depth of the matter better. "Bade papa? called Shivaay looking at him observed in deep thoughts.

"An Oberoi son Tej said to himself aloud. He immediately picked up his phone ignoring curious looks of other men and dialed a number.

"Are you safe? he asked the person in other line. "And Dhruv? he asked with a slight panic. Tej listened to the person in other end with sweat forming on his forehead.

"Why didn't you tell me? Don't worry I will send someone there immediately. He said before cutting the call and looked at other men.

"An Oberoi is indeed kidnapped. " Tej said in a serious tone

"Who is an Oberoi and not under this roof? An Oberoi who we are not aware of? asked a skeptical Omkara.

Tej ignored his son as he was already trying to get commissioner on line.

"If you are talking about product of any of your numerous affairs, then... Omkara fumed

"Dhruv is kidnapped. Said Tej looking at his son

"Dhruv who? asked Omkara

"Dhruv Singh Oberoi, son of Omkara Singh Oberoi." Announced Tej.

Omkara looked at his father in shock. How could he have a son if...

As If Tej saw the realization dawn on his face he chuckled. So you do remember your Wife. The possibility of her carrying your child? Did you even bother finding out anything about the Woman you claimed to love? I am surprised it took you that long Omkara.

Shivaay and Rudra walked up to Om who fell on his knees. In the past 5 years He didn't dare to think of Gauri, the Woman he had loved with all his heart. The woman that had left him when he had needed her the most.

"But How do you know of Dhruv? Jhanvi asked and Tej looked at his wife with something akin to disgust. Whatever it was it made Jhanvi take a step back.

"That is not my story to tell Jhanvi. My priority is to find my Grandson. You should prepare for the Storm that will soon find its way into this Home. I never thought you would find out about him this way but destiny surely has some other plans.

As if on cue the Door of the Mansion opened and a petite Woman walked in. Her Hair was Wavy and a little shorter than the last time he had seen her. Her Jeans and sleeveless Kurti adding to the New Her. Her eyeliner was not as thick as it used to be and the nude color on her lips was replaced by a soft red, She looked different yet like the woman he knew the best, the woman he had touched and loved all these years ago. The woman that had promised to love him, to be by his side forever yet had left him. Had it been so easy for her to walk out on him?

"Gauri...Omkara whispered while she didn't even look at him or the rest of the Family. He wondered what had made her become so angry with him. Had he failed her that badly as a Husband? Had he truly tainted her pure soul?

Walking up to Tej she bent down to take his blessings. Tej blessed her and smiled.

"Papaji...Please Help me find my Son. He is all I have... Gauri hugged Tej tightly finally letting out all the tears. Ever since the School had informed her about her Missing Son she had fought with herself whether or not to inform Tej but he was the only one who could help her. Who would have thought that out of all the people in this Family Gauri would love Tej the most. He had been her family ever since she left.

"Don't worry. I've got my Best Men looking for him. Dhruv will be found soon.

"But who would take him? Why my little boy? She tried to understand what went wrong in the past five years. She had no enemies. Kaali was dead, his brothers in Prison...who else could abduct her Baby?

"Svetlana. Omkara said and looked at His Wife. And finally she turned to look at him. Her eyes were still as beautiful as he remembered. Where did they went wrong?

Pulling out his Phone he called the Inspector to ask for Svetlana.

"Mr. Oberoi...We sadly have to inform you that Ms. Kapoor managed to flee yesterday morning. We are looking for her but apparently she had some help from some of our Officers...

Looking at his Father he nodded and Tej called his Man to follow Svetlana.

"Bring her to me. Gauri said to Tej and he nodded. "I promise Beta you will get to decide her punishment. But for now you should rest. I promise I will come and wake you up once Dhruv is found.

Gauri nodded and was about to leave when she was stopped by Anika.

"Gauri...Stay, please. After all these years you finally came back. Can't we talk?

The tears in Anika's eyes disturbed Gauri, she had loved her like a sister, the sister she had lost as a child but still she was part of her past. Gauri Kumari Sharma had no connection to the Oberoi's anymore.

"Anika I am sorry...I can't. For now all I care about is my Son. All your questions have to wait. Once Dhruv comes back I will leave. I will wait out-"

"You will wait in my Room. His voice was stern and she looked at him. Earlier she would have done anything he asked of her but not anymore. She wasn't the same Gauri that left this Mansion 5 years ago. She changed, had to change for her son and for herself.

"Mr.Oberoi...Gauri started but was stopped by Rudra who walked up to her. Placing a Hand on her Shoulder he made her look at him.

"Please Bhabhi. I won't pressure you now but listen just this one time. Come with me and we will talk. He looked into her eyes and Gauri tried hard not to fall weak. She had always adored Rudra, he was such a caring and deeply misunderstood person in this house. If only anyone would know how mature he was, how many times it was him who managed to make her see sense, it was him who would listen to her without judging her for being too childish. He had understood her the most. Even more than Omkara did. Maybe it was because he was closer to her in Age.


"If you consider me your Brother you will listen.

Finally giving in she let Rudra walk her back to Omkara's room. The minute she stepped inside Gauri felt all the Memories suffocating her. All the happiness, all the tears. The Moments she had tried to forget...But how could she? One of those Moments gifted her Dhruv...

It was as if she could hear their voices; relive their Memories.

"Omkara Stop it. What if someone sees us?

"Just one more kiss.


"Please...I love you Ri.

"I love you too.

Walking to the Bed she caressed the place she used to occupy. Had it really been 5 long years?

"Where were you Bhabhi? Rudra sat down beside her and Gauri started explaining.

Omkara watched his Wife and his Brother walk to his Room and was about to follow them when Tej stopped him.


"Who are you to tell me No? If I want to talk to my Wife, then I will. Omkara pushed his Father away but Tej held him back once more.

"She will decide when she is ready to talk to you Omkara. I may have done a lot of mistakes but I will be damned if I don't respect my Daughters wishes. She may not consider us her family anymore but I will always be her Father in Law. Just this once listen Omkara.

Jhanvi walked up to her Husband. "Tej what are you saying? How can you favor an outsider over our son?

"Mom...Don't call her that. She is still Mrs. Omkara Singh Oberoi.

"Funny that you say that Jhanvi... The woman that adored and loved you like a daughter does, the woman that tried her best to be the wife our Son deserves and yet you dare call her an outsider? SHE IS THE MOTHER OF YOUR GRANDSON and you will forever be the reason that my Dhruv had to grow up without his father.

Jhanvi looked at her Husband in shock. She knew what he meant with his words yet she hoped Omkara wouldn't question her about it. She had tried to forget the Mistakes of the past...Yes she felt guilty but she was a Mother in despair when she had wronged Gauri.

Confused Omkara looked at his Parents. What had happened that he wasn't aware of? What made Gauri leave him when he had needed her the Most?

"Tell him why his Wife truly left. You should tell him. It will forever be your fault. Tej walked off and Omkara turned to his Mother.

"What was Mr. Oberoi talking about Mom? He saw fear in her eyes; she was hiding something.

"Mom I am asking you a Question!

"Omkara...Listen-" Before Jhanvi could begin she was cut off by someone else.

"O? Rudra walked back into the living Room. Bhavya walked over to him and put a reassuring Hand on his shoulder. She saw his inner turmoil and would wait for them to be alone to ask about it.

"Can I talk to her now? Omkara looked at his Brother who seemed visibly shaken. Whatever Gauri had told him made him look at their mother with a lot of hate.

"Yes but try being Understanding. She is still in shock because of Dhruv.

He nodded and walked to his Room. Opening the door, he stood still for a Minute.

It felt like she perfectly fit into the room, like she had never been gone. Like all his hallucinations had turned into reality.


Gauri wiped away her tears and turned to him. Seeing him, looking at him after all this time was harder than she imagined especially considering the occasion.

"Om...Please tell me my Son will be okay...I don't care if Svetlana dies while your Men save him but promise me my Son will be saved... He walked up to her and pulled her into a tight hug. For once Gauri leaned into him; crying her heart out. After talking to Rudra and reliving her past she was emotionally drained out. She needed this hug more than anything.

"Gauri he will be safe. Our Son will be safe I promise. Cupping her Face into his Hands he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Normally Gauri would have already pushed him away. She couldn't fall weak else she would come back to him...and she couldn't. She had been the reason for his darkest time...she had been a curse for him but then why did it feel so right? How could she been a failure and yet feel like with him it was like she was the missing piece of his puzzle? Could it be that simple? Gauri knew she shouldn't even allow herself to think like that. As soon as Dhruv was found she would be gone.

"Don't make promises you can't keep... She looked deep into his Eyes and saw the pain.

"Gauri...Why did you leave me? What made you think I could live without you?

"You lived without me for 5 years and you are still standing. How much could you have needed me Om? You seem happy and healthy. Like the demons of the past left you with my departure. Putting some distance between them she tried to leave but he stopped her. Hugging her from behind he placed his Chin on her head. She felt his erratic heartbeat.

"Don't! Her protest was weak; she wasn't strong enough to fight any longer.

"Why did you leave me Gauri? Why did you leave me when I needed you the most? When the drugs became my only remedy...You promised to pull me out of that hole...So Why did you go?


I really hope you liked the first part.

So what do you think? What happened 5 years ago?

Will Dhruv be saved?


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