Part 2

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"Why did you leave me Gauri? Why did you leave me when I needed you the most? When the drugs became my only remedy...You promised to pull me out of that hole...So Why did you go?

Gauri closed her eyes. How could she tell him now?

"Why didn't you look for me if you need me that much? In the past 5 years have you even tried to understand me Omkara?

Turning her around she was pulled up against his chest.

"I looked for you every single day for 2 years. Hell I even thought you were dead Gauri. I needed you and you left me. Did you feel ashamed to be married to a drug addict? Did you hate me for falling weak after Shivaay and Anika left and my only solace became the Drugs? Tell me WHY DID YOU LEAVE? And that with a Note...Did I mean that little to you?

Omkara grabbed her harder and she closed her eyes in pain. How could he think that she felt ashamed? How could he for a minute believe that she hated him for falling weak.

"How can you even think that? Did you really believe I hated you for falling weak? YOU WERE THE ONE TO PUSH ME AWAY OMKARA. Instead of letting me help you, you pushed me away. The woman you claimed to love! Have you ever thought about what that did to me? Seeing you suffer yet not being able to help?

They looked at each other and felt it. They felt the air around them change and before he could lean in to kiss her she pushed him away.


"No Omkara. I don't want to talk about it anymore. For the past 5 years I lived alone. Dhruv and I were happy in our small world, just the two of us. If you would really have cared for me, you would have found me but never mind...Destiny had other plans for us. She looked at him and then sat down on the Bed. She was exhausted. Reliving her past made her relive the Pain. The taunting. If he only knew why she had left.

"You are a failure as his Wife Gauri. How can you not stop him from taking the Drugs?

"You are a Curse in his Life...You couldn't save him from his demons.

"If he dies it will be because of you!

"If you his so called Wife can't help him than who can?

"I curse the day you became his Wife. You never could save him. You are his downfall.

She still heard their Voices, the way they used to make her feel whenever she saw him drifting deeper into his Darkness. How could he understand? He had to fight his own battles, she wasn't angry with him for taking Drugs, she was angry that he had pushed her away, that he had made her feel that everyone was right and that she was indeed a curse in his Life. Without turning she heard him look for something.

"Dear Omkaraji, I am sorry to leave like that but It is better that way. I was a failure as your Wife and I am sorry.

Don't Look For me,

Yours Gauri. He read out loud. She remembered that Day clearly, the Day she had found out about Dhruv. The day that was supposed to be their happiest day. She had planned on telling him only to find him in their bathroom with a syringe in his arm.

When she had tried to stop him he had pushed her out of the Room. That was when she had decided to go. Not being able to save if felt worse than living without him.

"You left me with a lousy Note Gauri...Maybe you don't want to talk but I do. I need to know why my Father knows about Dhruv...I need to know what made you believe you could leave me! What made you think you failed as a Wife?

"I only came back for my Son Omkara...I am not here to talk to you about the past or to justify my Reasons.

She stood up ready to leave the room but he stopped her once more.

"Gauri...You never failed as a Wife... Hearing him say that made her finally give into the tears yet she refused to look at him.

"I was a failure...But you left me... You broke me Gauri, enough to make me realize that I had to change...Gauri, you are the reason I got clean.

Surprised she turned to look at him.

"What are you talking about? She asked him; hope evident in her eyes.

"I mean that after you left I went to Rehab Gauri...I thought that if I become clean you would come back to me...When I returned Home you weren't there...You were gone and No one could explain why...Was it really that Easy Ri? Was it that easy to walk out on me? To leave me behind while carrying our Child? "

She closed her eyes when she heard him call her Ri.

"Do you truly believe it was easy for me Omkara? I felt miserable without you. I was pregnant and alone. How do you think I felt? Seeing you in that state hurt me because you pushed me away time and time again...Whenever I tried to help you, you would push me away or would lock yourself inside the room. Have you ever thought about what I have been going through? I don't want to sound selfish but how could you do that to me? All I wanted was to be there for you...All I wanted was to help you but you didn't let me. You made me feel like a failure Omkara, like a Curse...and hearing it from other's didn't help either. Constantly have People remind me that I couldn't save you, that I couldn't help you.

"Wait- Who called you a failure Gauri?

Realizing that's she almost had told him everything she stepped away.

"Just forget it. It's in the past.

"Gauri Answer my Question Dammit! Without noticing he had pushed her against the Wall and she flinched in pain.

"What difference would the answer make Om...5 years passed...We are not the same people, we changed.
"You are the one that Changed Gauri...

She chuckled and looked into his face. "Me? Of course I did. Her smile vanished and she tried to push him away. I had to change. I had to become stronger and independent again. I had to fight alone. I had to cry myself to sleep every night. What did you expect me to do? Did you think I would come back here with open arms erasing the past five years from my memory? I was alone Omkara...You had your Family...I had no one. Every time I went to the doctor, I got taunted for being a single mother. Whenever I tried to find a Job I was rejected, because I was a single Mother. I was the time when I needed you...Do you even know how hard it was? Not coming back? I thought Why should I care what other say, Om would need me right? He would fall deeper into the depth of his despair...But I was wrong! Finally, she managed to push him back. Omkara was shocked listening to her. To hear about her sadness and pain. All this time he thought she went because she felt disgusted by him but the truth was someone made her go. People made her belief she couldn't save him. People made her feel powerless and weak.

"Gauri... He tried to say something but she stopped him.

"I was in my 6thMonth When I came to see you. I thought maybe you would need me...but then I saw you happily sitting with your Brothers. Like nothing was wrong...Like you weren't dying from the inside the way I did. You seemed happy...and I realized everyone was right. I was a curse in your life. I was a failure...being with me never made you as happy as being with your Brothers.

She turned away and wiped away her tears. She had said more than she wanted to. More than he deserved to know.

Her heart still broke every time she remembered that Day.

"Do you truly believe I wasn't dying from the inside...? His voice was barely audible; yet she didn't turn to face him.

"I was dead Gauri...Faking my Happiness and my Smile was easier than admitting the fact that I failed you as a husband. That Day we found out about Ansh. Shivaay celebrated Anika's pregnancy and all I could think of was you Gauri...Don't you dare say I was happy without you. You have no Idea what it looked like in my heart. The Day you left you took my very soul with you... I was lost and I wanted to die. Living without you felt like Hell...and just like you I had to change. I had to survive. I had to become clean so I could be worthy of you again...I tried so hard to find you...He fell on his knees, not holding back his Tears any longer. He pulled his hair and screamed in agony. Immediately Gauri fell down beside him despite her better judgment she pulled him close to her chest and he buried his face into her neck. Crying his Heart out he pulled her as close to him as he could.

"Om...Please...Don't do that. She closed her eyes; feeling the exact same pain.

"What else can I do Gauri? I will never get you back...You forgot me, you are happy without me. You deserved more than I ever gave you.

Cupping his Face, she made him look at her. His eyes were showing all the Love he possessed for her.

"You gave me Dhruv Omkara. You gave me everything I needed. Please...Let bygones be bygones. We need to focus on finding ourSon.

Her voice was shaking yet her glance was firm. He knew she was right. They had to focus on finding Dhruv.

"Does he know about me...? He whispered and Gauri smiled faintly.

"Of course he does. Do you think I could be so cruel to hide that fact from him?

He leaned his forehead against hers. "Thank you for telling him about me.

For a Minute it didn't feel like 5 years passed. It didn't feel like they had been separated. The minute his forehead touched hers Gauri felt like coming Home.

Omkara felt her relax and sighed before looking into her eyes.

"Gauri-"Before he could tell her more they were disturbed by a Knock on the Door.

Gauri hurriedly stood up to put some distance between them. She couldn't fall weak. That was a momentarily Moment of Weakness. Once Dhruv would be back they would live their lives the way they have done the past five years.

Omkara sighed and opened the Door to see his Father enter with a serious Expression. That expression meant something was going on.

"Gauri, Omkara we found them.

Gauri walked up to Tej and hugged him. "Thank you Papaji. Thank you.

Stroking her hair, he pulled her away. "Come with me, we will bring Dhruv back home.
She nodded and walked out, until Gauri stopped and turned to Omkara who was rooted to the Spot. Unsure whether she would allow him to go with her or not.

"Aren't you coming?

"Where? He asked stupidly and Gauri rolled her eyes, she way she always did.

"To bring back our Son.


I really really hope you liked it.


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