9 - The Squip You Need

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You sat on your bed, curled up in Squip's arms. He was currently brushing through your hair with his fingers in a comforting matter.

You smiled at how much he tried to help you.

Ever since you got home from the slushie trip with Michael, Squip had been aiding you left and right.

You figured he just felt bad after what happened with Jeremy.

"(Y/n), what do you know about Jeremy?"

You froze a bit.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I mean, do you know of anyway you could attempt to get yourself out of this? Maybe some way to stop and help Jeremy?" You shrugged, snuggling into his chest more.

You felt him tense, as he hesitantly places his arms around you gently.

"You know... So you don't... Lose him for good? He was a good friend, correct?"

"Yeah, well... Now he's an asshole... An asshole who called his former best friend sexy. That did not feel right..."

Squip continued to hold you softly, and turned a bit, so that you were facing him. Your face was still in his chest.

"I don't know.. I think you could still save him. You can still help him. Because you're a great person. And I mean, looking at all your memories, you really loved being with him. You loved going to the park with him and Michael, getting slushies, all the stuff normal best friends do. You three had an breakable friendship. One that's not worth losing--"

He stopped, as he felt your sobs racking through his chest. His eyes widened.

"Oh shit- oh no, I'm sorry." He hugged you tightly, rubbing your back slowly. "I-i didn't mean to hurt you..."

You sobbing quietly against him, and he held you even tighter, before starting to rock back and forth a bit.

"Shhh... Shh.... It's okay, (y/n)... It's okay..."

He kept this up for the next 10 minutes, until you finally calmed down, and you had managed to fall asleep in his arms.

He smiled, looking down at your small, gentle figure, before he quickly shook all his thoughts away. His face was tinted a light blue.

But of course, the second he looked at you again, he felt himself melt.

Something about you made him... Happy.

It made him feel things.

He slowly leaned down, kissing your head, before quickly pulling away and blushing brightly.

He bit his lip.

What would he do?


Before y'all come and blow me up, hear me out. This was a filler chapter.

Because I'm about to steal deh's and JamesMadison-sneeze- idea.


Plus not many chapters till the Halloween one.

It's gonna be eventful


Why does bad shit always happen on Halloween.

Oh, speaking off...

Read JamesMadison-sneeze- story. I cannot stress it enough. I love it to death, and if y'all like this (and why tf would you?) You'll most definitely love theirs.

I'm your didn't gimme permission to put you heere, and promote you...

But you deserve it.

Go read it.


I'm probs gonna post the next one tomorrow tho? It's almost midnight and my schedule is screwed up as it is.

I apologize, really, but uh... Yeah.


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