I (Chapter 10)

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I stared at the peacefully sleeping girl in my arms. She looked so sweet, and peaceful. 

I felt my face heat up again.

Why does she do that? Why does she make me feel like that? Like I can do anything at all. Like I can be myself with her.


What is that?

Technically, that would be a quantum supercomputer in a tiny grey oblong pill.

But now, I feel like I'm more than that. I feel like I should be doing everything in my power to help, and support her.

My objective is to help (y/n) achieve her goal. But what is that? I thought she wanted to become popular, but now, I can't find a goal.

I thought being firm and stern with her would help, and her goal would make itself visible. It didn't seem to help, and I can't bring myself to be strict with her anymore. 

She hasn't said anything much about it, but she's been so hurt the past few weeks. She's been so confused at hurt about the fact that her best friend basically left her, and now is trying to hit on her.

She tries to act like it doesn't bother her much, like she's handling the situation well, but she isn't. Her mind is buzzing all the time, her thinking is fuzzy, and she's getting worse.

Talking about Jeremy seems to set her off. I can see why.

I made her cry.

God, why did I keep talking?

I could sense her getting more and more upset.

I could feel her heart slowly shattering.

So why? Why the hell did I keep talking?


...why do I care about her so much?

I'm not supposed to care this much.

Why can I feel? Why do I have feelings? And...

Why do I have feelings for her? I barely even know her, and I don't even thinks she me very much... why do I lo-


That's... That's too far. I can't love her.

Can I? Can I love her? And do I?

I feel so happy when I'm with her. I feel like I just want to do everything in my power to help her, and fix this. I want to fix this for her.

I want to save Jeremy, despite the fact I hate him for hurting her so bad, for her.

I'll need to find a way to get rid of his Squip.

The Halloween party's coming up. 

And I think I have a plan.


Hah, I'm at school and I posted.

So, this wasn't stolen from JamesMadison-sneeze-


Not at all.

Anyways, these chapters are told from Squip's point of view, while the regular chapters are just normal and told from a 3rd-ish POV.

I now have to go to play rehearsal (probably) so, I'll attempt to get out the next Squip shot posted a little later today.



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