Chapter 5

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Both of the girls are seriously frightened.

Asia: Oh no. We're surrounded.

Ashley: What do we do?

Leon: Look. Your father trusts me. And I trust him. And look this guy here, his name is Y/N and you have to trust him as well because I trust him as well. And we need you to trust us too, and do exactly as we say. Were gonna get you home safe.

Ashley: O-ok Leon.

Ganados enters the church. Leon and Ashley along with Asia hide on the second floor as Y/N went to go look over the balcony and saw many of them inside the church now. He then gives them a quiet gesture as he tries to look for a way out and notices a ladder on the side of the dark room.

Y/N: Leon. The ladder.

Leon: All right, let's get the hell out of here.

They begin to move slowly toward the exit, squatting and talking in whispers. Leon finds a pink flip phone with a broken screen on the stone floor.

Ashley: Seriously? I just bought this.

Y/N: I'll buy you a new one when we get out of this.

Ashley: Wait really?

Y/N: Of course.

Leon: Ahem. The ladder.

Ashley: Oh Um, OK.

Ashley let's the ladder down as Leon, Asia and Y/N go up to the attic.

Ashley: What do we do? There's no way out.

Leon finds an open window, and after looking around, he jumps out of it as Y/N does the same

Asia: U-ummm.. I-i don't think I can do it.

Y/N: Hey Asia. Don't worry I'm here. Come on I'll catch you.

Asia then jumps down as she yelps as Y/N catches her and sets her down. The only person left was Ashley.

Ashley: No way. I- I'm afraid of heights.

Leon: It's OK. You can trust him. He's with me.

Y/N: Don't worry I'll catch you I promise.

Ashley cautiously climbs out and sits on the bottom of the window, daring herself to jump. Overcoming the fear, she leaps awkwardly. Y/N quickly catches her. They both look at each other and lock eyes for a few seconds while they blush.

Y/N(blush): Ahem. S-sorry.

Ashley(blush): N-no I-it's ok t-thanks.

Leon decides to report to headquarters on a successful mission.

Leon: Roost, I've secured Baby Eagle. And we also got Y/N's sister.

Hunnigan: Copy that. Are they OK?

Leon: Affirmative.

Hunnigan: Well done, Condor One. I'll dispatch a chopper ASAP. I'm sending you the coordinates for the extraction point. Make your way there. And don't let anything happen to Baby Eagle or his sister. And also the President also wants to see Y/N on the way back.

Leon: Copy that.

Hunnigan: Hurry, the weather is getting worse. Roost out.

He completes the connection and turns to Ashley and the others.

Leon: Like I said, it's dangerous. Both of you Stay close to me and Y/N.

Ashley: OK.

Ahead of them he sees several ganados.

Leon: OK. It's all right. With me.

Ashley: OK.

Y/N: Asia get behind me.

Asia: H-hai.

Leon: You serious? They're coming.

Ashley: Oh, god! What is wrong with these people!?

Y/N: No idea! Keep running!

Asia and Ashley run as they are behind Leon as Y/N is running with them. They continue on to the evacuation point. Leon and Y/N shoots off the ganado and Ashley and Asia hides behind them. On the way, they visit the Merchant's store.

Merchant: I have something I think you'll like. Welcome! Oh, what're ya buyin'? A deal well struck, heheh!

They buy more resources and more ammo as they leave.

Merchant: Come back anytime!

Ashley: Hey, can we take a break?

Leon: Sorry, we need to keep moving.

Ashley: Got it...

Y/N then gets in front of Ashley in piggyback position confusing her until she realizes what he's doing.

Ashley: O-oh you don't have to-

Y/N: Don't worry i insist.

Ashley hesitates but eventually accepts it making her blush and smile.

Ashley(blush): Thanks

Y/N(blush): No Problem. *He smiles*

The weather gradually gets worse. The wind begins to increase.

Leon: Hunnigan was right about the weather...

Y/N: No kidding.

They pass through a ruined village, where they are attacked from all sides. Leon has to use a combination of stealth and aggressive attack. Y/N tries to stay out of the way while holding Ashley as Asia is right next to him.

Leon: C'mon! Shit!

[One of the ganados manages to bite Leon.]

Ashley: Leon, no!

Leon: Twisty son of a bitch.

He blows his head off with a shotgun blast. It starts to rain. They continue on their way.

Y/N: You ok Leon?!

Leon: Don't worry about me come on!

Ashley: I'm definitely gonna catch a cold.

As Leon and the others approach the wooden suspension bridge, they are chased by a mob of ganados with torches. The door of the house at the other end of the bridge opens and someone looks out.

???: Hey! Over here! Come on!

Leon and Asia are the first ones to make it inside as Y/N is running while holding Ashley on his back. He makes it inside and puts Ashley down as they shut the door and block it with a plank.

Ashley: Whew. We made it. Thanks again Y/N *she smiles*

Y/N: Hehe no Problem. And thanks again for saving us sir- wait a minute.

They both realize it was the man that left them for dead when they were chained up. Leon walks threateningly toward him. Luis backs away.

Leon: You...

Luis: Hey... Listen, about earlier, I—

Leon: Yeah, about that...

He presses him against the wall getting ready to punch him as Asia began to get worried.

Luis: Hey. I see you found your "missing señorita's."

Ashley: The "señorita" has a name, and it's Ashley. And you are?

Luis: Name's Luis. Encantado. (Charmed)

Leon: Great. We all have names. Now then—Who are you? And what're you doing here?

Luis: Very good questions, unfortunately...

The ganados somehow make their way through the locked gate.

Y/N: Fuck me!

Y/N And Leon turn to Asia and Ashley.

Y/N: Both of you!

Leon: Hide. Now!

Luis: In that case, here, help me.

Together they lift a huge dresser, behind which is hidden a hole in the wall.

Leon: Ashley, quick! Over here! Go!

Y/N: Asia! Come on!

A frightened Ashley and Asia squat and crawls into the hole. Luis pulls out a pistol resembling a Mauser C96.

Asia: W-wait! What about you?????

Y/N: Hey. Don't worry about me sis. I'll be fine now go. Ashley please take care of my sister.

Ashley: I will!

They close the hole as they brought their guns out and load up.

Luis: OK. It's game time.

They start defending the house.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Play music*

Luis: Hordes of them against two of us. Oh, and let's not forget—this mob is made up of monsters. You done warming up? Hope you stretched!

While Luis is flapping his tongue, Leon nails up the windows with boards.

Leon: Yeah. Now, if you'd shut up, we'd be good to go.

Y/N: Agreed.

Luis: Lighten up, cowboy's. Here they come!

The ganado's start breaking down the boards on the windows as they start slamming ladders through the windows.

Leon: Y/N! Upstairs!

Y/N: On it!

He runs upstairs and notices 5 ganado's already inside. He then starts shooting them with his shotgun as weird creature parasites come out of their heads.

Y/N: Jesus!

He then shoots 3 of the ganado's until one of them come behind Y/N and hold his arms up as the other one has a hatchet and prepares to stab Y/N with it until Y/N headbutts the ganado holding him from behind and pushes him towards the hatchet as he got killed and fell to the floor. Y/N then punches the ganado three times before drop kicking him out the window. Leon and Luis start throwing grenades and shoot most of them until a giant bullhead ganado shows up with his hammer.

Leon: Shit!

Luis: Upstairs! Let's go!

They both run upstairs as they both see Y/N punching the ganado's and drop kicking most of them out the window since his hand cannon ran out of ammo.

Leon: Y/N! Do you have any flashbangs on you?

Y/N: Yeah!

Leon: Ok on my Signal you need to throw it!

Y/N: Got it!

They keep shooting until they heard a familiar buzzing noise. They all look and saw a chainsaw man with a bag on his appear as the bulkhead appeared at the same time.

Leon/Luis/Y/N: OH SHIT!!

The chainsaw man charges at Luis as he moves out the way and kills a ganado with his chainsaw and then charges at Leon this time only to miss again and kill another ganado. The chainsaw man notices Y/N struggling to hold back the bulkhead one as its hammer was trying to hit Y/N as he tried holding it back with all of its strength. The chainsaw man then starts charging at him as Y/N didn't notice until.


Y/N quickly notices and slides Under the bullhead ganado as the chainsaw man kills him by accident. After the bullhead falls to the floor Y/N appears behind him and grabs his head tightly and snaps his neck killing him. Continuous minutes go by as the fight was still happening until Ashley and Asia Appeared.

Ashley: Leon, Y/N! This way, hurry!

Leon and Luis run after Ashley and Asia as Y/N was the last one following them. They are pursued by several ganados, but Leon, with a well-aimed shot at the gin that controls the lift of the massive wooden gate, cuts off the pursuers' path, breaking the bones of the first and luckiest of them. The heroes take a moment to catch their breath. Asia begins to cough up blood.

Y/N: Asia?!!!!

He quickly runs over to check on her as the others noticed. And ashley starts to cough up blood as Leon checks on her.

Asia: Wh-What's happening to me??!!

Y/N Checks her hand and notices blood.

Y/N: W-what the fuck..........

Luis approaches Asia.

Luis: Asia, Ashley. Is this the first time you've coughed up blood like this?

They both nodded as they were concerned.

Leon: You wanna start explaining?

Luis: The cough, the blood—it's caused by something called a... "plaga." (plague, pest, infestation) OK. You saw those "people," right? Well, you have the same thing inside you. The same thing that made them like that. This, what you're experiencing, these symptoms... They're only the beginning.

Ashley: I don't want to become like them.

Luis: You are, well, lucky. You see, at this early stage, the parasite—the plaga. It is possible to remove it... with a surgical procedure. And all you need is some know-how. And, oh yeah—the right equipment.

He pulls open the shirt on his chest, revealing the scar.

Leon: Wait. You, too?

Luis: No worries. See, I have a plan. But you're going to have to trust me.

Leon and Y/N looks at Ashley and Asia, then hesitantly nods.

Luis: Great! We're partners then!

Leon: Hey, why are you—

Luis: No time for any questions. The clock is ticking!

Leon: Why are you helping us?

Luis: Because it makes me feel better. Let's leave it at that. I will contact you later.

He leaves.

Y/N: Why The hell do i get a feeling this is a bad idea......

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