Chapter 6

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Luis walks along the road playing with a Zippo lighter. He meets a beautiful Asian girl standing on her heels at the top of a small hill.

Luis: Hey. Got a smoke?

The scene then shows the one and only Ada Wong.

Ada: I do. The kind you like. Now where's the "Amber"?

Luis: Unfortunately, it's not on me at the moment. And you really should be telling me what a good job I did.

He tries to climb the hill to Ada.

Luis: Busted my ass and managed to hide it right before I got caught. Which is why I'm still alive!

His shoe slips on the wet rock and he slides down.

Ada: The deal was we get you out of here when you deliver the Amber. No Amber? No "protection," Luis.

Luis: Such a stickler for details, huh Ada? OK, then. I'll go get it now. How about that?

He holds out his hand, asking for help. After some thought, Ada extends her hand and helps him up the hill. Luis shakes off his soiled pants.

Luis: And I do have something else I need to get too.


Leon: This is Roost. I've got some bad news, Condor One.

Hunnigan: With the weather like this, the chopper can't make its approach. Can you stand by until it clears?

Leon: Negative. Too dangerous. We're gonna get out of here and find someplace safe.

Hunnigan: I'm sorry, I wish I could do more to help.

Leon: Don't worry about it. We'll swim home if we have to. Condor One out.

He turns to Ashley.

Leon: Let's go.

Y/N: Come on Asia.

They both follow Y/N and Leon.

Ashley: What's... What's gonna happen to us?

Leon: Right now, let's just focus on getting out of here.

Ashley: Yeah. Right.

Asia: My feet are starting to hurt.

Y/N then offers his sister a piggyback

Y/N: Here sis get on.

Asia gets on as they continue walking.

They walk on, wandering into a mountainous area divided by wooden partitions. There are armed ganados everywhere.

Leon: We've got company. Keep moving, but quietly. Got it?

Ashley: OK... I'll... I'll try...

Y/N puts Asia down as he goes with Leon and uses stealth and his trusty sniper rifle to take out enemies one by one.

Leon: All right.

There are traps set everywhere, but not very skillfully, which makes it easy for Leon and the others to avoid them. When he goes inside one of the houses, a muscular ganado attacks him from around the corner and starts strangling him.

Ashley: Leon!

Y/N: Look out!

Y/N then drop kicks him in the face pushing him off of Leon as he started punching his face over and over until he was killed shocking the others.

They find a large locked gate.

Leon: Looks like I need something. All right. Won't open...

He begins to explore his surroundings. sensing that it might be dangerous to go further, he asks Ashley to climb into a wooden box.

Leon: Stay here.

Ashley: What!?

Leon doesn't answer anything.

Ashley: O-OK.

Y/N: Get in with her Asia we'll be back.

Asia: O-ok.

She climbs into the box with Ashley and close the lid. Leon and Y/N walk over to the shelf where the gate handle lies at that moment two chainsaws crash into the wall! Leon does a nifty somersault while Y/N just backflips to save their stomach from the sudden painful surgical procedure.

Leon: Great.

After sawing the wall, two crazy old ganados burst into the room with their faces covered in rags and chainsaws in their hands. One of the old women picks up the handle.

Leon: Sorry, didn't realize that was yours.

They escape.

Leon: I am flattered, but I'm a one-lady type of guy.

Y/N: Ha. Good one.

However, there are already a lot of ganados gathered outside! The situation becomes extremely dangerous.

Leon: They keep coming!

They kill one of the chainsaw ladies as the other chases Y/N around.

Leon: One down.

Leon begins to fight. Terrified Ashley leaves her hideout. She is immediately grabbed by one of the ganados.

Ashley: Leon! Leon, help!

Leon: Ashley!

He fires his rifle at the fleeing ganado with Ashley on his shoulder and kills him.

Leon: You hurt?

Ashley: No, I'm OK.

Leon: Come on!

Ashley: All right.

Asia then gets grabbed as she screams.

Asia: Y/N! Help!

Y/N: Asia!

He then rushes through the horde of ganado's pushing them out of the way as he saves his sister and runs after Leon and Ashley.

Leon: Stay down, all right?

Ashley: O-ok.

Y/M: Asia don't move stay with Ashley ok?

Asia: H-hai.

The second crazy old ganado woman is still stalking Leon until Y/N comes out of nowhere and spears her to the ground as he mounted on top of her and started punching her without stopping. He then grabs her by her neck and slams her on the ground and stomps on her head killing her

Ashley: Holy..

Asia: ewww..

Leon: Here you go! *He throws a grenade and kills a horde of ganado*

Soon they manage to finish off the remaining ganados as well. He picks up the handle and slides it into the gate.

Leon: Are you hurt?

Ashley: No, I'm... I'm OK, I guess.

Leon: You did well back there. Seems this isn't your first time running from creeps.

Ashley: I can't tell if that's meant to be a compliment.

Y/N: Im pretty sure it is hehe.

Asia: B-brother?

Y/N: Yeah?

Asia: A-am I gonna die???

Y/N then has a concerned face as he comforts his sister.

Y/N: No. Your not dying. Not on my watch. We're gonna get that thing out of you and I'm going to get you back home safely. Even if I die......

Asia: Y/N.............

They Continue forward as Leon opens the gate.

Leon: Come on.

Ashley: Ok.

Suddenly the old man with a long black beard and wearing a hat that Leon had seen earlier approaches her from behind. He grabs Ashley by the arm.

Leon: Ashley!

Y/N: Get Off her!

He stabs the tall old man in the arm and he lets Ashley go, as he then hits Y/N with a powerful blow, so hard that he flies away several meters.

Ashley: Y/N!

Asia quickly runs over to him and helps him up.

The old man locks the gate.

Old Man: Your soul requires cleansing.

He bends the metal deadbolt with his bare hands to prevent the door from opening.

Old Man: Come, child. Don't be afraid.....

Leon: Ashley. Run!

They run away from the creepy old man running through a small village full of ganados. Ashley and Asia is horrified by what is happening.

Ashley: Nooo!

Asia: Oh no this cant be happening This Must be a Nightmare!

Old Man: There is no escape.

Ashley: Leon!

Leon: Don't worry about them!

Y/N: Look! That bridge over there!

Ashley: Leon! Watch out!

Leon dodges a ganado as he keeps running with Ashley and the others.

Leon: This way!

They run onto a flimsy wooden bridge. Ashley's shoe gets stuck between the boards. Y/N quickly runs back and gets her foot out. He then notices the bridge about to fall as he Carries her bridal style and runs across the bridge. The bridge then falls making the ganado's fall.

Y/N: You Alright?

Ashley(blush): Y-yeah. Y-you got blood on your nose.

Y/N: Don't worry about it. I'm fine.

He sets Ashley down as he wipes the blood off. They noticed the creepy old man with a hat looks at them, standing on the opposite side.

Leon: Close one.

Ashley: Yeah.

Leon: Listen. You're both the one he wants. If we see him again, both of you run.

Ashley: Wh-What about you two???

Leon: We'll do our job.

Y/N: Yeah. We'll protect you both no matter what happens.

They find the Merchant's store and replenish supplies.

Merchant;m: Welcome back you two!

Y/N upgrades his hand cannon as Leon upgrades his handgun and they leave.

Merchant: Hehe! Thank you!

They leave the bidding room itself and enter a dilapidated stall nearby, finding themselves on a narrow platform under a roof.

Ashley: Be careful.

Y/M: Don't worry we will.

The rotten planks break under Leon and Y/N's feet and they fall down to a creepy old man with a black beard who happens to be there.

Ashley: Leon!

The creepy man noticed Ashley and Asia until Leon and Y/N quickly rise to their feet and assume a firing position. He fires his pistol as Y/N shoots him with his hand cannon into the old man's shoulder.

Old Man: Cease your pointless struggling. Abandon your body to the will of our God.

Y/N: You know what. Your really starting to get annoying.

He shoots a few more times. Ignoring this, the old man comes up and picks up his hat from the floor.

Old Man: Oh, Almighty! Grant me the strength to crush your enemies.

Leon: Son of a bitch! Ashley, run!

Ashley: OK! Come on Asia!

Asia: O-ok!

He kicks a barrel of fuel up to the old man.

Leon: Hasta luego! (Goodbye!)

He shoots the barrel. The stall catches fire, but the old man again seems unimpressed by Leon's actions. His skin is charred, exposing his monstrous nature. The old man's spine has lengthened, and scorpion-like tails have grown from his shoulder blades.

Old Man: God, thank you for our gift!

Leon: You wanna get ugly?

Y/N: Let's get ugly!

We learn that the old man's name is Méndez.

Méndez: Behold! The miracle!

Leon aggressively attacks him with his shotgun, as Y/N shoots him with his hand cannon as he has no ability to plan a fight in such a confined space. When Méndez' plaga shows itself, Leon stabs it with a knife.

Leon: That had to have done something.

Y/N: It probably did!

Méndez: To think you could be this foolish. You heretic!

Leon manages to separate Méndez with shots to his thin spine. It does not kill him, however.

Y/N: God damn it!

Leon: Guess your tapdancing days are over!

Méndez uses his scorpion tails and clings to the edges of the stall.

Y/N: Woah shit!

Méndez: Your time is nigh. Burn in His flame!

He throws a barrel until Leon shoots it at him.

Leon: Back at you!

Méndez: Receive your judgment!

Leon: Hey! Watch where you're swinging those things!

Méndez: Lord, grant me your strength!

Leon: Running out of options, huh?

Méndez: Die! Die! You will die! No escape!

Y/N: Suck on this bitch!

He shoot's him in the head with his hand cannon as he falls to the floor and dies.

Y/N: Finally...

Méndez: Lord Saddler!

He dies and his eye falls out. At this time, Ashley is running outside, looking for a way to open the door.

Ashley: Leon! Y/N!

She smashes the window with a stool.

Ashley: Leon, Y/N quick! This place is coming down!

Leon, meanwhile, picks up the eye.

Leon: Give my regards to your god.

Y/N: Not Mine though.

Ashley: Hey! You coming? Leon! Y/N! Hey, come on! It's dangerous! Leon, hurry!

Leon and Y/N jump out the window. Ashley and Asia put the fire off of them as Asia and Ashley help them up.

Y/N: Thanks Sis.

Asia then hugs him as he hugs her back.

Leon; Thanks Ashley. Come on let's go!

They continue walking until Ashley asks.

Leon: Thanks. This fire's bound to catch their attention. Let's keep moving.

Ashley: Uh, Leon? I'm not going to turn into one of them, right?

Leon: I won't let that happen. I promise.

Y/N: Same here. I'm not letting you or my sister turn.

Ashley then blushes as they look for a way to leave the village and approach the rising bridge that leads to the castle. When they leave the village, the bridge mysteriously begins to rise.

Ashley: What's going on?

Leon: Well, at least we don't have to worry about being followed. Come on.

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