What's Going On?

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Marinette's POV
Our class tried to get to the evacuation point when the akuma blocked the doorway.
"Leaving so soon I think not," she said walking towards us as we backed into the wall. I studied her carefully trying to see who it was but I didn't recognise her like I did with most akumas. (Please see my superhero identity theory located in my book 'All things Miraculous' to help you understand)

She wore orange and dark purple, and held a cane like flute. On her chest she wore a butterfly brooch and a foxtail necklace. WAIT! They look exactly like the miraculous. A picture I edited using ibisPaint and PicCollage. I'm sure you can now guess who Lady Butterfly is btw she merged miraculous's.

"Who are you?!" I shout out.
"Oh Marinette, you're just the person I wanted to see." I gulped. What had I done? But just before I could ask, Louis spoke up.
"Leave them alone! It's us you want!"
At that we all look at him confused, except Adrien.

Adrien's POV
I knew who the 'akuma' was straight away. It was Lady Butterfly from the future but I wondered how did she know where to find Emma, Louis and Hugo and why did she have the fox miraculous?
"Leave them alone! I'll leave some unharmed but only if you hand over your miraculous." Lady Butterfly said.
Wait miraculous?

"Never!" Louis yelled.
"Woah are you guys Ladybug and Chat Noir? That means you're Hawkmoth! Where have you been hiding? Why do akumatize innocent people?" Alya says as she starts filming, everyone looked at her weirdly even Lady Butterfly.
"Oh Alya no wonder you never beat me in the future, first of all Hawkmoth is a male and how can this be Ladybug and Chat Noir if the girl has blonde hair? By the way thanks for the miraculous," she said flicking the fox miraculous that hung around her neck.

"Why do you have the fox miraculous! What happened to Alya!" Emma asked her fiercely.
"Oh I killed her just like I did with your parents."
I felt shaken and sorry for them. Most of our class had no idea what was going on but all I knew was I had to get to Ladybug.

"And I'm gonna do the same to you, now time to burn out this line, smallest first."
We all closed our eyes as they transformed, Emma seemed to have a similar transformation sequence to me. Copycat.
This is a YouTube link to a video I found. The maker doesn't like people taking their videos so I used a link instead. Sorry for the inconvenience.

"Oh you stupid kids now you have to explain everything. Don't worry I'll be nice for now, I'm going to go back and wreck future Paris and get my younger self on board while you guys tell all your aunts and uncles what's going on." And with that she jumped out.

Buggaboy's POV
"Oh great, juuuuuuusssssst great now we're never going to catch her," I said.
"Ugh now what do we do." Katniss says.
"An explanation would be nice," Adrien said.
"Fine but not all of you we'll just take You, Marinette, Alya, and Nino."

We all headed into another classroom.
"Okay now it's hard to find a place to start but we need to go from the beginning and we need all your attention and superhero modes on."
"Okay," they all said.
I pulled out my phone and played video from the future Ladyblog. (In this story their phones can still be connected to the future so they can get notified on what's happening)

"Hi this is Alya Cèsaire bringing you live news on the Ladyblog! Ladybug and Chat Noir are head to head with Hawkmoth fighting what has come down to the final fight. How's it looking Nino?"
"Babe you sound like a sport commentator."

"Woah how far into the future is this?" Asked Alya.
"3 years," I replied.
"So Nino and I are still together!"
"Yep after 20 years though you guys are married and have a son and a daughter."
Adrien and Marinette chuckled at the 2 teens red faces.

All of a sudden Chat Noir jumped down in front of the camera as Hawkmoth disappeared on the other side of the Eiffel Tower.
"Chat Noir hows the fight going."
"Well Alya it's not looking to good for Butterfly he seems to be really cracking under the pressure 32 akumas down his side and..."

"Their in a middle of a fight and he just had to throw that in I thought he'd grow out of that," Marinette commented.
"Hang on how do you know that he says puns, I've never seen you once at an akuma fight," Asked Alya.
"I watch the Ladyblog."
"Good to know."

"Less interviews more action Chat and Alya best if you and Nino go it's not safe around here," Ladybug ordered. "Chat conquer the ground we need an escape route."

"Okay now that's weird seriously 'conquer the ground'." Alya said.
Marinette facepalmed at the thought of her 18 year old self, she must have been influenced by Chat.
"I thought we said we needed full focus."
"Sorry Katniss."
"CATACLYSM." Chat placed his hand on the ground and it crumbled beneath them. The video switched off.

" So then what happened?" Asked Nino.
"Well all the heroes went to fight Hawkmoth, he was on the ground, but before they could take the miraculous someone else took it and we don't know who but Mum and Dad do."

"Hello viewers this is Erica Lahiffe reporting to you live from the streets of Paris. It is crazy out here so I advise you all to stay indoors. A reminder to all older Parisians that Lady Butterfly is not like Hawkmoth who just sat in his lair and akumatised people she goes for the kill so please, I'm warning everyone clear out the area.
Just before I go myself I'll give you a video update."

Chat Noir and Ladybug fight just as Rena Rouge and Carapce burst into the scene. Lady Butterfly takes out Rena Rouge and Steals her miraculous. Combining miraculous's she then turns into 'Macrothylacia rubi' (I refer to rubi for short it means fox moth)
She starts to create haunting illusions of Alya and Carapace crumbles. Lady Butterfly then inserts an akuma into his miraculous.
"No no no no no nonononononono! This isn't good where are you Katniss where are you Buggaboy!" Cries Erica. All of a sudden Rubi disappears. Erica then switches off the video.

"Where did she go?" Asked Nino.
"Well this is a more recent video that happened just a few days ago, so Rubi is now here, how she traveled 20 years into the past without a miraculous we have no idea?"

"How did you guys get here?" Asked Marinette.
"We used Alix's miraculous, for Alya and Nino she owns the bunny miraculous, she was at a skating tournament in Canada so we uh kinda took it without asking."
"Who was that girl taking over the Ladyblog? Asked Alya.
"Oh that was your eldest daughter Erica she's 18 and your son Easton is 15 like us." Replied Katniss.

Adrien's POV
"Now we know you're all superheroes since we are part of the team and we are going to have to reveal your identities since there will be no way you can focus when we take you to the future." Said Buggaboy.
It only kinda hit me that they had chosen us four because we were superheroes. Alya and Nino were Rena Rouge and Carapace, I was Chat Noir and Marinette was Multimouse.
"Wait you two are superheroes!" Alya said.
"Well um.. hehehe." Marinette started.

"Okay we'll quickly do this because we need to find Rubi, Alya and Nino as you both know are Rena Rouge and Carapace, and Marinette and Adrien are Ladybug and Chat Noir.
"Wait WHAT!" Adrien and Marinette exclaimed.
"But this doesn't make any sense you were multimouse! And I know for a fact you can't split into 2 people." Said Adrien.
"Now I'm seeing the Chat Noir in you, ever heard of an illusion." Replied Marinette.
Realisation then hit me.
"I've been an idiot." I said.
"I think we all know that much," piped up Plagg.
"Plagg! Rude."
"Well we need to find Rubi and save the future so Marinette can you please get the fox and turtle miraculous, while we retrieve Hugo from Ms Bustier?"
"Of course."

Thank you guys for reading this far, I hope you have been enjoying the story this next video shows what actually happened when Hawkmoth was defeated, I recommend watching it. I take no credit on it, it is made by Hoshicho which is the same maker I was talking about previously in this chapter. Here is a link. WATCH WITH SUBTITLES AS IT IS HARD TO HEAR

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