Who Is This Girl?

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Adrien's POV
I watch as Marinette rushes over to the Library. I felt weird and confused ever since I found out I marry Marinette in the future. My mind kept blowing up with a whole heap of unanswered questions. I was really surprised when Marinette told us that Emma and Louis went to her house to deliver a message about superhero's for Ladybug. I mean who is this girl? Friends with both superhero's? Her knowing Chat Noir personally is my fault, but Ladybug? She was always trying to make sure we don't get to friendly with civilians just in case they knew us in real life and discovered our identity.

I decided to hang out with Marinette more today, her being friends with Ladybug is a huge opportunity to ask her if Ladybug ever mentioned me, and to find out why I ended up marrying her........ oh and yeah of course see if Marinette knows anything else about the new superhero's. Though I did have a feeling that they were in fact Emma and Louis.

Marinette's POV
"Gosh that was soo awkward," I said catching up to Alya.
"Oh common girl I left you 2 to talk and now you rush after me."
"Oh stop it Alya he doesn't even like me like that."

Time skip to class time

I was busy writing down my answers on my tablet when I felt Alya poking me. At first I ignored it because I really needed to catch up due to being so busy saving Paris, but then she started to poke me harder.
"Shhh, look at Adrien he staring at you."
I averted my eyes from her to see Adrien full on staring at me, we lock eyes and he shifts his turning back to his work.
"Girl he was totally checking you out!"
"Stop assuming things Alya," I say even though deep down I was freaking out.
"Wow! I never thought I would meet the Marinette who starts to see potential signs out of her head over heels crush and decides to discard the fact that he totally likes you."
"Not here Alya," I whisper.
"Okay class don't forget to answer questions 1-7 on the pop quiz for your homework, you may work in pairs, class dismissed."

I start to pack my bag when Adrien walks up to me.
"Hey Marinette are you free for lunch I was wondering if we could do the homework together since Alya is working with Nino."
Alya winked at me before leaving her seat.
"Uhh S-sure."

Adrien's POV
Marinette and I headed over to the library and scanned over the pop quiz we had for homework.
1) When was the French Revolution?
5 May 1789 – 9 November 1799
2) Who built the Eiffel Tower?
Stephen Sauvestre, Maurice Koechlin and Émile Nouguier
3) When were superheroes last seen?
200 years ago
4) What is the oldest monument in Paris?
The oldest monument is Paris is the Luxor Obelisk
5) When did ladybug and chat noir re appear?
Between August and September
6) Name 2 French Artists
Claude Monet and Henri Matisse
7) What is underground below the Eiffel Tower?
A military bunker located on the south pillar

"What's the answer to question 5?" I ask even though I already knew the answer.
"Uhh I think it was late August, early September last year?" Good she didn't stutter keep this going Agreste maybe you'll get some answers
"Who's your favourite out of them?" I ask
"Umm I'd have to say Chat Noir."
"What about Ladybug? Aren't you two friends?" I reply confused and surprised.
"Well I'm actually friends with both so it's hard to choose, but Chat never gets any praise for all his hard work, Without him I'm pretty sure Hawkmoth would have won from day 1." I never knew Marinette thought so highly of me.
"Being friends with Ladybug is pretty cool, do you see her often."
"Uhhhh.......yyeahhh....kinda...I'm mean she's only transformed when there are Kaunas...I mean akumas....but I sometimes see her after she patrols."

"Do you know who she has a crush on?" I ask to start up a conversation that could lead to who she does like.
"Ohhhhnoooooo.......I uh don't know, yep she never said anything." I almost laugh at her response she was starting to go red and waving her arms all over the place like I'd asked her who her crush was, them it gave me an idea.
"Who's your crush?" I ask eagerly.
"Pleeeeeeaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeee," I begged.
"O-okay um......well...he..uh can play piano."
"Darn Marinette that could be anyone,"
She started to eye me suspiciously. "Adrien why are you asking me all these questions?"
"Oh Uhh come on Agreste make an excuse I am just a really big Ladybug fan, you're soooo lucky to be friends with her."
"Okaaay?" I could tell she didn't buy my excuse.
"Uh would you look at the time lunch is nearly over I'm gonna go to class."
"Oh uh okay bye." She said as I left.

Emma's POV
The boys and I decided to go to the library to do the homework but mainly to spy on Marinette and Adrien. I was still really annoyed at Louis for telling Adrien that it was Marinette whom he married but Maybe it was for the best. I mean if we were to bring them to the future they wouldn't be too shocked when we find mum and dad, so they could focus a little more on Lady Butterfly rather than the love square.

"We're going to have to tell her you know," Louis said coming up to me as Adrien left Marinette after an awkward conversation.
"I know we'll do it tonight at the meeting, we'll reveal ourselves there."
"If you're sure."
"Emmy why does everyone look smaller?" Hugo said coming up to me.
"Because of the akuma Hugo.
"There's an akuma! Lemme go find aunty Alya she said she would show me how to video a fight."
"No Hugo we have to go to class." I said mentally reminding myself to tell mum about Alya.
"Emmy you're so boring," Hugo whined.

We headed off to our next class, we were in there for about 15 minutes when we heard a loud ᗷ𝔸𝙽𝑮.
"AKUMA!" Someone screamed from outside and the whole class jumped on their feet.
"Quickly guys please go to the akuma emergency meeting point," Ms Bustier said quickly. She was used to these kind of things happening during her class.

Everyone ran straight towards the door but they were blocked by someone whom everyone thought to be the akuma except us.
"Leaving so soon I think not." She said.

Next Chapter 'What's Going On?'

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