33 | Murderer

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FLASHBACK • unknown person's pov •

A girl who looks to be in her teens enters a forest in a robe. The long trail of the robe follows her from behind as she walks past the woods with a blank expression. Her fingers graze the barks of the trees as a little white light sparkles from them. Her other hand carries a bag of unknown powder as she goes to the middle of the empty ground in the forest. Grass being crushed noises fill the silent air as her feet touch the ground. Just some crickets chirping sounds surround her environment.

She goes to the middle, takes the bag of powder out, and makes a big circle filled with the red powder. A devil's sphere. That was what it was called. Her hands were shaky at the thought of what she was going to do. She thought of backing off from her plan, but she stands still since she had a reason.

With shaky hands and a heavy breath, she fills the circle with the reddish powder. A triangle in the middle. She makes it all as she stands in the circle after. She snaps her shaky fingers letting a book fall on the ground in front of her with her magic.

Looking down, she removes her cloak revealing her long curly hair as she reads what was inside, the chant that will make her at peace.

"A pure magician once I was. Here I am, to sell my soul to the lord of hell. An act of revenge that I seek in exchange. A family that I lost. An utmost pain that brought me here. A soul so magical can make the devil smile. I am all his, he wants. I ask for his powers to help me follow the murderer till the day he dies. Torture so miserable for him, he regrets ever being born." She takes a knife that appears on the ground slicing her palm with it. Tears rush down her cheeks in pain. She breathes in keeping herself together and not breaking down, especially right now. She thought about her loving family, that she loved, and the man that took all from her.




I stand still, not trying to run to her when she closes her eyes. It pains me to see her in so much pain. I know everyone tells me it isn't my fault. But it feels like it is. If I wasn't there, she wouldn't have to go through so much. She would've been able to live peacefully. I shake my head at the negative thoughts that are taking over me. Yoongi Hyung says not to let them take over me.

I clench my hand when I see her opening her eyes. Oh god, no. I don't want this to happen. I am scared. What if everything does not go the way of the plan? Taehyung squeezes my shoulder, getting my attention as I turn around to look at him. He nods, reassuring me it'll be okay.

I turn around, looking back at her. A smirk starts taking over her lips, making my heart stop beating.

"You all got the brains now, huh?" She turns to look at Celestia, and Celestia gives her a serious look.

"After so much time, now you think finding the truth out is right?!" She yells, making me flinch and back away. Did I do something wrong in the past? What did I do? I don't remember it. My heart is racing so fast from the fear of doing something wrong to someone that broke their heart and made them like this. I keep quiet, trying to calm myself down.

"I won't tell anyone." Blaise says with a mocking smirk, "You think I'll let that moron know what he did to me? He should suffer. He shouldn't even know the reason for what he's suffering for." A tear rolls down my cheek after she says her words. I did something wrong to someone?

By instinct, I unlatch my mouth to say sorry, but then I realize I have lived while saying that sorry. Every time it was my fault. I don't deserve any kind of forgiveness. From the way she said with so much confidence, of something bad that I did to her. My heart shatters into pieces.

Celestia closes her eyes, reciting a chant when Blaise gasps in my body.

"Pain. That's what you'll feel. The pain you gave her when you killed her. It won't affect Y/N's body, but it'll affect your soul. This is god's magic. Surrender yourself." Celestia demands like she is angry about something, and Blaise shakes her head vigorously.

"I won't. I won't ever do that!" Blaise fights back, and Celestia frowns deeply.

"Just tell us, what wrong he did? You have tortured him so much. After so many decades or centuries, he deserves to know." Celestia turns to me as another tear rolls down my cheek. I wipe it away from the back of my hand. Even if it was my fault, she didn't have to do that to Y/N. She could've done anything to me, and I would've taken it. But not Y/N.

"NO! He will never know it, till the day he dies!" I wouldn't die so easily. That means she wanted to say I will never know it, even if I try.

"He's a stupid fool!" She yells, pointing at me, and I look back at her with a painful gaze.

"Why is he a fool?" Celestia seriously asks, wanting to choose to talk face to face instead of violence.

"I won't say it." Blaise looks down as she looks up at me.

"We can talk this out, Blaise. I know there would've been something worse that you went through. But talking makes a person feel better, and there would've been a misunderstanding—" Celestia was cut off when Blaise interrupts her.

"There isn't a misunderstanding. No. There isn't!" She yells like she is trying to make herself believe that it wasn't a misunderstanding, which makes my brows meet as it turns into a frown. I raise my eyebrows in question, making my forehead crease. It seriously looks like there is a misunderstanding.

"What did I do wrong?!" I yell, approaching her, but Celestia shows me her palm, stopping me.

"He's a fool!"


"Because he doesn't even know if there's any of his family around him—!" At that moment, everyone pauses and Blaise grits her teeth.

"Family?" I mutter really low, that only I can hear. What is she talking about? She is talking about someone that I don't know is related to me. I can't let this be. Family? My eyes widen, and I can't breathe. Mother, father . . . Ji . . . young . . .

There is only one female around me except you and your friends. Regina? She's a vampire, and I met her just a few years after I turned into one. Tears rush down my cheeks at the thought that she is my sister, as I can't believe all this. No, there's Raya and Alita too.

"No, you're lying." I mutter, and she gives me a mocking chuckle, "See, a crying fool he is. I think it has now hit him. He isn't even accepting it."

I decide not to stutter as I speak up, "Is it, Regina?" Blaise looks at me with a blank expression as she doesn't answer me back, but after a while she does.

"Why would I tell you?" I don't like this. I want to know. What am I even getting punished for? And where is my sister? My dear sister that I care so much about. I thought I was left alone in this world, but my heart blossoms at the thought that I am still a big brother.

I keep quiet as I let this be. I get the hint; that's enough. I want to know about my curse, the one that takes everyone away from me.

I close my eyes as I take a deep breath, and I go through all of my memories of the past.

My family dies, the noble Jeon adopts me, then he dies, and I become an earl. As an earl, I do many bad things, but in business. Is it related to that? I have to kill some people too. But I don't think I do anything bad, since all of them are guilty of their crimes, except one family. A family whose parents are killed by my hands. It isn't the whole family that I take. Just the parents.

"I heard there was a little girl in the family but the parents weren't saying a thing about her even if asked or tortured. They say she's a witch too."

My eyes shoot open as I pull all the pieces together. I always remember, especially the surnames of the people that I kill because I want to feel guilty about my crimes, even if they can't be called that. I still do something wrong, and I remember their names.

"Willard," I mutter as all of them look at me, "The family of Willard. The count of Willard. His unknown daughter," I announce, and Yoongi frowns, with Celestia looking at him with full focus. Taehyung widens his eyes hearing me. He thought I really did something bad for two minutes when I said all this.

"Your mind is working, Jeon? Glinda. My name is Glinda Willard. And I am the one who turned you into the monster that you are today. A vampire," Glinda says, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow at me.

"What?" My eyes turn furious at the thought that I was punished for nothing. So much, just for nothing. If she wasn't in your body, I would've already snapped her head. I am so angry right now.

"The count and countess of Willard turned out to be criminals who did black magic. Their kids and they were burned alive on the grounds of—" I am cut off when she speaks up.

"Alden. In the grounds of Alden, by Jeon Jungkook," Glinda says with empty eyes as she continues, and tears threaten to escape her eyes, "YOU KILLED MY FAMILY! YOU'RE A MURDERER!" She yells at me, and I look down as I run my hand through my hair.

"I just killed your parents," I say, and she frowns at me, "You don't remember your crimes, Jungkook?" She asks with an amused smile.

"Your brother and sister were alive! I had sent them to an orphanage!" I yell, but she continues crying, "No. they're dead."

"They weren't! I had taken the help of a man who secretly brought them to me, and then sent them into an orphanage—"

"In the orphanage, they're killed," Glinda mutters, and I feel my heart break into pieces.

Tears roll down her cheeks as she continues, "My family had many enemies because of the nobles they are. Other nobles were always jealous of them, and they took out a rumor that they worshipped the devil . . ." Glinda mutters low while looking down, "My family was pure. They're kind people. My brother and sister just wanted to live, and when they were sent to the orphanage, the nobles had found a new way to kill them without the news going to you, and after that, I actually went and did black magic. If you weren't so selfish, my family wouldn't have been destroyed, and my parents would've taken care of my brother and sister. I had lived on the streets because I was scared they'll do something to me too." She says, and more tears escape my eyes.

"I am sorry. I didn't know this happened. I was too busy in father's business—"

"To look at two children for once," Glinda replies, and I pause, "An apology can't bring them back."

"I killed the king and everyone that was on the grounds. But because you're the murderer who killed my family with your hands, I especially decided this for you!" Glinda yells, and I freeze at my spot.

"All of your family dying, and that earl! It's a coincidence! And the prophecy is true. You're cursed. But the curse is me, to you," Glinda looks at me while yelling.

She turns to me as she continues, "The murderer who killed my family. I start loving him over time, even after knowing he's a killer. Because of his behavior . . . The way he behaves is very much different than the murderer he is. He behaves . . . loving, kind, sweet . . . I look at him for centuries, and . . ." Glinda's eyes catch mine, and a tear rolls down her cheek, "I feel so wronged," she states as a tear falls down her cheek.

"I am so sorry for what happened to you, but . . ." Celestia pauses and looks at Glinda with a straight face, "You have to leave Y/N's body now and forever," she says, and Glinda vigorously shakes her head.

I look at her with empty eyes, and Celestia approaches her slowly, "It is with or without your permission, Ms. Willard," Celestia grabs her hand and pulls it away.

"NO! I won't leave her! I won't leave him!" She screams when she feels a painful sting in her head. I close my eyes as a tear falls down my cheek.

Taehyung backs away in surprise. This is so painful to look at. Yoongi approaches Celestia as he grabs her hand, reading the chant with her. Taehyung and I both are shocked to see he reads all that like he has memorized it from childhood. It looks like Yoongi is transferring his powers to her because their hands light up with white silvery magic.

Your screams echo everywhere as I can't breathe. I know it's Glinda yelling, but it looks like it's you because of her being in your body. I take a step with a worried gaze, and Jimin grabs my wrist, gesturing for me to stay back. Jimin's eyes are red as he's trying to stop his tears. He's too angry but trying to control himself at the moment. There isn't any light of magic, but you fall to the ground with closed eyes.

I keep my hand on my chest, clutching it as I back away and fall to the ground. I feel so guilty right now. I do. It's my fault. Her brother and sister died because of me. I thought they were alive and well, but . . . I know the pain of losing a family as I lost one too. She has a reason to do all that, but you . . . She did so much worse to you. She's wrong in that . . .

I sit near a tree, sitting on the ground and leaning on it, as I look at you lying with empty eyes.

"Hyung! What even are you?" Taehyung runs to Yoongi as he asks with suspicious eyes after all this is over.

Yoongi rolls his eyes as he says, "I'll tell you afterward."

Celestia turns to me as she mumbles so I can hear it, "Even if it's your fault. You've gotten your punishment, Jungkook. Don't ever feel guilty. Every one of us is at least once in our life a villain to someone. Remember what she did to Y/N." I look down after hearing that as I nod slightly, reassuring her that I'll be okay and that I just need some time.

A groan catches everyone's attention as you keep your palm to your forehead while getting up. Your head turns to me and all of them, looking at those who are serious and look tired, and you ask in confusion, "What happened?"



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