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It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.

– André Gide, Autumn Leaves


I woke up around 6:00 PM.

"Already six?" I said out loud to no one. I hadn't even started my homework. I had so much of it, not to mention all the exams I had to study for. "It's going to be a long night." I said preparing myself for the restless night.

I grabbed my science homework and started with that. I had around five worksheets to complete. At least I didn't have any tests in science class.

After science I took out my history homework. History was my best class, probably because of Zach. He's such a little nerd for all the history stuff. Memories of going to Rome with him flew in my head again. Especially Pompeii. He corrected so many tour guides, I didn't even learn too much, but I had the most of fun with that blonde haired prince. I went back to my homework, and pushed all thoughts of Zach away. I could barley say his name out loud without crying. He had those perfect hazel eyes, that could tell you a story in one glance. It was like staring right into what he was really feeling. Even though different things came out of his mouth. And I go off thinking of Zach again... I turned back to my homework. It didn't help much, we were studying Rome. The place I went with Zach. We were having a whole unit on it. Zach would have loved it.

I snapped up and decided that I was never going to say his name again, not out loud and not in my mind ether. He would forever be known as he. Nothing else.

I stood up and decided to take a shower. I knew it was going to be an endless, boring night. That didn't have to been however that I had to be uncomfortable. I took a cold shower, making my senses more awake. I got out of the cold shower and wrapped a long towel around me. I tried myself off and put my wet hair up into a bun after I had taken most of the water from it.

All I needed was for my late studying, was coffee. I don't understand how people can live without coffee. I went over to the kitchen, dressed in some sweatpants and a t-shirt. Just then I realized that I had no coffee. Any store was too far away for me to walk to in the dark. Just then I remembered that Starbucks was open, and that was nearby. One drink wouldn't last long, but one drink could last me a few hours.

I'll order just two drinks.

Maybe three, just to be safe.

Forget it, I need like six cups.


Author's Note

Who likes coffee?

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