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Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.

– J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


She pounded on the door for the millionth time. It had been a few hours, but I still hadn't talked to my mother.

"Zach, open the door right now!" Mom yelled again. I couldn't stay mad at my mom, I really couldn't. Besides I really needed some sort of pill for this headache. I opened the door.

"Please just give me a pill for my headache." I begged her. She wrapped her arms around me, like I was a little kid again.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry." She told me we we walked down the stairs. She never called me baby, unless she did something every mother rarely did, admit she was wrong. "I just wanted you to stop being all sad all the time. Elise was a wonderful young lady, I won't move her room unless you let me ether way. Elise was one fish in the sea, but they'll be more." Mom told me.

"But I want Elise." I mumbled. We had reached the kitchen. Mom motioned for me to sit. She grabbed me a cup of water and a pill. I took them both.

"Zack darling, if you love that girl. I'm not going to stop you. If she left you because she was scared she was going to hurt her, you tell her she caused you more pain in this year than she ever did before. If you love that lucky lady, go get her." Mom said. I looked up, now smiling.

"Why couldn't you have told me that a year ago?" I asked her.

"Cause you're my baby." She told me, like that explained everything. I stood up and got ready to leave.

"Thanks Mom." I said.

"Now, the topic of Lis, I'm not saying you have to date her. However she is going to be staying here for a bit, so get friendly. Just take her to Starbucks." Mom told me.

"How about this, I'll take her to Starbucks and then I'll go find Elise." I told her.

"Sounds like a wonderful plan." Mom said.


Author's Note

There really isn't anything to say about these chapters. I think it's straightforward, though it is a little slow right now.

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