Chapter 1

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Amrish was confused. What was he going to do? Shalini was overstepping, and she was becoming obsessive in her pursuit of Amrish. When he went back to the family, he pulled his brothers to the side and quickly spoke to them. Explaining the situation. After trying to figure out a way out. Dhawal remembered that there is a lake nearby where people do scuba driving to see the see animals in the lake. They were all great swimmers. Amrish would survive a dive into the lake.

The brothers made their rough plans quickly, as they didn't have a lot of time. Dhawal called Katu to come as he needed to pick up Amrish Bhai. was decided that Amrish would fake his death so they could stall and get evidence to kick Shalini out of their lives. The ladies were spending time, near the peacocks, enjoying the pregnancy news and Golu's birthday.

Amrish and Shalini met near the lake on the cliff. Hoping to resolve the issue, Shalini was stubborn and refused to listen to reason. As they were fighting, Shalini fell over the cliff. Amrish panicked, as that wasn't part of the plan. She wasn't supposed to go over the cliff. It was supposed to be him. He went to go get help, seeing no one he grabbed the rope that was on the bus. As he was returning to the cliff, he saw Natasha. Natasha had asked him about Shalini as she found the pictures on the ground that Shalini was using to blackmail him.

"Natasha, I promise you. It isn't what you think. Yes, I knew Shalini years ago. We dated and were going to get married. But she left me for her job. I married Hetal after, and I haven't thought of her. She has been blackmailing that she will tell Hetal and wants to break my marriage." stated Amrish

"I believe you." replied Natasha

"I didn't believe you when the situation was reversed? How? Why?" cried Amrish

"Dhawal believes you. That's enough for me. Now, let save Shalini and get her out of our lives." smiled Natasha

When they rushed to the cliff, they saw that Mithu had fallen over the cliff.

"Mithu, how did you fall over? Here, try to grab on to my hand?" cried Natasha

"No. Natasha. Here's a rope. It's small but it will have to do?" said Amrish. "Mithu, grab on."

"I'm sorry, Chutki. I was looking for you, and I heard Ms. Shalini's cries. I tried to pull her up, but I slipped." cried Mithu.

"It's ok. Don't panic. We will pull you up. And then Shalini ji. Ok. Now, calm down." stated Natasha.

Natasha and Amrish were able to pull Mithu up, and when Mithu was safely on the ground, Amrish's foot slipped, and he fell over the cliff. Natasha was able to grab on to his hand.

"Amrish Bhai, please hold on. Mithu! Help me!" Natasha glanced behind her and noticed that Mithu had fainted. "Amrish Bhai, please hold on. Someone should be here soon." cried Natasha.

"Natasha, you need to let me go. It's not good for you. You will fall. Shalini is holding on to my leg. She won't let go. I can't let you hurt yourself. I won't be able to forgive myself if anything happens to you or the baby. Please." cried Amrish

"No, Bhai, just a little longer. Please." cried Natasha

The next thing Natasha knew was that Amrish had let go and fell into the water. She heard another splash and realized that Shalini also fell into the water. She looked up and she saw Dhawal, with a shocked look.

Dhawal looked over the cliff and saw that Chirag had Amrish with him, and was jet skiing away from the area, while Bhavin was delaying in pulling Shalini up, keep on slipping on grabbing her hand, until he was certain that Amrish was away safely. Luckily, Natasha was in shock, crying so much that she wasn't even looking towards the lake.

Dhawal knew he had to make it believable, but he couldn't hurt Natasha, so he didn't say anything.

Bhavin brought Shalini back to the bus, and when she arrived there, Shalini blamed Natasha for the death of Amrish, shocking the rest of the family. Amba and Hetal started cursing Natasha without listening to anything.

For a couple of weeks, Natasha bore the insults and the hurts. Dhawal wasn't saying anything, but he didn't do much either. Then he decided that she would go to Pandya Niwas for a visit.

After a couple of days, Dhawal got the news that Daama had passed on in her sleep. Dhawal and Chirag rushed to the funeral and saw that Natasha was not taking it well. She was in shock, and Dhawal decided that he would bring Natasha home later that night. He left after the funeral, as he wanted to meet with Katu regarding some information regarding Shalini Dave. As he was on his way to Pandya Niwas, Dhawal got a call from Amrish, and he had to change directions and go to the office where Amrish was in disguise working as a project manager. Amrish was going through some papers and found something funny in the property papers that Chiku had stolen.

It looked that he had gone to an expensive lawyer, which Chiku couldn't afford.

"Chiku couldn't have afforded this lawyer. How did he pay for this? Who paid for this?" asked Dhawal

"Chirag, let's find out who else was helping Chiku steal from us. I have suspicions on Shalini Dave. I mean, look how she was able to convince Dhawal for the job. She was able to help Natasha in bringing her Daama to the hospital. And then fake an injury to stay in Makwana house. If I had to guess in who is the mysterious partner. I will say Shalini Dave." stated Amrish.

"I agree, Amrish Bhai. I can get my friend to find out. He works as a private investigator, and he has mad hacking skills." said Chirag

"Great." Dhawal looked at his watch. "I'm gotta go. I'm going to pick Natasha up. I wasn't able to talk to her at the funeral. But I am bringing her home today. With everything going on in these last weeks, and now with Daama being gone, her stress levels are probably skyrocketing. She needs my support." stated Dhawal

"Fine, you go. We will meet here tomorrow." said Amrish

"Stay safe. Bye." Dhawal rushed out and left for Pandya Niwas.

The next hour was the most horrible for Dhawal, as when he arrived at Pandya Niwas, he was shocked to find out that Natasha had left. She left Somnath, and she didn't even tell anyone.

"What do you mean she's left Somnath? She was supposed to stay here until I picked her up? Didn't she read my letter? Where did she go?" demanded Dhawal of Sheesh and Mithu.

"What letter? She didn't mention any letter from you. She left a letter for us. She left because she thought she was the reason. Amrish Bhai and now Daama. She didn't want us to worry over her. She wanted us to concentrate on school. So she left town she wrote in her letter" stated Sheesh

"Let me see the letter." demanded Dhawal

Mithu went to Natasha's room and grabbed the letter and Natasha's bag. Dhawal quickly grabbed them from Mithu. He quickly read the letter that she left for her brothers. Then he looked through her bag. He found the letter that he had left for her. It looked unread. He teared up. He didn't know his day could get any worse.

"Jeeju, Chutki left you this letter," Mithu said, handing him a letter. Dhawal quickly read the letter.

'Dhawal, I'm not sure if you want to hear from me. But I need to leave. I know you are upset about Amrish Bhai. I can't seem to help. Instead, I've been cursed by Ma and Hetal Bhabi. I don't even know if you blame me for Amrish Bhai's death. All I know is that I can't make you happy. Maybe it is better that we live separate lives. May you get all the happiness that you deserve. I am sorry that I couldn't be your happiness. I will always love only you - Natasha'

"Damn it, Natasha! You are my happiness. You and our baby! Damn it, where can you go? How can I be there for you if I don't know where you are?" cried Dhawal

"Mithu, Sheesh! Where would Natasha go? Do you have any idea?" asked Dhawal

"Jeeju, she might go to Mumbai?" said Mithu

"Mumbai, why Mumbai?" said a puzzled Dhawal

"Well, Jeeju. Chutki was only 2 months old when she was kidnapped. She lived there till she was 7 years old. She was 7 years old when she was returned to Somnath and our family. She worked as an actress. She might go to Mumbai. Otherwise, the other option is Ahmedbad. She was planning to finish her MBA there. Those are the two options I can think of." said Sheesh

"Natasha was kidnapped for 7 years?" asked Dhawal

"Yes. That is why family is very important to Pandya's. We have lost a lot. Chutki was missing for all that time. And then during the earthquake we lost all of our parents. Daama lost all her children. Eight members of family gone in moments, then Chiku disappeared." stated Sheesh shocking Dhawal.

Dhawal grabbed the letters and then said, "If you guys hear anything, let me know. You guys concentrate on your studies. I will get Pandya Store renovations finished just as Natasha wanted."

Dhawal left Pandya Niwas and called his brothers. They met at the rooftop of their office building.

Dhawal rushed into Amrish's arms and cried. "Mots, Natasha left me. She thinks I blame her for your death. She thinks my happiness is elsewhere. She loves me so much that she would rather let me go than know that she's hurting me. "

"What do you mean she left?" said Chirag

"She's left Somnath with my baby. I don't know where she is. I called the commissioner on my way here. He has officers looking at the railway station and airport to find out where she went. Mots, we need to get Shalini out of our lives as quickly as we can. I need to find Natasha asap." stated Dhawal now angrily.

A couple of weeks had passed, and Dhawal was able to find out that Natasha had indeed gone to Mumbai. So he hired a private investigator to find her in Mumbai. Meanwhile, Shalini started to make threats that were scaring the Makwana brothers. Amrish was able to find out that it was indeed Shalini that helped Yash steal the property. Chirag took Dolly away for a little while, stating that the doctor stated that she needed a stress free environment.

Amrish couldn't figure out how Shalini knew what was going on in their house since they made sure it was bug free. Shalini was still able to find out the day to day happenings in Makwana house. Six months went by, and Dhawal figured out that Chhabuli was leaking information to Shalini Dave. Dhawal was angry. He couldn't believe that the person they trusted outside of family. The person that his mother trusted over her daughter in laws was betraying them. Chirag and Dolly had come back to Makwana house a few days earlier, it was decided that Dolly stay in her room, while Bhavin, Chirag and Dhawal would confront Chhabali, while Pranali, Hetal and Amba would be around to witness. Chirag had decided to record the conversation, which would be helpful later.

"Chhabali, come here, please." yelled out Dhawal for her

"Ji." Chhabali answered, coming into the sitting room where everyone was except for Dolly as she was resting.

"Chhabali, do you have anything to tell us?" asked Bhavin

"Nothing, Bhaiya. I have nothing to tell you." responded Chhabali.

"We know, Chhabali. We know that you are telling Shalini Dave everything that goes on in this house. But no longer. You are done. It's best if you go back to your hometown. Because you won't be working in any capacity in Somnath.

"Why should I get punished if your mother done worse than I have?" cried Chhabali

"Shut up, Chhabali!" yelled Amba

"No! I won't! Do you want the truth? Then listen, all of your problems have been caused by your mother! Before you or Chirag Bhai got married. She would cause fights between Amrish Bhai and Hetal Bhabi or Bhavin Bhai and Pranali Bhabi. It was very easy. All she had to do was fake a fall or put something in the food. She never wanted her sons loving their wives as her control over them would diminish. Then Chirag Bhai and Dolly Bhabi got married along with you and Natasha. She didn't want you to marry Natasha as Natasha is harder to control. We went to the liquor store to buy the liquor that was brought in your engagement. We wore disguises. Natasha should have been blamed, but Amrish Bhai was taken to jail. Natasha then went looking for the truth, Natasha found out about the liquor dhaba and went there. Mummy ji was scared that her truth was coming out, so she tried to convince me to take the fall for it. Promised me a lot of money. Then the fake Chiku, that was also done by your mother. He was supposed to bring the property papers so she could steal them from the Pandya family, but instead, Natasha was kidnapped. Then the after wedding functions, where Natasha was blamed as a bad omen. That was your mother, too. It is so easy for her to make it look like the other person is at fault. She was so angry when Natasha had gotten Hetal Bhabi to sit down to eat with you guys the day after the wedding. She purposely didn't invite Natasha or family to the puja. But look at Natasha's luck. She ended up at the temple where the puja was happening, and Mummy Ji had to perform the Bal Gopal functions without her consent and forcefully. She was very angry at that. Then Dahi Handi, where Natasha won. She got Natasha's own friend to cut her clothes so she would embarrass the family, and she would be forced to come back and be shown the errors of her ways. The falls that happened when Esha came back were all faked. Then the annulment, which she was so happy about. The wedding with Suhani, that was her wish, as Suhani was no threat. She was controlable. Any time Dhawalji seemed wanting to go back to Natasha, she would do something that would anger Dhawalji against Natasha. She blamed Natasha for Dhawalji's accident. Then, when he left home, she blamed Natasha. The drugs that came into Pranali Bhabi's clinic were ordered by her and bought by Bhavin Bhai as they didn't want Pranali to be successful. They didn't want Pranali Bhabi to practice as a doctor." she said, shocking everyone. Bhavin looked ashamed while Amba looked angry.

"Then came the lost of the Makwana property. Natasha was blamed. I always wondered why, since Esha was Yash's wife. Why wasn't she blamed. Because she was his wife. I saw how Natasha worked trying to get those papers, but Mummyji only blamed Natasha. Then Natasha and Dhawalji got married again. Everyone was happy except for Mummyji. She had taken a video of Natasha thanking Esha. She made Natasha do all on that night because she didn't want Dhawalji and Natasha to take the next step in their relationship. She had gotten Natasha to treat the family horribly. Mummy ji was happy. But that night, after everyone left Natasha alone. Natasha went to the roof. She cried. She was crying like someone had died, and Mummy Ji met her there. Natasha begged Mummyji to release her from the blackmail but Mummyji refused. Stating that she wanted to destroy Natasha." spilled out Chhabali. Dhawal looked devastated at his mother's deeds.

"Then the Bhabi's got sick, that was also Mummyji's doing as she put something in their tea so they would get sick. She forced Natasha to leave the house while the Bhabi's were sick, so she would look bad."

Dhawal remembers the incident, as he called Natasha selfish.

"Then came Holi, she had gotten Natasha banned from Pandya Store, as she convinced Esha to fill Yash's ears against her. Then, she purposely made the cards to force Natasha to force the family to come to her function. The fight Natasha and Yash was triggered by Mummyji and Esha. Esha put the blame on Natasha, and you saw the result. Natasha lost her brother. Then her grandmother got sick, and Dhawalji decided to go to Pandya Niwas to stay, and Mummy Ji couldn't accept that, so she got Shalini Dave involved trying to break them up. And now, when Shalini Dave wants to know what was happening in Makwana house, I just assumed that she needed to know so she could break up Dhawalji and Natasha. Then Natasha left. So it worked out in the end. So yes, I did tell her what was going in Makwana house, then after Natasha left I continued giving information because then Shalini ji gave me alot of money, I figured why not since Mummyji had stopped giving me extra money." said Chhabali

"Fine, with the money you got from Shalini Dave and the money you get from the us, I want you to leave Somnath and never come back. You shouldn't even receive anything, but you did work for us for years, and I want you to sign a statement in regards to Shalini Dave. If needed, I will need you to testify against Shalini Dave. You will keep me informed of your whereabouts, but that's it." stated Dhawal angerly.

Chhabali left Makwana house with one of the bodyguards that hired to protect the ladies. The bodyguard took her to the lawyers to get her statement written out, then dropped her at the railway station.

After Chhabali left, Hetal was confused as to why it seemed like a confrontation in proving Natasha innocent. Dhawal was looking angrily at his mother while she was ignoring his looks.

"Bhabi, wait. There's another surprise waiting to happen. Just sit down for another ten minutes, and you will have all your answers.

Ten minutes later, a disguised Amrish walked to the door, confusing the ladies as they didn't know who he was.



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