Chapter 2

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Chirag quickly brought Dolly down, as he knew that she wouldn't have wanted to miss this.

Slowly, Amrish started to take off his disguise off, shocking the ladies.

"Amrish, you're alive! I can't believe it! You're ok!" Hetal rushed towards him and stopped in front of him. She remembered he didn't like any physical contact in public. But Amrish grabbed her and hugged her. Shocking the rest of them. Dhawal smiled sadly. He was thinking of Natasha, how she would be so happy to see everyone. He discretely wiped his eyes, but Chirag saw, and he looked concerned. Amrish was surrounded by the ladies, and slowly, he reassured them that it was he and that he was back.

"Everyone sit down." said Amrish. Amrish grabbed Hetal's hand and led her to the sofa, shocking Hetal once again.

"Listen, I am back, but for the whole world, I still must be dead." said Amrish

"What? Why Amrish?" said Amba

"Shalini Dave. She is the reason why I must stay dead. She was the reason I jumped into the lake. She is the reason I faked my death. She is the reason for everything. Ma, why couldn't you let things alone. Let us live our lives with our wives. I was following your path, and then Dhawal left home. I realized that I was slowly changing, but then Yash stole our property. Ma, you blamed Natasha. Why didn't you blame Esha? When I stole Pandya Store, why didn't you blame me? Why didn't you correct me? Instead, after we got the property papers back, Natasha and Dhawal got married again. Do you remember how happy Dhawal was. He was the happiest I had ever seen him. But what did you do? On his happiest day, you decided to ruin it by blackmailing Natasha. You then sent Shalini after us. She has been trying to destroy my family. She wanted me back. She is trying to break my marriage." stated Amrish

"Amrish.." cried Amba

"Do you know that Shalini had been threatening the family. That is why we sent Dolly and Chirag away even after your disapproval. Even Golu. We had him sent to a boarding school outside of the country, just so Shalini couldn't reach him. Look at Dhawal. We just found out where Natasha is. Do you know that she is experiencing a high-risk pregnancy. She is living in a hospital due to her health. She needs bed rest. Do you know that I had to anonymously transfer her to a private hospital. She almost lost her child in that hospital she was in. She would have been safe at home, but in your anger, you hurt her by your words. So Dhawal took her to her Daama's instead her Daama left this world."

Hetal and Amba looked ashamed.

"Do you the sad part of all of this, Ma? Natasha is the one who lost the most in this. The private investigator that Dhawal hired to find Natasha found out that Natasha's family was the ones that lost their lives in trying to save our Papa. What did I do? I destroyed Pandya Store. Natasha was still forgiving. Yash did not, but Natasha did. You destroyed her relationship with Yash. Did you know that Dhawal found out from her brothers that Natasha was only 2 months old when she was kidnapped by Yash's birth mother. You see, Yash is adopted. She was away from her family for 7 years. Then she comes home, and a few months later, she loses them in the earthquake. I misunderstood her, thinking she was going to break my family. Only I did it. In the last year, I have only seen Dhawal happy when he's around Natasha. And now, he just sees her thru the pictures that he receives." vented out Amrish.

"I'm sorry, Amrishji." cried Hetal

"Hetal, stop crying. What's done is done. I am going to make sure that Shalini Dave is out of our lives soon. Dhawal, why don't you go to Mumbai. You can be around Natasha in disguise. If you come back frequently, we should have everything in control." stated Amrish

"Amrish Bhai, Dhawal will need an excuse if he is traveling to Mumbai frequently. Shalini Dave will have people watching him." stated Pranali

"What about an events company? He did very well during the beauty contest. What if he has a legit company. That has an event in Mumbai. With my contacts, we should be able to figure something out soon." said an excited Dolly.

"Dolly, calm down. You shouldn't get too excited. We will figure out something soon. I think the idea is great." said Chirag.

"Dhawal, I agree. An events company sounds good. If Amrish Bhai agrees." said Bhavin.

"Dhawal, you could get a contract to organize a party, and Mumbai is filled with parties. We can ask a few of our contacts to help out, so you would have a reason to stay there." said Chirag

"Agreed." said Amrish, surprising everyone.

"Do you know that Natasha would be so happy to see this. She always wanted the family to be together. Did you know that when she went to the liquor dhaba to clear Amrish Bhai's innocence, her whole family dressed up as villagers. It was the first time I saw that a family worked together trying to save a person. Then, when the laborers revolted against us, she was able to work a solution without anyone getting hurt." Dhawal smiled tearfully as he walked away.

A week later, the family had a plan. Shalini didn't realize it, but they had a mole in her office. It seemed that her office was starting to realize that something was something was wrong with her. She was trying to figure out where Golu and Natasha were. She was blaming Natasha for her broken family life. She was thinking that Golu was her son. Amrish was getting scared of how unpredictable Shalini could be. He hired extra bodyguards for family, Golu and Natasha. And Dhawal had left for Mumbai for a contract. Amrish was still living in disguise.

Dhawal came back after a couple of weeks in a much better mood. He was smiling. He was sitting with his Bhabi's and Amrish Bhai when Chirag and Bhavin walked into the house.

"Dhawal," Chirag and Bhavin greeted him with a hug. Chirag noticed a big difference in Dhawal's face. As they all sat down.

"So?" asked Chirag

"Natasha is doing well. She's in the hospital. I stay with her each night, but she doesn't realise that I am around. When she's awake, I am masked, so she doesn't know it's me. She thinks I'm an attending. That the hospital has attendees for patients that are high-risk, and have no family to help. Then, at night, she's sleeping, and I'm there. She may not know it, but I am there. I am there for my family." smiled Dhawal.

"Woohoo! Good job! Dhawal!" Dolly got excited.

"Dolly, calm down!" Chirag said, holding on to her.

"What's going on the Shalini Dave front?" asked Dhawal

"She's seems to calm down. She's going to the office. Hasn't made any threats in the last week.

"Ok. I have few contracts in the works. I will go to Mumbai again, as Natasha is close to her delivery. Dolly, I'm sorry, I will be missing the birth of this little's one but I promise when I come back, I will be the best Chachu. And hopefully, soon Natasha and baby will be back here where they belong." said Dhawal

"Oye, Dhawal. Don't stress. Natasha needs you now. I have the whole family with me. Now, bring Natasha and baby home soon." ordered Dolly, making everyone smile.

A couple of days later, Dhawal went back to Mumbai. He finished one of the contracts and stayed with Natasha till her delivery.

Dhawal got the news that Dolly had a baby boy, and he was happy. He had sent a bouquet of flowers to the hospital congratulating Chirag and Dolly.

A couple of weeks later, Natasha went in labor. Dhawal was able to help Natasha during the labor. Natasha didn't realize it, but the doctor that holding her hand was Dhawal. In her pain, she thought Dhawal was with her. She was cursing him one moment and then thinking he was there pleading with him. "Dhawal, please. I can't do this anymore." What Dhawal didn't realize was that his mask had come off. Dhawal was scared that his cover was blown, but Natasha never noticed as she was so concentrated in her pain that she didn't realize that it was the real Dhawal, not a doctor.

"Sir, I need you to sit behind your wife. She's too tired to push. We need you to help her push." said a doctor.

"How am I going to do that?" asked Dhawal

"You are going sit behind her and be her support. Help her push down when we tell you to." said the doctor.

Finally, Dhawal sat behind Natasha, holding her hands in each of his. When the doctor said push, he supported Natasha in pushing. Dhawal looked at his hands and noticed that Natasha's nails had pierced his skin. He started singing the Pandya family song to calm Natasha down, and it worked. Shortly after, Natasha delivered a healthy baby girl. Natasha fainted right after the birth. Dhawal panicked, but the doctors reassured him that she was fine. She was exhausted. Dhawal got off the bed and made sure that Natasha was laying down comfortably. The nurse brought the baby back to Dhawal. Dhawal made a video call to the family showing them Natasha and the baby.

"Everyone, meet my daughter." cried Dhawal

"Oh my goodness. She's beautiful! How's Natasha?" Everyone was voicing.

"Natasha is fine. Exhausted. She fainted after the birth. Doctors had checked her. She's sleeping now. So I thought I would introduce you to the newest member of our family." cried Dhawal

"Sssh. I am happy. My Dhawal is now a Papa. And he made me Bade Papa." cried Amrish. "Shalini Dave will be out of our lives, and Natasha will be home. Now take care of your family."

Dhawal hung up and took some pictures of Natasha and the baby. When he noticed that she was waking up, Dhawal quickly put his mask back on. He handed her the baby when she was completely woken. She was amazed that she brought this tiny little being into this world. Natasha checked her little fingers and toes. She was staring at her brand new daughter. Looking at her every detail.

"I wish you were here, Dhawal. Look what we have made. She's beautiful. You would be so amazed to see our daughter." cried Natasha, not realizing that Dhawal was in the room. "Oh baby, what are we going to do? I have been living in the hospital for so long that I don't even have a place to bring you home to?"

"Ma'am, I can help you. I know you have no reason to trust me, but I like to think that we were are somewhat friends. My brothers own an event company. One of my brothers needs a PA for his Mumbai office. If you want, I can help with that. The company has employee housing for those who really need it. You could probably bring the baby with you to work. The baby won't bother my brother. He's always traveling." said Dhawal

"Really. That would be great!" cried Natasha.

Dhawal felt relieved that he could provide for his family, even at a distance.

The next few months few by Natasha, was working at the events company, under the watchful eye of Dhawal. There were a few close calls where Dhawal almost got discovered. But he managed. Natasha had an office next to his, but in all this time, he always had his chair turned away from her, so she couldn't see his face. She dealt with a lot of the communication through emails, so Dhawal was able to manage it. He was able to see his daughter at the daycare situated in the building.

The situation in Somnath had changed to. After the confrontation, Amba became quiet. Pranali, Dolly, and Hetal sat Amba down and explained that wanting a loving relationship with their husbands shouldn't hurt their relationship with their mother. That there needs to be a balance between each relationship. She couldn't control every aspect of their lives. Otherwise, she was going to lose everyone. Amba realised that she needed to accept the change. Otherwise, she would lose everything. Dhawal already barely spoke to her, Amrish was also ignoring her a lot. Only Bhavin and Chirag spoke to her normally. She was hoping that soon everything would become normally, where Dhawal and his family were back and where Amrish didn't have to pretend to be dead.

Now, it's been approximately 8 months since Dolly and Natasha had given birth. Sahil and Kiara were the newest members of the Makwana family. Everyone doted on Sahil as Kiara was living in Mumbai with Natasha.

Dhawal was in Somnath meeting up with the family and trying to figure out their next step in trying to get rid of the problem in their lives. He had visited Pandya Store to see if everything was going well. Sheesh and Mithu were continuing their studies and were living out of Somnath.

Finally, things were going well. Amrish decided to show himself towards Shalini in front of her supervisors, and things exploded. Shalini went off on Amrish, asking where their son, Golu, was. She revealed that she tried killing Natasha a few times, but her bodyguards always saved her. Finally, her supervisors called the police to arrest her, and she was taken to jail. She was examined by the psychiatrist since she wasn't making sense, and the doctors diagnosed her with a psychotic break, that she must be out of senses for a while. She needed help from doctors. Finally, she was out of their lives.

Dhawal was so happy that when they went home to let everyone know, he asked for something from Amrish. "Mots. Amrish Bhai. Can I ask for something?"

"Of course, Dhawal. Today is a great day. Ask?" said Amrish

"This house has great memories, but it also has bad memories. Can we move? Find another house, a new start. Please." asked Dhawal

Amrish was quiet and said, "Ok. I agree. We need a good new start. I will start looking and will have my contacts to look for something."

Dhawal hugged Amrish, "Thank you, Bhai. Thank you. I want to bring Natasha home, but this home has bad memories. I want a fresh start with our family and Natasha and Kiara."

It had been a few months, Amrish sold the old house and bought a brand new house. Luckily, the house was to go on the market when Chirag saw it and mentioned it to Amrish. Amrish then took a look at it and decided to buy it. Since it was empty, it didn't take long to move into the new home.

Meanwhile, Kiara had turned one, and Natasha threw a party for her. Sheesh and Mithu came to Mumbai to visit them. Natasha loved having them around. Sheesh let it slip that he had been in contact with Chiku and Esha. Natasha smiled and said, "Sheesh, I am happy that you have connected with Yash and Esha. But please, I don't want to hear anything about them. I wish them well. But I need to concentrate on my daughter, not on my past." stated Natasha, not knowing that Dhawal was near wearing a disguise, and he heard all. Dhawal figured out that it was going to be harder than he thought for Natasha to come back to Somnath.

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