Chapter 6

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The next few days, Natasha and her brothers visited each other, enjoying their days.  Esha spent her days at Makwana house, while Natasha and Kiara visited Pandya Niwas. 

Dhawal was patiently waiting to spend time with his wife and child, but they were at Pandya Niwas again.  He was happy that she was spending time with her  brothers after distancing herself from her family the last two years, but he wished that she would want to spend time with him too.  He needed to do something so that they could spend time together.

Dhawal had another contract in Mumbai when he decided to take Natasha and Kiara with him, as Natasha would help him in the office.  

Dhawal was busy at the office when he had requested Natasha to come in to help him.   She decided to drop Kiara at the company daycare and head to Dhawal's office when a couple of toxic co-workers decided to target Natasha.

"Well, isn't the mistress of the boss.  You know what they call you right.  A slut.  After all, you have a child out of wedlock!"  said Shagun, a vindicative worker.

"It's true.  The boss is back and now she is back!"  said Preeti, a follower of Shagun

"How dare you" yelled Natasha, not realizing that their voices had carried, and Dhawal had come out of his office and saw what going on.

"How desperate are you!  As soon as Mr. Makwana comes back to the office, you come slutting in.   You're a characterless woman, there are other creeps for you!  Leave the decent men alone!" yelled  Shagun

"What the hell is going on here" yelled Dhawal, as his anger hit the high point as soon as he heard them insulting his wife. His wife was crying!  Nobody gets away for making his wife cry.

"Nothing sir, we were trying to throw out the unwanted!  But look at her, she has no decency.  The decent thing would to be leave, after being insulted like this." said Shagun

"Why would she leave if this is her company!  She owns this company!  How dare you insult my wife and child!" yelled Dhawal

"What?"  a shocked Shagun and Preeti.  The rest of the employees were just watching, also surprised that Natasha was married to the boss.

"You're married to her?  How can you be married to her" asked Shagun

"Yes, we been married for 4 years.  We were still in college when I married her!  I actually married her twice.  She's the love of my life!  Nobody hurts my family!  And you had the guts to insult her.  You are finished!  Actually, both of you, FIRED!  There is no place in our office for toxic people.  And if any other people have the same thinking as these two, the door is open, LEAVE!"  said Dhawal, as he grabbed Natasha, and pulled her along with him as he rushed back to his office.

He sat her down on the couch, and started pacing. 

"You should have slap them!  How dare they say that to you!  Where is my angry bird!  Why are you crying?  I will never let anyone hurt you!"  Dhawal stopped in front of her, and pulled her up to him.

"I'm sorry Dhawal!  Because of me, there was drama in the office."  cried Natasha

"Ssshh.  Why are you saying sorry.  You did not wrong!  It's all  their fault, with their low class thinking.  Now wipe your eyes.  Let's grab Kiara, and go to the apartment.  I can work from home.  Rahul can handle everything here!  But before we go, I will make an announcement."  said Dhawal

Dhawal quickly called his manager, and told me to get all the employees together, as he is going to make an announcement.  Then for him to take of the things, as he was going to work from home.

As they walked out of the office, they were greeted by Rahul, and the rest of the employees.  

"I want to introduce my wife to everyone, Natasha Pandya Makwana.  What happened here earlier is not acceptible.  There will not be any bullying or toxicity in ABCD Events, whether its in Mumbai or Somnath.  We had our reasons for not announcing our relationship, as she was in danger and with her pregnancy.  I have never hidden the fact that I was married nor that I was expecting a child.  My wife and child are everything to me, and if anyone insults them or hurts them, then they are out of here!  As I said there is no place in our offices for that type of  behavior.   Now get back to work!"  said Dhawal firmly

Natasha smiled at Dhawal and he nodded his head at her.

"Rahul, send the files to the apartment.  I will look through the files there." said Dhawal as Rahul nodded.

Dhawal and Natasha left the office, grabbing Kiara, and went home.

The rest of the day was alittle somber, but with Kiara around, things got back to normal shortly.

After dinner, Kiara was put to bed, and Dhawal decided he needed to talk to Natasha.

"Natasha, I want to talk to you"  said Dhawal as they0 had finished putting Kiara to bed.

"Fine." as she followed Dhawal out to the living room.

"Maddy, where did you go?  Where is my Maddy?  I love you, but I also miss my Maddy.  You would have slapped those vile women when they called you names.  You were crying?" asked Dhawal

"I'm sorry.  I would have slapped them, but I didn't want to workers to talk more than they already were.   I needed to grow up.  And I did.   College life was carefree.  I worked in Pandya Store, then I met you, got married to you.  We had our ups and downs.  Then Pandya store was demolished, we got an annulment, your re-marriage, my assault, you refusing to get married,  your accident.  Then Makwana's lost everything due to Chikku.  It was returned, then we got married again.  Shalini Dave.  Dolly Bhabi's and my pregnancy.  Amrish's Bhai's fake death, Daama's death, leaving Somnath.  It takes a toll.  I had to grow up.  I've learn to pick my battles.  I don't care that those vile women thought of me that way.  But when they said it out aloud, it reminded my of what Sundip had said about me." said Natasha

"I am sorry Maddy.  Because of me, that monster attacked you.   If I hadn't gotten persuade in Mots's talks, then I would have never left you, no matter how hard you pushed me away.  I would  have taken you away and make sure you listened to me.  I know things were bad at the time, but I would have made things better."  said Dhawal making Natasha smile.

"I know.  No matter how far I run from you, it seems that in the end, that you are always waiting for me at the end of the tunnel.  I have no other place to go to other than your arms.  You're my home." said Natasha hugging him.

"And you're my home.  I can't live without you!" stated as he hugged her back tightly.

A couple of months later, things were going great for the Makwana and Pandya family.  Chikku and Esha moved back to Somnath, while Sheesh and Mithu were busy with the work, while Mithu started to manage the second Pandya Store, Sheesh surprised everyone with his law degree.  The Makwana's were in a better place than before.  Work was busier than before, and everyone was finally ginuely getting along.  Everything was falling into place.  

A couple of months, after the office incident, Natasha was home, at the Makwana house.  She didn't go to the office with Dhawal as she wasn't feeling well, and Kiara was spending time with Esha at the Pandya house.  Natasha was relaxing on the sofa in the main room, when her phone beeped with a message.  When Natasha read the message, she was a little annoyed, and messaged Dhawal to come back home right away, scaring him.

As Dhawal walked into Makwana house, he noticed that everyone was gone, which was weird, as there was always someone around.   Natasha must have sent everyone out, she must want to no witnesses if everyone was out of the house.  He couldn't think of anything that he has done to make her angry.    Natasha threw a pillow in his face, shocking him.  

"Natasha, what's the matter?  Why are you angry?" as he caught the second pillow that she threw at him.

"You were supposed to wait. We were going to wait till Kiara was alittle older!   It was your responsiblity!" yelled Natasha throwing another pillow

Dhawal realized what she was talking about, and he smiled.  "You're pregnant!" halting her throwing by grabbing the pillow and throwing it away from her. "Are you?" 

"Yes! Kiara is still young.  Dhawal, how we manage?"  asked Natasha

"Don't worry.  I am here.  We will have the family with us.   The situation is different than last time.  Last time, you were stress.  You left town.  You had no family with you.  And I was with you, but I was hiding from you.  I couldn't take care of you properly.   You ended up in the hospital, due you being alone.  I promise I won't leave you alone.  We are in this together."  promised Dhawal hugging her.

"Promise" asked Natasha

"I promise.  Are you happy?" asked Dhawal

"Yes.  But I am scared.  Also annoyed at you.  You are making me into a baby making machine."  said Natasha

"I promise that wasn't my intention.  But I promise I will make sure to be schedule myself for a vacestomy, so we don't have any issues in the future.  Two babies are enough for us.  I don't want take any chances on your health.  I don't want to say it, but we weren't being careful, but with all the issues we had, I didn't think about that.  But with that being said, I am happy.  I will be with you at every step of the way.  We will make it work.  I promise."  said Dhawal

"Ok, do you want to ask everyone to come home, along with  Esha and Chikku.  We can let them know.  We can have Mithu and Sheesh on speaker, when we tell them."  said Natasha. 

Dhawal smiled and made the arrangements.  He called everyone over, and messaged Mithu and Sheesh regarding the family meeting.

Shortly after, everyone slowly made it to Makwana house.  While they were waiting for everyone to arrive, Natasha and Dhawal discussed,  a couple of options regarding the issue of the Mumbai office, as they were going to the office in Mumbai once a week.  But now with Natasha being pregnant, they could get Rahul to fly to Somnath or have Chirag, Bhavin or Amrish to go to Mumbai to the office to check on things.

Once everyone arrived, Natasha called Mithu and Sheesh on speaker, and then had Dhawal start the meeting.

"Everyone, we want to say that Natasha is pregnant. We are going to be parents again."  said Dhawal

Everyone got up to congratulate the couple.  Everyone was happy to hear the news.   Amrish was relieved to see how happy Dhawal and Natasha were now.  He had felt guilty for destroying their life earlier, and then with Shalini Dave, and him hiding, then Natasha leaving, they hadn't had a easy start to their married life.  But now, it seemed that things were finally starting to work themselves out.  All the issues they had, were taken care of and now they could finally start their life properly, like a normal married couple.

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