Chapter 7

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Natasha was about 6.5 months pregnant at this time, and Dhawal was driving her crazy with his overprotectiveness.  Actually, the whole family was driving her nuts.  Natasha wanted a little space, and finally, she was able to sneak away for a couple of days.    Natasha had asked Pranali to keep an eye on Kiara.  She was going to visit Chiku for a couple of days while Dhawal was in the office.  It was a perfect plan.  Natasha was planning to spend the weekend at a hotel, relaxing and not worrying about anything and away from the family's overprotectiveness.

Natasha checked in and got herself settled in her suite.  She ordered room service and was waiting for them to deliver her dinner.  The knock on the door shook her out of her daydream.  As she opened the door, she was surprised and annoyed.  At the door was her husband, who looked a little angry.   Dhawal walked in, bringing in the tray of food, and closed the door.

"Dhawal? What are you doing here?" asked a dazed Natasha

"I should be asking you that question!  What are you doing here?  Why did you lie to Pranali Bhabi?  What were you thinking?" yelled Dhawal

"I'm sorry, Dhawal.  I just wanted some space." Natasha had started to cry.  "I can't do anything without any lecturing me on being careful.  I can't take care of our daughter.  I am not allowed to do anything.   I just wanted to be normal, do something carefree for once.  I knew I couldn't leave, so I did the next best thing.  I thought I would stay at a hotel.  Away from the family.  I just needed a small break."

"Sshh.  Stop crying.  It's ok.  I'm sorry.  We are just worried about you.  You were alone when you were pregnant with Kiara, and there were a lot of issues that contributed to your bedrest.  You were on bedrest for most of your pregnancy.  We were overcompensating for not being around before.  The happiest time in our lives and we were separated, we were trying to deal with Shalini, you were alone, you lost your pillars of strength.  I am sorry.  I know you are frustrated, but please, I promise to try better.  We will try not to overwhelm you."  Dhawal said as he picked her and walked to the sofa.  "How about we both compromise.  I will give you space, and you can stop disappearing on me." 

"I didn't disappear on you.  I am right here. How did you find me?" said Natasha, sniffling.

"You didn't tell anyone that you were coming here.  Yes, you got Pranali Bhabi to take care of Kiara.  You told her that you were spending time with Chikku.  Which made me wonder.  You have kept a distance from Ma and Hetal Bhabi, and I understand, which is why we have never pushed you to forgive them or have a proper relationship with them.  Yes, you have a relationship with them, but it isn't what it used to be.  You used to tease and joke around with Bhabi, and now you treat her like an elder sister in law, with boundaries.  With Ma, there were boundaries that Ma had set in place, and now, the boundaries have been set by you.    You have polite and haven't disrespected them, which is a credit to Daama.  So when I was told that you had gone to Pandya Niwas to spend them with Chikku, it also  raised bells in my head as you, as you won't go to Chikku's alone  You always have Kiara there with you as a buffer.  They come over to visit, and you are polite with them.  But again, there are boundaries with them.  So why would you go over to visit them alone.  Luckily, Bhavin was driving by and saw  you entering the hotel.  He let me know and I came here." said Dhawal

"You thought I was cheating on you?" cried Natasha

"No.  I did not.  Remember what happened when I thought you did.  I lost  you for months. You broke our relationship.  The look in your eyes when I accused you of cheating, you were devastated.  You slapped me and left me.  It took me forever to gain your forgiveness.  I had promised myself that I would not do anything to break that trust.  Then the issue with Shalini Dave happened, and yes, you were away from me.  But to keep you safe, I will do anything.  I trust you.  Remember, our promises, trust, and love go together.  We can't have one without the other." said Dhawal

"You trust me.  Even after all things that have happened in the last three-four years."  sniffled Natasha

"Yes.  I do. You are my life.  I know that you have been overwhelmed with us these last few weeks, how about we take it easy.  And instead of the hotel, we go to my farmhouse.  You haven't been there yet.  I bought it after you went to Mumbai.  You can relax, I can teach you how to swim, and I promise I won't hover too much." said Dhawal

"Fine. We can go to the farmhouse.  But what about Kiara.  Can we pick her up, please?"  asked Natasha, making Dhawal smile.

"Yes.  We will pick her up on our way.  I will ask Pranali Bhabi to pack a small bag for her."  said Dhawal.

"Natasha, I promise you will have a worry free week.  I know you have been nervous.  I know that the doctor has prescribed that you will be on bedrest towards the end of your pregnancy.  But remember that this pregnancy is different from the first one. You have our family with you.   I am here for you properly instead of in disguise.  I promise I am with you every step of the way.  Even when you are moody or throw tantrums, when you are sweet and happy." said Dhawal

"You know?" asked Natasha

"Yes. I can read your eyes.    You get frustrated.  You fight with me.  And then the next moment, you are sweet, loving and full of laughter." said Dhawal

"Oh.  Sorry." said Natasha

"I love it.  You are everything.  Loving mother, my angry chidiya, my strong career-oriented woman, my bold love or child in you.  You keep me grounded.  You are the center of my world." said Dhawal

"How corny you've become."  laughed Natasha

"Only for you.  Now eat, and then we will go pick up Kiara."  said Dhawal

Natasha ate and feed Dhawal at the same time.  Dhawal quickly called Pranali Bhabi, and had asked her to get Kiara ready, as they would be picking her up on their way to the farmhouse.

Natasha, Dhawal, and Kiara spent a week of stress free vacation at the farmhouse.  Dhawal had mentioned that the family wanted to do a baby shower for her since they couldn't do one when she was pregnant with Kiara.  "Natasha, is it okay if the family wants to throw a baby shower?  If you aren't comfortable, then we won't do one"  

"It's ok, Dhawal.  I know they had missed out a lot due to Shalini's actions.  I know I have been overly sensitive.  They have the baby shower."  said Natasha

"Thank you!  I let them know." 

By the time they arrived back at Makwana house, Natasha had fallen asleep along with Kiara.  Dhawal shook his head. It was only an hour drive, and both of his ladies were sleeping.   He called Chirag and asked him to come out and bring Kiara in while he would be bringing in Natasha.  Once he settled Natasha in their room and checked on Kiara, he headed to the living area where everyone was gathered having tea and snacks.

"Is Natasha ok? Kiara?  Both of them were sleeping?"  asked Amrish 

"Mots, they are fine.  She got sleepy due to the car ride.  With her pregnancy, anything over a half hour, she becomes sleepy.  And as for Kiara, she was up early today, and she also slept due to the car."  said Dhawal as he grabbed some snacks to eat.

"Everyone, Natasha had booked into the hotel because she was feeling a little overwhelmed with everything, and the fact that she will be on bedrest near the end of her pregnancy.  So when I took her to the farmhouse, she was able to relax and not worry about everything.   I spoke to the doctor, and the doctors are optimistic.  They are hoping to delay as much as possible.  If she stays stress free and healthy, we can probably avoid bedrest hopefully by the end of her seventh month.  And when she is prescribed bedrest, I preferred that we be admitted into the hospital.  I will be working from home starting next week, then will be completely off  when she is prescribed bedrest.  Rahul and Aman will be watching over both offices, with Chirag supervising both offices."  said Dhawal

"Any help you need, we are all here for you,"  said Chirag.

"Now, Natasha understands that you all had missed out on her pregnancy before.   And she knows that you would go all out, but she did request that the baby shower be just close family and friends.  She doesn't want a huge party for the baby shower.  With just at home with our loved ones."  said Dhawal

"Sure, not a problem."  said Amrish

"The baby shower will be as Natasha wants it to be - wait a minute, Natasha agreed to the baby shower,"  said Pranali

"Woohoo!  Natasha's baby shower, " yelled Dolly

"Natasha's agreed?" asked Amba 

"Yes, Natasha agreed.  I was thinking that we could have it soon, before she starts her bedrest."

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