Fifty Eight

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It is total chaos under the dark night. Gunfire is everywhere as it keeps firing. Shiho is in the middle of the battlefield. She needs to find any injured agents and bring them back to the safe ground- it is a risky task for her yet she's the one who requested to do it. She doesn't mind if she got shot, or even got killed. At least she did a good deed before she leaves the world.

She has a medkit with her, a revolver, a wireless earphone- to communicate with Kudo, Akai, Furuya and Jodie and a walkie talkie- to communicate with the other agents. She wears a full black outfit and a cap to make her blend with the surrounding.

She doesn't want to be seen by any of the organization's members. She hopes it is enough for her to not be recognized by them. With the dark night, she's sure they didn't notice her- well, that's what she hopes.

The last she wants to occur is to meet that certain long silver-haired man. She prays she doesn't even see a shadow of that man. She is afraid that she'll lose herself in front of him, or even worse she might change her choice. To be honest, she's still unsure about herself yet she's here, with both of her legs stands in the middle of a battleground.

She walks through some cracked building, her eyes look around to spot someone in help. As she notices a slight movement she quickly walks there carefully and checks on it. Her revolver gripped tight in her hand- she needs to make sure it's not a threat.

As she identify that it's an FBI agent she put her revolver back and assist with medical help. She quickly bandages some cuts and wounds that he needs.

"Your condition is not okay. Surely you can't fight more. Wait, I'll request some help" she said as she take out her walkie talkie and sent a message.

"Position west, around 2 km from the centre, request for medical team ASAP"

"Please wait at a safer place"

Shiho places back her walkie talkie and looks at the agent.

"Wait here for some minutes, they will come soon. I need to go" she said.

"Thank you" the agent said as he grips tight his gun. Shiho pulls her black cap down to cover her face and she continues to roam around the area to find anyone who needs medical help. Still, she puts her guards up around the area.

She walks around the area and manages to give several agents medical help. She finds all of them starts to put their trust in her. She doesn't know if it is a good thing or not. As she walks carefully to the other side, a bullet land right to a steel barrel at her side- good thing it was a missed shot.

She quickly hides behind a building as she grips her revolver tight. She has no other choice but to take the other person down- not to kill him but to disable their movement. She carefully looks in the direction and observes- she believe she can do it. She takes a deep breath as she makes a move and aims at her opponent.

She releases a shot and it perfectly lands on his leg. She releases several shots on the person. She takes out her walkie talkie and requests some agent nearby to bring the person to the centre- to interrogate them once all of this end.

She looks around and she continues to move to another place. The familiar surroundings make her mind recall back to the last moment when she's battling with the FBI. That was chaotic and it was the same with the current situation. It feels like she's experiencing deja vu.

As she continues to walk and looks around, a hand grabs her. She looks at the person and it's Akai.

"You better go somewhere else. Cover another area and don't be stubborn this time. You know what I mean by that, right?" he said as he looks at her with a serious eye. She exactly knows what he meant by that. Gin is nearby and she's so sure of it. She looks at Akai who got a cloth tied around his leg. Surely, he got shot.

"Fine, but do you want me to properly do your wound? You got shot, I noticed that" she said as she look at him who was in disguise as Subaru- since the organization still believe Akai Shuichi is dead.

"No, I'm all good. Use it to anyone else" he said- refuse her offer.

"Careful okay? That person never going to let you go. And the fact that your sniping skill is great, will make them quickly realize you are still alive" she said. He smiles.

"I can't believe you actually care about me. Of course, I'll be careful and I'll never let him go too. I manage to give him several shots" he said. Shiho freezes at the spot but she quickly acts normal.

"Don't flatter yourself, FBI. Anyway, that's good to know. I'll go first" she said as she carefully walks away from the place. There's a lot of thoughts on her mind. Did Gin got shot? More than one shot? That's a thing that she refuses to believe. That person rarely got a shot in his life- even in the past battle he never got any.

"I covered every bomb on both south and east area" said Kudo as she hears through the earphone.

"Both west and north are covered too" said Furuya.

"All bombs are fully covered. Well done!" said Jodie with relief. She's monitoring the area at the centre along with Kudo's parents.

So they manage to disable to bombs. Now it's the time for them to be fully focused on the battle. Shiho continues to walk but she stops. She looks back at where Akai at. She believes Gin is nearby. For some reason her leg moves on its own to roam around that area- she tries her best to avoid Akai to notice her.

She keeps roaming the area for quite a moment then she found their agent limping- she quickly helps them and calls for the medical team.

"Shiho, are you even listening to me?" said Akai through the earphone.

"I'm helping our agent here. Don't worry I'll leave the area quickly" she said. Crap, he did notice her- she's not going to underestimate the FBI senses anymore.

She needs to find another way to put Akai's sight on another thing. She believes he still observing her right now. She thinks of every method that she can do to roam the area even more. As she having a deep thought, a grenade explode and make the old building debris collapses around her.

She tries her best to protect herself from the debris that might kill her.

"Shiho?!" said Akai- alarmed as he witnessed it.

"What happened?!" said Kudo- panicking at the other side. The tone that Akai made doesn't sound good to him. Kudo knows something bad just happened. It takes a moment for her to answer them.

"I'm fine, I got lucky somehow. I think I am stuck in this place. I'll try to get out. Stop worrying over me and focus on yourself. Got it?" she said. At this moment, she's fully not in Akai's sight anymore.

"Once you manage to get out, don't ever come back there" he said. She fully understands what he said by that. Gin is nearby.

"Got it" she said- lying to him.

Shiho actually does stuck there. She studies every part of the building and tries to find an escape route from there. She tries to move debris that blocked the door with all might that she has.

It's quite hard for her to do it alone but she still keeps going. As she successfully moves the debris she catches her breath. It's such a relief that she has an escape route. She doesn't want to be stuck here forever.

She decides to not leave the area just yet, instead, she walks around the building and tries to find any injured agents. She's not sure herself why she did this. The others surely will be mad at her right now. As she walks into an alley quietly, she notices a hard breathing. Someone is there- inside the building with her. It's maybe an agent who needs medical attention.

She continues to walk and finds the other person. She focuses on the sound as she finds her way to get there. She slowly notices a figure, not too far away from her- he is sitting and leaning on the wall as if he's injured.

She can't identify who that person sided with just yet. She can't see it clearly. The fact that they are battling in the dark night doesn't make it any better.

She grips her revolver tight as she aims her gun at the figure. She approaches the person carefully. Step by step, the image of the person getting clear. Her eyes widen in realization as she perfectly knows who's the person is. She freezes on the spot.

Both of them look at each other as their eyes meet. No words come from their mouth for a moment. They seem shocked as they didn't expect to meet each other at the spot.

"Look who decides to show herself up" he said sarcastically- breaking the silence. The man aims his gun at her. She notices a slight tremble in his voice.

The woman approaches the guy more as she squats down to the same level as his. Both of them are right in front of each other.

She's unsure where this will lead her to. It might end up pretty bad on her side- Gin might even kill her on the spot. Whatever it is she needs to face the man. Shiho collects her courage as she looks at the man with a bold eye. She's a little bit afraid to face him after the last time they met.

"It's been a while, Gin" she said- eyeing the number three of the organization.


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