Fifty Nine

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Both of them look into each other's eyes. None of them opens their mouths. The sound of the gun is still there- firing nonstop, yet both of them completely ignore it as if they are in their own space.

Shiho studies his condition. He's not in a good shape. He got shot twice on his left thigh and a shot on his right arm. Then she notices the amount of blood on the ground. At this rate, he might pass out due to blood loss.

"Acting tough do you?" he said- breaking the silence. Even in his weak state, his cold tone never fails to make her shiver. Still, she doesn't want to look weak in front of him.

She slowly raises her hands as she aims the gun right to his head. Their eyes look at one another. Isn't this a great moment for her to kill that guy? She should take this opportunity. Gin smirks at her as he feels the cold tip of the revolver on his head.

"Pull the trigger. This is what you want right?" he said. They still haven't break their eye contact.

She needs to pull the trigger and she's done. She only needs to do that. Her index finger is perfectly at the trigger. What's troubling her at the moment is her hand does tremble. She can't find herself to aim it right. She curses mentally. Why she's trembling? She has no reason for that yet it is out of her control.

"Hesitating?" he said- still smirking. He notices a hint of hesitation in her eyes.

She doesn't reply to him yet she looks straight into his eyes. She steadies her breathing as she tries to make her hands stop trembling. No matter how many times she tries, she fails.

Gin perfectly notices her trembling hand in front of him. Instead of aiming his gun at the woman, the man slowly lifts his hand and places it on her gun- aiming straight to his head as he's helping her with her trembling hand. He stares boldly into her eyes.

"Well? Shoot me, Sherry" he said with full confidence yet with a serious look on his face. He's obviously challenging her at the moment. For some reason, the look that he gave her make it unclear whether he actually meant it or not.

She's unsure why she can't pull the trigger. She curses mentally once again. Shiho can't find herself to end this man's life. She doesn't have the courage to pull the trigger.

'Come on Shiho, you're better than this' she said to herself. He made her suffers before and even tried to kill her several times. This is the only great opportunity for her to end his life.

Shiho sets her mind straight with full of his horrible acts on her before. She takes a deep breath as she gets ready to pull the trigger. The tip of the gun is perfectly on his head. She's positive that she can do it. As she's about to pull the trigger, she realizes that...

She can't do it.

Even if she hates him as much as the universe ever exist, she can't find herself to kill him. She just can't do it, this is her limit. A limit that she can't cross or even tries to get close to. She's upset with herself. What a pathetic soul she is.

'Okaasan, otousan, oneesan. I'm sorry. Everyone, I'm sorry. I failed all of you. I am truly sorry' she said to herself as a drop of tear escapes her eyes.

Shiho releases her grip on the gun as she looks at the ground. She's crying right in front of him. She's such a weak human being. Gin doesn't say anything as his eyes still look at the woman in front of him.

She takes a deep breath and stops the tears- she puts her feelings aside as it's not a perfect time for her to focus on such things. Without wasting any more time, she opens her medical kit in front of him.

The assassin looks at her- confuses with her act. He raises his hand as he aims the gun right to her head. He looks furiously at her.

"What are you doing woman?! Shouldn't you be killing me right now? It's the most perfect chance for you" he said with a heavy breath.

Shiho shifts her eyes to the medkit that lie on the ground. She expresses a small smile to him without even looking at the man. She doesn't want to look at him just yet.

"I- I don't know, Gin. Now lower your gun, let me do your the old times" she said with the last four words as slowly as possible. She's sure he did hear that.

He still aims his gun at her head. Shiho collects her courage as she looks at him eye to eye. The woman raises her hand and places it on his. The usual warmth of him is now cold. She slowly lowers their hands as their eyes still lock on one another.

"Listen to me. Only this one time. Please, I beg you" she said- pleading to the man. To her surprise, he does listen to her as he does nothing. Shiho gives a small smile to the man as she quickly bandages and patches things that he needs. It's such a relief that everything that she needs is still available in her medkit.

Gin looks at her with his weak eyes, studying the woman who's doing his wound. her acts is still a question in his mind. He decides to listen to the woman and tries to find out her true intention. He slowly gets a headache- he knows he might pass out soon.

"I am done, just don't move too extremely" she said- as she finish with her work. She recalls the escape route earlier as she looks at him.

"You can't walk too much do you?" she said. She doesn't receive any answer from him. Instead of waiting for his reply, Shiho pulls his arm and she places it around her neck. With all her might, she tries to stand up and support the man. She's successful in only one try. Gin unusually being cooperative with her.

"Tell me where your car is. There's no way I appear in front of everyone just like this" she said. He hands her both device and his key car. Shiho studies the device. It's actually not so far away. She just needs to avoid every person in their sight. This is such a dangerous thing for her to carry out.

Both of them start to move out of the building. With Shiho that support him, makes it easier for him to walk.

Shiho focuses on the device as she memorizes the way. Then she places the device in her pocket as she grips her gun tight. She starts to move with Gin's arm over her shoulder. She observes the area carefully. As she's certain it is safe for them to move, she starts to take a step and so does Gin. Both of them walk carefully yet quickly. They hide behind a wall with caution.

Again, she observes the area then she makes a move. As she is almost at the edge of the battleground, Gin fires his gun at a person. Shiho widens her eyes as she looks in the direction. Gin just shot another organization member- his own colleague. No doubt, he just gave her backup.

"You do surprise me sometimes, Gin. Thank you, I guess" she said as both of them continue to walk.

"Don't flatter yourself, woman. You're still being careless" he said. As she manages to spot his car, both of them rush there. Her steps slowly become heavy. Gin is getting weak. She places him on the passenger seat.

"Incoming helicopter in 10 minutes, bombs are ready"

Shiho looks at Gin. It's not her device. It's his. They're planning to attack from the air. Shiho places her hand on her earphone.

"Jodie sensei! Did they retreat?" she said.

"They are not" said Jodie as she watches the monitor.

Shiho eyes widen. They planning to sacrifice their own members and kill their enemy at the same time.

"Everyone retreat! They will release a bomb from the air by using a helicopter in under 10 minutes!" said Shiho by using both earphones and walkie talkie.

"What?! I don't get any orders from them about this. Guess, that explains member with a codename was told to stay in a specific place. How do you know about this anyway?" said Furuya.

"It doesn't matter, trust me. Now everyone retreat!" she said with panic. She really hopes everyone manage to save themselves.

"Haibara, where are you?" asked Shinichi. Shiho freezes at the spot as if the time just stop when he asked her that. Where she is? She's out from the battlefield while helping Gin. It takes her some time whether to answer his question or not. She doesn't have an answer for that. She doesn't have the courage to tell him a lie.

"Don't tell me you're in their hands already?" said Akai with a hard breath- probably he's running.

"Haibara? Answer me!" said Shinichi again. The fact that he doesn't get her reply makes him concerned about her. Shiho takes a deep breath.

"I- I am sorry. I don't think I can survive" she said. Yes, she doesn't think she can survive with her own desire to change sides. The guilt takes over her as she reaches for her earphone.

"What?! Haibara tells me where are you?!" said Shinichi. Her reply doesn't sound good to him.

"I'm at the organisation base right now, I can still help you" said Furuya- offers help.

"I'm sorry. I'm not worth your time and energy. Thank you for everything and I am truly sorry, farewell" she said with her face looks straight on the ground. The guilt is still there yet she already makes her genuine choice.

"Hey--" before she even can listen to what Shinichi said, she takes out her earphone and steps on it, hard. It crashes into pieces. Then she moves her attention to the man with her. She doesn't want her mind to be messed up with what just happened. This is her choice and she doesn't want to change it anymore. She believes her option this time.

Her choice is to be with him.

"Can't believe you just betrayed them too. What a true betrayer" he said sarcastically despite his condition that is getting worse.

"Come on now, stop talking. Be grateful I save you this time. Sit back, we're out from here. You're getting worse" she said as she enters the car.

"Gin are you there?" said Vermouth through the device.

"Aniki? We planned to meet here, right?" said Vodka.

Shiho looks at the device then she looks at him. He totally ignores them. Shiho on the other hand does the same thing. She's not sure herself why Gin acting like this. It's so unlike him. Shiho starts the engine as drive all the way back to her apartment. She obviously can't go to the hospital.

Gin on the other hand leans back on the seat. He does feel so weak and tired. It's been a while since his last condition to be this bad. He rarely got any injuries during battle, but that guy with sniper did a good job to take him down. He feels so sleepy. He knows once he let himself in, he'll pass out. He doesn't have that much energy anymore.

He looks at the woman beside him slightly. He's not sure what her true intention is. The woman can be a sly one, guess he just waits for how it will turn out soon. Slowly, he closes his eyes as his energy totally drain.


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