Forty Five

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"It's sad that we need to go now. We promise to visit you tomorrow Ai chan!" said Ayumi.

"See you tomorrow. Don't worry about me. Have a good rest. Thank you for visiting me" said Haibara as she smiles at them.

"Ai chan, we'll go home first. You can call me if you want anything alright?" said Ran. Haibara shifts her head to look at the girl as she nods. All of them walk to the door and they wave their hand. Still, there is one person that actually stays. There is no other person than Conan. Haibara completely ignores him all the time.

Instead of talking to him, Haibara lies back on her bed. She totally ignores him. For her, talking to him only make her energy drain and is a waste of time. She doesn't want to think about him. She wants to clear her head.

"Haibara, I am truly sorry" said Conan as he avoid her eye contact. Haibara doesn't reply. She shifts her head to look at other places. She wants him to go away just like she did to Akai last night. Both of them are such a coward for keep things as a secret from her.

"I know it's my fault-"

"Get out from my ward" she cuts his word. She can't take it anymore. His presence makes her go mad. She needs time to talk to both of them. She needs them to keep their distance from her for a while. She needs to recollect her courage back. She needs to find the strength to face all of this again. She's not even fully healed yet, it only brings burden to her heart and mind.

"But Haibara, I can explain it to you. Let me-"

"Stop talking and don't show your face in front of me. You just don't understand, do you? Do you know how much this hurting me Kudo? For goodness sake, give me time, will you? Stop giving your explanation to me and just go away" said Haibara as she cuts his word again. At the moment, she's totally done with him. Even at this time he still wants to explain? What a stupid yet genius person he is?

Conan shuts his mouth as he looks at his own feet. He totally knows what he did wrong to her. Both silence and tension slowly fill the air. Conan slowly turns around as he walks to the door. Haibara releases a big sigh. Finally, this is the first time he do what she said. He did leave her alone.

She looks at the white ceiling. She's done with everything. She desperately needs a rest. Everything keeps giving her pressure. Her mind and body can't take it anymore. She feels exhausted and her body still aching. Haibara slowly closes her eyes as she falls into a deep sleep. She needs to clear her mind really bad right now and she hopes a little sleep somehow will help her.


Sherry rubs her eyes. She stretches her body as she sighs. She leans at the chair. Her body feels stiffs as she works non stop. She needs to take a break for a while. She puts her computer in sleep mode. Then, she grabs the eyedropper and wears it since she can feel her eyes dry out. Sherry stands up and she walks to the water heater and reheats it as she wants to prepare herself a cup of coffee.

She decides to sit back at her chair and leans on it once again while waiting for the water to boil. Sherry closes her eyes and relaxes her muscle. The only thing that she wants to do when she reaches her apartment is only to sleep. As she is deep in her own thought, a beep sound appears shows that the water is done.

Sherry walks to the table and turns off the switch. She takes the cup from the cabinet at the top of the table and put it. She pours herself the hot water as she looks for coffee powder and milk in the cabinet. Without her realization, she pours the hot water too much and spills it to her other hand.

Sherry gasps as she places down the water heater. Her hands got burned. As she walks to the sink to cool it on running water, her lab door opens. She ignores the person as she turns on the water and cools her burned hand. It seems like she needs to stay there for around 10 minutes- the burn is not that serious. Then, she shifts her head to look at the person. It's Gin.

"Manners, Gin. Knock on the door first. And like always, do not smoke in here" she said as she rolls her eyes.

"What are you doing there?" said Gin- he doesn't even listen to what she said earlier. Sherry looks at him, frustrated. Instead of reply his question, she looks away as there's a tint of red on her cheeks. She's not going to talk about her stupid careless thing to him as she finds it embarrassing.

"You burned yourself when making a coffee, again?" he said as he enters her lab and closes the door. She did burn her hand before while making a coffee. It can't help that sometimes she's too careless about these little things.

"It is out of your concern and Gin, what are you doing here" she said as she asked him the same question he asked her before. Gin ignores her and he walks past her- who is still at the sink. Surprisingly, he actually cleans up the mess and he makes a cup of coffee. She looks at him with an eyebrow lifted.

"Are you doing alright today Gin? Perhaps you catch a cold. You're scaring me right now. You're acting weird" said Sherry. He still ignores her as he takes the aid kit from the cabinet.

Sherry swears that he's being weird right now. Well, he did make a cup of coffee for her before but he never clean the mess. She wonders if she's the one who's actually sick or he's the one- or maybe she's stuck in a weird dream.

Gin places the coffee at the table- the one she used for work and he walks to her. He turns off the tap. He pulls her hand to the chair and she sits, then he takes another chair, places it in front of her and sit.

He takes her hand that burned from the hot water and he pressed it teasingly. Sherry gasps when he did that. She gives him a glare as she tries to pull her hand from him, but he holds it tight. It actually feel hurt when he pressed it.

"I know you're a sadist but don't make me one of your lab rats. Let me do it on my own" said Sherry as she tries to pull her hand from him but fail. His grip on her hand is tight enough.

"Aren't you a masochist?" said Gin as he starts to treat the burn that she got. Sherry looks at the burned at her hand and shifts her eyes to look at his face.

"What are you implying Gin? I hope you're not hit your head somewhere" said Sherry as she stares at him with a questioned look. She's sure he's talking nonsense right now. Still, he doesn't even explain the purpose of him being here.

"Didn't you realize how bad you want me to choke you when we make out?" said Gin as he still looks at her hand, treating it. Sherry freezes at the spot. Her face slowly tints with a red pigment. She's totally shocked when he said that. She doesn't expect he replies to her such things. How can he say that bluntly? She looks at him with an unbelievable look. She swears he's not doing well today.

"Gin! if you come here just to pick a fight then get out. You're talking nonsense right now" said Sherry as she pull her hand from him. He already finished treating her hand so he let her go. Gin stands up from his chair and their eyes met. Gin gives her a little smirk as he walks to the door.

"Anyway Sherry, stop being a stupid careless person will you? If you keep being like that, I'm not sure if I'm quick enough to save you next time. Also, don't forget our mission tomorrow" he said as he walks out of her lab. Sherry looks at his figure as he walks away from her sight. She's sure he's hinting something from what he said. But still, she feels annoyed that there's nothing important for him to come.

She shakes her head as she walks back to her chair, facing the computer with a cup of coffee by her side. She carefully grabs it and takes little sips. A small smile appears on her lips as soon as she takes a little taste of it. Sure that sometimes Gin is weird.


Haibara's eyes flick open. It's already dark. She takes a glance at the clock as it's showing 3 in the morning. She slowly places her hands at the head as she recalls her dream. Haibara smiles in the dark. Somehow, when she recalls her memories and dream, she finds it entertaining.

'What a stupid past' she thought to herself. With Gin that not being himself at that moment and he keeps teasing her makes her heart light up. She did entertain by that past. Indeed a weird past she had.

"I wonder how are you doing, Gin" she said slowly in the dark with concerned eyes. At the bottom of her heart, she knows that he's doing well... because he is Gin.


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