Forty Six

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Sherry is waiting for someone at her lab. The woman is waiting for Gin. She wants to give him a drug that she made- it's not the APTX-4869 since she still works in it. It's another drug that the organization want her to make. She waits patiently for him to come. She knows he's a busy man so she continues doing her work while waiting for him.

Gin on the other hand walks to her lab. He just back from a mission and he did have a minor injury. He decides to treat it later- after he meets Sherry for a new drug since the injuries are nothing for him. As he arrives at her lab, he opens it without warning like always he did. He sees Sherry jumps a little at her chair. Sherry rotates her chair as she looks at him.

"Gosh Gin, you startled me. I did tell you a lot of times before to knock. I might have a heart attack if you keep doing that" she said as she stands up and walks to the rack. Gin doesn't reply as he looks at her movement- finding the drug. As Sherry finds it, she walks in his direction and hands it to him.

"Here. Don't use it recklessly" she said. Gin takes the drug from her hand and places it in his jacket. He turns around to leave her lab but she grabs his arm.

"Wait, I saw your injured hand. Let me treat that first. Sit there" she said as she let his arm go and takes the aid kit. Gin do what she said. It's not like he can refuse her. He knows she's a stubborn woman.

Sherry sits in front of him and pulls his hand. She opens the kit and starts to treat it. Only silence fills the air as she treats the injury. He doesn't even flinch when she treats the wound. After she finishes, she smiles as she is satisfied with her own work. The bandage is clean and tidy.

Without saying anything, Gin stands up to leave her lab. He still has something to do after this- he's indeed a busy person. Besides, he's the third person in the organization- he needs to monitor the others members work. Before he can even take his first step, Sherry takes his hand that she just bandaged.

Surprisingly, Sherry kisses the bandage as she looks at his face with a small smile.

"I heard that when you kiss it, it will heal quickly. See you later, and please close the door" she said and she turns her body around and sit back on her chair- continues her work. There's a small red tint on her cheeks when she did that but the man didn't notice it.

Gin looks at her as she walks past him and back at the chair. He does what she said. He leaves her lab and closes the door. As he walks back to his car, a small smirk plasters on his face before he enters.

'What a weird woman' he thought to himself.


Gin flicked his eyes open. He sits on the mattress. He takes a glance at the clock. It's 3 in the morning. He flips his long bangs that hide his eyes. He looks at the dark sky through his window. It's a peaceful night.

Gin rarely get any dream. He really rarely get any dream. The dream that he got was his true past with that woman. He wonders why he gets such a dream until it makes him awake during the night. Sure Sherry gives him a different vibe.

He decides to get off his bed to grabs a glass of water. As soon as he takes the blanket off, the cold air hit his skin. He walks to his kitchen and he grabs a glass of water and drinks it afterwards.

He rarely get up in this hour- except when he has a mission to do. He had a long day today- he used up a lot of energy during the day so he needs a rest during the night. Yet it got interrupted by his own dream about his pasts, his memories about Sherry.

It's weird how he got such dreams. He places the glass in the sink as he decides to wash it tomorrow- he's too lazy to do so. He walks back to his room and he finds his way to the window and opens it. The night breeze immediately enters his room. He grabs a box of cigarettes and pulls one out from the box.

The man stares at the dark sky with a cigarette between his fingers. He doesn't have any thread covering his body as he feels the cold breeze hit his well-built body. It sends him slight chills.

His silver hair waves as the breeze enter his room. His eyes still don't move from the dark sky. What a beautiful image that he made during the night. If Sherry is here sure she doesn't want to miss such an image of him.

A flash of a woman's face appears in his mind. There is no other person except Sherry, who just appeared in his dream. He recalls the moment when they met recently. In his mind, the woman doesn't even change. She still Sherry that he knew. Her presence and her eyes still tell him that she's the same person.

The thing that bothers his mind is the man that saved her. Their meeting at the Haido City Hotel also didn't end well. The same person shot him with anaesthesia. Gin only manages to look at him from his back as he carries her to his car. He's still thinking who exactly saved her all this time.

He doesn't have anyone in mind as he knows Sherry doesn't have many people that she getting involved with. He strokes his arm that he shot himself to be awake before the anaesthesia gets him. Sure Sherry is hard to catch. Now he needs to start it all over again since he's sure that she'll never live around Beika again. She'll move far away from them. Gin exhales the smoke from his mouth.

He swears to search for the woman again and execute her by himself. She's a traitor. She needs to get punished. However, when he tries to end her life, his hand acts on its own. He aimed for her non-vital body part as if its know she needs a little time for someone to save her. What a lucky woman that he has to face. Gin throws his cigarette away as he stares at both of his hands.

When he tries to aim for her vital part, he failed to do so. It's ridiculous for a heartless killer to fail such a simple thing like that. He finds himself that he can't kill her. During their last meeting, he did give her a lot of shots. He's sure she loses a lot of blood, still, he can feel that she's still alive... because she is Sherry.

He wonders what she's doing right now.

Once again, he stares at the dark sky. Then the guy closes the window. He walks back to his bed and lies back on the mattress. He closes his eyes- he's getting ready to sleep once again. He thoughts to himself that right after he finishes his mission with Vodka tomorrow, they will have a drink at the bar that they usually went.

He already makes up his mind that he'll have a certain drink tomorrow- he doesn't drink it for a long time yet he still doesn't forget the taste of it. He suddenly craves to have it again. The drink that matched his taste well besides Gin.

A Sherry Martini.


Welp, I think write a little part of Gin's side make it more interesting?.... I guess...

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