Forty Seven

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It's already been a month. Haibara was already discharged from the hospital a few weeks ago. Haibara's wound already got healed. Now is the perfect time for her to leave. But she needs to confirm things with them. She completely ignores both Conan and Akai for a month. Conan still shows his face around her. It can't be helped since they're deskmates and they still need to go to school together.

As for Akai, he didn't even show his face to her after that incident even when he disguise himself as Subaru. Haibara sighs. She needs to know the truth now, isn't it? She needs to know everything before she leaves.

She also thought that before she leaves, she wants to leave the kids some gift for them as a sign that she appreciate meeting them. She takes a glance at the clock. It's 1 pm. She still has time to buy things for them. She wants to settle this quickly. The shrunken woman walks out of her room and she finds Hakase.

Then, she spots Hakase doing his invention at the usual place he does. He doesn't even notice her presence as he has his focus on his work.

"Hakase, can you pause your work for a moment? We should get ready. We're going to the mall. I'll explain it later" she said politely before she walks back to her room. Hakase doesn't even get the chance to ask her. The old man looks at her walking back to her room with a questioned look plaster on his face. The old man does what she said as he stops the activity that he currently doing and get ready.

Haibara dressed casually. She ties her hair and she wears a hat to cover her hair. She has a different hair colour that easily can be spotted. She also wears a mask to cover her face. The organization know that she is still alive and they already know that she's shrunk. She needs to be careful.

After she's done, she walks out of her room and sits on the sofa as she waits for Hakase. After around 5 minutes of waiting, Hakase is ready and they go to the mall together. On their way to the mall, Haibara decides to explain things to Hakase.

"I'll leave" she said as she looks at the view through the window.

"What?" said Hakase as he takes a quick glance at Haibara before focusing on the road back.

"I'll leave. I'll keep my distance from all of you. The reason we go to the mall is to find a gift for the kids also Sonoko and Ran. They have been good to me. I guess I'll leave them some gifts before I go. And Hakase, can you promise me this one thing?" she said as she still looks at the view. She doesn't want to look at the old man's face- she'll feel sorrowful if she does.

"What is it Ai kun?" he said. She notices a concerning tone in his voice.

"Promise me that never to tell this to Kudo and that Akai person. Let me settle things between the two of them. Can you do it Hakase?" she said a she finally turns her head to look at him.

"O-okay, Ai kun" he said.

"You need to be grateful that I don't ignore you this whole month like Kudo because of hiding me the true identity of Okiya Subaru. If not, I'm sure you are already in hospital due to hypertension since no one going to watch what you eat" she said.

"Guess, I'll take care of myself like usual" said Hakase. As for him, sure he feels sad knowing that Haibara will go away. For him, he feels like Haibara like his own daughter. If it's her choice to leave, then he can't stop her. He needs to respect her opinion.

Besides, she does not belong here so she can leave whenever she likes to. Of course, he feels heavy to let her go, with the fact that the organization still hunting her. As he already considers her as his daughter, he can't bear watching her getting hurt by them. Without the old mean realize, tears escape his eyes.

"Hakase, don't cry for me, I'm not worth it. Your life is going back as original. My presence here only brings bad luck. Find yourself a wife to take care of you" said Haibara as she looks back at the window.

"I'm too old to find one" he said as he chuckles. They already arrive at the mall. Haibara and Hakase find the most suitable gift for them. Haibara going to make sure that to make it a special gift for them. She bought a matching watch for the kids and other stuff as well. They're too kind for her. They make her life lighten from the dark that she got originally from the organization. They show her how the normal world looks like. How to socialize with people and how to build trust with one another. She needs to thank them for that.

As she finished searching for their gift, they go back home. As soon as they arrive, Haibara packs their gift and write their name each. She places it in her room. She takes a glance at the clock. She wants to sleep early today. But before that, she decides to have a shower before she sleeps.

Before she walks to the bathroom, she grabs her phone and searches for a certain contact. She stares at the name for a while. It's time. The time to know the truth. She needs to face it. She takes a deep breath before she dials the number. She put her phone on her ear as she wait for him to pick it up.

"H-haibara?" said Conan.

"Let's have a talk shall we? Tomorrow night, please come over. Also, bring that man. We need to sort things out. If the two of you are not coming then, I don't give you another chance" she said and she ends the call. She's sure the two of them will come. She can't wait to meet the two of them and learn the truth.

And then, she'll leave. She'll go away. No one going to know where she's going to. She needs to live alone by herself. She doesn't even belong here. She needs to leave far away since her presence brings bad luck. Their life is going back to be normal. She feels happy about it- at least they're not going to be involved with the organization anymore.

Haibara finds her way to the bathroom and she takes a quick shower. Then, after she finishes, she wears her pyjama and lies down on her bed. She closes her eyes as she drifts off to sleep.


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