Forty One

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The speech already ended. Sherry stands up from her place as she finds her way to the bar. She leaves the table without any words. The members of the organization start to chat with each other as they having fun drinking. As she walks to the bar, she hits someone that turned out to be her sister. Rye is right beside Akemi at the moment.

"Shiho chan? Where are you going to?" said Akemi. Rye on the other hand look at Sherry without any word as he waiting for her to reply.

"To the bar at the other side" said Sherry.

"Want us to join you? Where's your friend anyway? The one that let you give a ride, I would like to meet that person. Perhaps it's your boyfriend" said Akemi as she look at Sherry with a teasing look.

"Onee san, let's say the person is with the other group of friends. It's just my colleague, nothing more than that. And you know I don't have any friends in the organization. About you joining me is a no. Have fun with Rye, do whatever you want okay?" said Sherry as she looks both at her sister and Rye.

"Also Rye, please take good care of my sister. If I ever know you hurting her, trust me, there's no hesitation in me to kill you right away. Don't mind my presence as for tonight. Now, have fun you two!" she said as she walk past the two of them.

"Wait Shiho chan!-" called Akemi for her but Sherry completely ignores her as she keeps walking to have a drink by herself. She rather enjoys her drink and observes the members' behaviour in this reunion than socializing with them. As she walks, people still look at her as she just kill someone. Still, she already get used to it and she completely ignore the stare and whisper from all of them.

As she reaches there, she sits at the bar and a bartender walks in her direction.

"Sherry... Martini, Sherry Martini, that's it" said Sherry to the bartender. She doesn't realize that she actually ordered that. Her mouth completely moves on its own. Besides, for her, Sherry Martini is somehow her favourite as its match her liking.

As Sherry Martini serves right in front of her, she takes a sip of it. Indeed, it matches her taste. She spends time alone as she observes people around her. It's been about 10 minutes since she sit there. Then, two unknown guys sit right beside her. She's in the middle as she got sandwiched between the two of them. Sherry decides to look at her drink as she ignores their presence.

"Look, this attractive researcher of the organization is all alone. Perhaps she wants someone by her side" a guy that sits at her right said. She keeps her silent. She feels like she wants to smack their face and leave her alone.

"What kind of drink do you have there. Well, I think you should try Chardonnay. It will fit you" the guy at her left said to her as he getting closer to her. She's sure that on the left side is Chardonnay. Once again, she sits there without a word as she still looks at her drink. No words can describe how she feels like to destroy the two of them. She still sits there, calm.

"I don't think so. Merlot is way better. Try that will you sweet Sherry?" the right guy said. She's sure he's Merlot. She feels her ears cringed as he says 'sweet Sherry' from his mouth.

"Perhaps, Chardonnay and Merlot are good? What a threesome we have here" said Chardonnay as he looks at her with a smirk. Merlot on the other hand look at her with a flirting look. She swears she can feel her blood boil. These guys are too much- but still, she sits there in a calm manner as she takes another sip. She doesn't want to make any scene today. She hopes when she keeps her silence these two guys will get bored and go away.

"I still wonder what are you drinking. Just throw that thing away, let me order a shot of Merlot for you" said Merlot as he does order one for her. Chardonnay also does the same thing as Merlot did. Now there are two shots of Chardonnay and Merlot right in front of her. She let those two shots be. She only holds her Sherry Martini in her hand.

Sherry feels like she wants to take the shots and throw them to their faces. She still sits there as she tries to calm herself. She just wants to have a nice drink here alone yet these two scumbags try to flirt with her. She doesn't even notice their code name before.

"Hey Merlot, don't you think this Sherry dressed a little bit arousing? I wonder if she has a free time later. Mixing some Chardonnay and Sherry is somehow interesting. Well, do you want to mix some of Merlot too later huh?" said Chardonnay to Merlot as he slowly getting closer to her. Chardonnay places one of his hands around her waist.

"Of course. It will get interesting right? Anyway, Chardonnay, look at her gorgeous and shiny shoulder. I even turn on just look at that" said Merlot as he places one of his arm around her shoulder. Sherry is totally get sandwiched between them. Their touches make her getting mad and disgusted. She feels her body getting heated not because she getting aroused but she's getting mad... totally mad yet still, she sits there and hold herself from making any ridiculous move.

Sherry takes another sip of her drink as she ignores them and their touch. If they ever crossed the line, she will make the two of them suffer for their life.

"Oho, look. This little sweet Sherry playing hard to get. She totally ignores both of us all the time. Anyway, I heard that if someone is quiet it's mean they agree" said Chardonnay as he moves his hand and slowly strokes all over her shoulder.

"I'm sure she agrees since she doesn't even say no. She also doesn't tell us to go off as we touch her. Perhaps she needs an intimate touch?" said Chardonnay as his hand slowly moves from her waist to her thigh.

Sherry at the moment totally at her limit. She wants to kill both of them so much. Before she even going to make a move, she can feel a certain presence getting closer to her. She knows exactly who's that person that going to approach them. Sherry slowly puts a smirk on her face as she looks at both of the guys with a lot of meaning.


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