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Sherry walks outside her bathroom as she just finished her shower and dries her body as well as her hair. She wears the dress that she bought with her sister last week. It's a knee-length black dress that shows off her shoulder.

Indeed, Sherry looks good in the dress that she bought. She sits right in front of her mirror as she is ready to get her hair and face ready. She brushes her hair slowly with her eyes looks at her own reflection in the mirror. She takes a hairpin that is designed with a small black rose on it and she pins at the left side of her hair- with one of her ears uncovered by her hair.

As Sherry wants to do her makeup, her phone is ringing. She sighs as she takes her phone that is on her bed and she looks at the caller. Her own sister's name shows on the screen. She knows that her sister wants to confirm whether she needs a ride or not. Sherry takes her phone and she accepts her call.

"Onee san? why are you calling me?" said Sherry as she asked the question that she already knew the answer is.

"Do you need a ride?" said Akemi.

"No, I'm good. I'll go there with my colleague. Don't worry about me and we'll meet there alright? See you later, have fun with your boyfriend!" she said as she lied to her sister. She waits for her sister to answer and she quickly turns off the call. She puts her phone in her bag as she sits in front of her mirror back.

She starts to do her face. So she only does light make up. She finishes off by applying her lip gloss and she sprays herself with her fragrance. Sherry puts all her belongings into her brand new Fusae's bag and she takes her long black satin glove and she wears it. She's ready.

She takes a glance at the clock and it shows 7.20 pm. 10 more minutes and Gin will come. It's better for her to wait for him outside. Besides, Gin is a strict person. She bets that he will leave her even she's late even for 1 second. Without wasting any time, she takes her bag and wears her shoes. She steps out of her apartment and locks the door.

She walks to the lift to go down to the ground floor. Then, she waits for a familiar black Porsche to come to fetch her. At 7.30 pm sharp, a familiar car appears and stops right in front of her. There's no Vodka in the car and it makes Sherry smile. It's mean that Gin did tell Vodka to go there by himself. It makes her sick that when she meets Gin, she'll also meet Vodka there. Looking at both of them sticking with each other make her eyes quickly dried up and make her head hurt.

Sherry enters the car and sits right beside the driver seat which Gin is currently on it. Sherry looks at him then at the clothes that he wears. He still looks the same.

"Thank you for coming Gin. And also, you can always ask me to choose your attire. You wear the same thing" she said as she looks at him. He doesn't even look at her as his eyes focus on the road. He starts to drive to the hotel that the reunion takes place.

"I wear what I want. Besides, what's the point to dress up" he said as he drives through the dark road.

"Gin, sometimes dress up make you more fit with an event or occasions. Also, it will look good and polite. And sometimes, dress up is fun. So why not? It will attract more people to look at you" she said as she shifts her head to look through the window.

"You sounds like Vermouth sometimes" he said as he opens the window to smoke. Sherry sighs. Seems like she needs to spray herself with her fragrance to kick off the smell of cigarettes on her.

"Well, it can't be helped. Sometimes I do sounds like Vermouth but trust me, we're a completely different person" she said. The car slowly fills with silence as the cold breeze from the windows enters the car. It's going to be a cold night tonight.

Speaking of Vermouth, Sherry wonders what will she wear this night. She admits that Vermouth's fashion sense is great. She's sure that Vermouth will wear some things attractive and all people will look at her.

The two of them finally arrive at the hotel. They get off from the car and they walk to the floor that exclusively rent for the organization's reunion. Sherry walks first and Gin is right behind her all the time. As soon as they enter the place, she feels everyone's eyes on them.

She's sure it is all because of Gin. She's certain that the rumour of them will spread greatly tonight. She hopes her sister is not here yet or she'll ask her countless question to her. The two of them walk to the reserved table that has their name on it. It's unfortunate that they're even on the same table and even sit beside each other. What's make it worse is that Vermouth is also at the same table. She thought that it will not go well since people will look at them all the time.

She studies the room to look for something interesting. She found a bar on the other side and she plans to go there after all the speeches are done. Well, maybe she'll meet her sister for a while and have a talk with her as well with Rye.

After several minutes, the event is starting. Both Gin and Sherry are aware of the staring and whispering all over them but they decide to ignore it or they will stare at them with a deadly eye to shut them up. Still, the two of them do not even interact with each other when they entered the hotel. Sherry looking forward to what will happen during the reunion soon. She hopes everything will turn out alright.


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