Thirty Nine

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Sherry slowly opens her eyes. Her body stiffs and aching. She realizes that she is still in a man's embrace at her own bed. The two of them were totally naked. She still can feel the pleasure that they had last night. She takes a quick glance at the clock. It's already 8 in the morning.

She stretches her body and she freed herself from the man's embrace. She decides to take a bath first and not waking the man yet. She lets the man sleep as she finds her way to the bathroom.

Sherry turns on the shower as she starts to clean her body. The man suddenly appears in her mind. As she rubs her body with the soap, she recalls the touch that they had last night and the other time before.

So far, it is the only touch that she likes the most, the only touch that she craves, the only touch that she allows and the only touch that makes her mind goes crazy. She wonders how it's going to last. She wonders if she wants to keep their relationship just like that.

She admits that every touch he gives her are great and give her satisfaction at the maximum limit. She loves every touch he gives yet she knows their relationship has its own limit. Gin also never shows that he ever likes her. He also did mention to her that love is a weakness for a person especially for them that work in this dangerous organization. For Gin, love is unnecessary as he's the cold assassin himself. Having such feelings doesn't exist and doesn't even suit him as an assassin.

"Me and him, it's impossible" she said slowly as she looks at the mirror with a sorrowful smile plastered on her face. She quickly dries herself afterwards. Then, she wears her clothes and walks out of the bathroom. Sherry walks to her room and Gin is already awake, he is still under the blanket as he checked on his phone.

"Go take shower first, you stink" she said as she throw a towel that landed on his abdomen. He doesn't reply as he listens to her.

Sherry then goes to the kitchen to boil the water and make a coffee for both of them. When she's done making breakfast, she scrolls down her phone as she waits for Gin at the dining table. Sherry takes a little sip of her coffee as she catches up with social media and what's going on around the world.

There's news about a murder around Japan and some of it get solved by the famous high school detective- Kudo Shinichi. The name is already famous and well known in Japan. There's also a murder that doesn't leave any traces- it's sure the organization did that.

Then, Gin sits right in front of her. Sherry places down her phone as they enjoy breakfast together. It's the usual routine they will have if Gin stayed over in her apartment. He will leave right after they had breakfast. Something crossed in Sherry's mind. It's about the reunion that will be held tomorrow at the hotel. She still doesn't know how she'll go there with and she still doesn't talk with Gin about it yet.

"You'll go to the reunion right?" asked Sherry to him as she puts down her cutlery, she already finished her breakfast.

"Maybe. It's rare of you to ask me such things. I wonder why is that" he asked her as he also just finished his meal.

"It's just I don't have any ride to go there. Well, if you don't mind, can I have a ride with you? There's no way I'll go there with my bike or my dress will get destroyed" she said, giving an excuse.

"You have your sister with you" he said.

"She's going there with Rye. I'm not going to be a third wheel there. Besides, you go there alone right? So perhaps you need someone to accompany you" said Sherry.

"You have your lab partner or maybe friends? I'll go there with Vodka" he said. His reply make Sherry annoyed.

"I don't have friends Gin. I don't socialize much with them. You're the only person that I getting involve into, as well as Vodka but not that much. Be grateful because not so many people I want to interact with. About Vodka, just tell him to go there by himself and stop sticking with you most of the time or I'll say to him by myself" she said as she rolls her eyes. Gin stands up from his seat as he walks to the door. Sherry looks at him with an unbelievable look from behind.

'This man needs some lessons' she thought to herself.

"Hey! don't leave without answering me" she said as she follows him from behind. Gin walks out of her apartment and he stops right at the front door with his back facing her. Sherry also stops as she positioned herself right behind him.

"Tomorrow, 7.30 pm. Sharp. I'll leave you if you're late" he said as he walks away and slowly fade from her sight. Sherry sighs as she closes the door and walks back to the kitchen to clean the dishes.

"Rude and difficult as ever. Well, at least he agree to give me a ride" she said to herself as she cleans the dishes at the sink. She really looking forward to the reunion.

On that day, Sherry just doing her daily routine, she tidies and cleans her apartment alone. It's been a while since the last time she cleaned the apartment. She also needs to change the bedsheets. She noticed that she did change the bed sheet a lot of times recently. The two of them indeed did having with each other most of the nights this week. Sometimes it can't be helped since she can't resist him.

That's why she lately thinks of their relationship in her mind and got distracted with it- she knows this is not going to last forever. This will come to its end sooner or later. Yet she's not ready with that.


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